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So, that Hoffman guy...


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Had my first game with him ever last night and he just clicked for me. Usually that first game is kind of a rocky start and by turn 2 I see a ton of mistakes I made but it's too late because it's positioning stuff anyway.


Nope. not with Hoffman.


We had corner deployment and Squatter's rights as the strat. Basically I moved the bubble right into the center of the board and held it. I love his defensive play style and his ability to "obey"ish his models. His power loop made perfect sense to me. it was just a perfect match.


I played against a Viks crew and I am certain the only reason I managed a slight win was because he knew it was my first game with Hoffman and left Taylor in the bag... but he did have some stuff that ignored armor anyway, so it wasn't like he totally threw in the towel but I know he did me a favor. ;)


Still, machine puppet, power loop, the modifications... having Joss in a guild crew.. it just all seems so perfect. I loved every second of that game. I may have a new master obsession on my hands here...



I spent the whole drive home wondering why I never tried him out in 1.5.

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It certainly helps that he is probably the best Master sculpt in 2.0 so far. :P I started painting the crew last night. So excited! and my Metal Gamin came in as well!


Who knows, maybe we'll see a watcher two pack? or they could do a set like the nephillim have where we get two watchers and two wardens.


Oh, and we need Ryle. cause we need to get the brothers back together! XD

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I really like the Ramos box stuff. Well, I used Joss and a soulstone miner for this particular game. I know lots of people on here have said that Howard is great. I think the mini arachnids would be good for something like deliver message or distract since they like to be in base contact anyway. and a Ml 6 or 7 would greatly improve the Swarm's melee attack, especially with the trigger. So I think Ramos' box is fantastic!


I even based the Brass Arachnid on a 50mm base to sub it for the Large arachnid. So Ramos himself is the only (sadly) wasted model in the set! XD

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I really like the Ramos box stuff. Well, I used Joss and a soulstone miner for this particular game. I know lots of people on here have said that Howard is great. I think the mini arachnids would be good for something like deliver message or distract since they like to be in base contact anyway. and a Ml 6 or 7 would greatly improve the Swarm's melee attack, especially with the trigger. So I think Ramos' box is fantastic!


I even based the Brass Arachnid on a 50mm base to sub it for the Large arachnid. So Ramos himself is the only (sadly) wasted model in the set! XD

I don't think I've had a Hoffman game where Howard hasn't been worth it. Hoffman's pretty good at covering Howard's weak points (low armour and defence given the model cost), what with his various construct-healing actions. Having said that, I'm in the process of painting up a Rail Golem to try as an alternative to Howard :)

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That was my first time playing against the Hoff as well.  Wasn't really sure what to expect, but tried to not go overboard with the "ignores armor" abilities to give you a chance to get a feel for him. The Hoff Bubble is a real thing people!  I may try and take more models that get a blast. I think the other big mistake I made was not finishing off certain models when I had the chance.  Between your Hunter and Watcher retreating back to the safety of the bubble and getting their Wds topped and having my Strongarm get pulled towards it I learned quite a bit. Next time I play the Viks I'll def. be taking a more gloves off approach and take Mark of Shez'uul.  I had really wanted to field Lazarus that game but unfortunately I don't have him thrown together yet.  It's a shame Joss managed to pop Bishop twice with his 2 AP attack, I had such high hopes for him ;-)


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Having said that, I'm in the process of painting up a Rail Golem to try as an alternative to Howard :)


I think Hoffman actually covers Rail Golem's weaknesses more than he does Howards. Get a Guardian looped in with it and the rail golem boosts his Ml5 to 7 and his Df4 to 6. Then Hoffman can slap nimble on it to make it faster and less dependent on locomotion for mobility (eg, focus the burning you get on attacks). Hoffman basically boosts a rail golem up to a master level killer.

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-jots down a couple notes- interesting......


we really need to stop talking about what crew we're going to use before the game! XD


Anyway, completely ignoring what I just said... My metal gamin got here on Friday, and I built them yesterday, so maybe they are going to find their way onto the table as well. I hear such good things about having one for that Ca 8, basically allowing you to auto cast one skill and get the other on a 4 or better. That's the good life right there...


While Joss did crush Bishop, I knew he was scary and I did everything I could to take him down. I suppose, because of that, I was not able to really utilize Joss in any other way. And because you got him sidetracked your ronin was able to grab that corner marker, and that table corner. So Bishop was kind of a worthy sacrifice! haha


Does anyone have any input on running non-constructs with him? Maybe having his core set and then something like a couple witchling stalkers or some riflemen? Not a whole lot of your stones because he wont be able to support them at all really, but maybe just enough to shore up the obvious construct based weakness.


Also, maybe it was just because of what schemes and strats we ran last week, but I wasn't overly impressed with the watcher's scheme running ability. I liked him, but I feel like he is better for other things when he's with Hoffman.

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You can run a Hoff-bubble of two or three Constructs (eg. Guardian and Rail Golem) and then have a second unit that does its own thing and does not need Hoff-support to get by (eg. Judge and Francisco).


I've ran my Bro Hoffman with Austringers (For some additional ranged support) and Witchlings (Mainly for condition removal) before. These are very useful models in his crew. So long as he has a few Constructs around to work with his crews can be fairly flexible. 


Hoffman may be my excuse to buy a Ramos box…..I love the Guild!!!


This is basically why I own Ramos. I wanted Joss and Big H for my Hoffman crew. Turns out Ramos is pretty awesome as well though. It also helps that both Masters can make great use out of a Metal Gamin or two so I now own them and a Rail Golem to boot! :D


P.S. Ml 7, Armour +3 Rail Golem is the stuff of nightmares! Give it a try ;)

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If I could hijack slightly as I'm a recent Guild recruit what M&SU constructs do people run with Hoffman?  Are Ramos' box, metal Gamin and Rail Golem all necessary (I think that's all the M&SU right?).  Which generally make people's list?  Having played against Joss and H. Langston they are both great so I know I want them.  How many Gamin do people run?  Just one for the Power Loop?

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If I could hijack slightly as I'm a recent Guild recruit what M&SU constructs do people run with Hoffman?  Are Ramos' box, metal Gamin and Rail Golem all necessary (I think that's all the M&SU right?).  Which generally make people's list?  Having played against Joss and H. Langston they are both great so I know I want them.  How many Gamin do people run?  Just one for the Power Loop?


Also Soulstone Miners, Mobile Toolkit and any form of Arachnid (Except Brass which he can't hire anyway) is also M&SU. Also I can't remember if Rail Workers have M&SU. They definitely have Foundry but can't remember if they are also M&SU as well. I generally tend to go with Langston or Rail Golem or Peacekeeper as my 11ss pick, sometimes I'll take 2 if Reckoning comes up. Ryle OR Joss, rarely both although this is dependent on schemes and strategy also. I almost always throw a Metal Gamin in there for the Ca 8 on it's (0) and I've not tried SS Miners or Arachnids yet but I've heard some promising things with the Swarms. I tend to run just the one Metal Gamin with Hoffman as his ability to keep it alive is pretty obscene. He can heal in a number of ways so just the one is all that really matters for the Loop. It also makes a great target for the +1 Armour Mod so you can use it for Hoffman's Df Trigger. I could see the benefit of taking 2 or even 3 for certain schemes / strategies although I've never done it myself.

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The SS Miner did okay in my game. His ability to start the game buried and then pop up at the end of a turn was quite handy as it allowed me to deploy about 8 inches from Martel's deployment zone and move into it and drop a scheme marker for Breakthrough. I will definitely be running the Miner again. His ability to gain a soulstone is extra handy since Hoffman can heal the Miner up a little bit potentially allowing you to get more that 2 or 3 stones in a game. Also, it has the ability to use Soulstones.


Not sure how useful this is for some people though. I had 4 or 5 stones in my game and only used one for initiative. I didn't have much at all that I felt needed a stone. That being said, I tend to either ignore or forget to use stones... a lot... so I typically don't run too many for most masters.


Joss was scary. I would hate to be against him in a game. However, as I mentioned I got too focused in taking out Bishop with him and devoted all his AP for two turns into taking him out. Then he wasn't fast enough to either get back to Hoffman, or to the Squatter's rights counter I wanted before the game was going to end. Still... he is pretty awesome.


I forgot about the mobile tool kit. But I'm not sure I could give up the mechanical attendant and his dampening field (is that the right name?) well... the skill that negates blasts, pulses, and auras within 3 inches. Also, I can see times when his condi removal will be nice to have around.


Has anyone used Metal Gamin for running objectives? I'm wanting to find someone that can reliably do it. I like the watcher for some, but he seemed a little squishy. He got lucky in that the desperate merc that was shooting at him was flipping pretty terrible cards, but I feel like if anything really wanted him down, he'd be a fairly easy mark.


The hunters are certainly good for it, but given the option, I like their damage a lot and would rather have them in the fray instead of running schemes. I think most of this stems from playing 10T for so long and having lots of models that are good at ONE thing instead of fewer models that are more well rounded.

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Has anyone used Metal Gamin for running objectives? I'm wanting to find someone that can reliably do it. I like the watcher for some, but he seemed a little squishy. He got lucky in that the desperate merc that was shooting at him was flipping pretty terrible cards, but I feel like if anything really wanted him down, he'd be a fairly easy mark.



I just use the Gamin as a Bodyguard / Loop target for Hoffman and have never used more than 1 so I can't really comment. Watchers really are the go-to runners for many Guild Masters. Between Flight, Wk 6 and either (0) Interacts or Nimble they are pretty much unstoppable with Hoffman when it comes to Power Ritual or Breakthrough etc unless something equally fast and with half decent hitting power is dedicated to stopping them. Flight alone lets them end their move in places that make them difficult to get at. Arachnids have promise as scheme runners but for the same cost Watchers do a better job in my opinion. They are fairly squishy but they are also insanely fast so I've never found it to be a major problem. They are similar to Terror Tots. Fast, reliable runners but no defensive tech beyond stats. 

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Thought I'd put my thought here, rather than start a new thread, but I just picked up the Bound by Law box and after reviewing some of the cards, was wondering if Hoffman might work well with Guardsmen. I noticed the Guild Guard get a flat +2 bonus to DEF when near each other, which normally would bring them to DEF 6, but under Metal Gaimin protection they rocket up to DEF 8. Wardens are also both Guardsmen and Constructs, which means taking Dashel would give them the ability to focus as a (0) and + flip on their shooting attack. DEF 8 Guardsmen with + to disengaging strikes ties up enemies pretty well, and Dashel/Wardens can walk around handing out Slow and Paralyze. Maybe a Watcher for scheme running?


This is all hand-waving and theorizing since I don't have Hoffman yet (but planning to pick him up in the next month or two).


A core of



-Arcanist Assets


Gaimin x2

Guard x2

Warden x2


All comes to 37 SS, leaving ~13 soulstones to play around with.

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Thought I'd put my thought here, rather than start a new thread, but I just picked up the Bound by Law box and after reviewing some of the cards, was wondering if Hoffman might work well with Guardsmen. I noticed the Guild Guard get a flat +2 bonus to DEF when near each other, which normally would bring them to DEF 6, but under Metal Gaimin protection they rocket up to DEF 8. Wardens are also both Guardsmen and Constructs, which means taking Dashel would give them the ability to focus as a (0) and + flip on their shooting attack. DEF 8 Guardsmen with + to disengaging strikes ties up enemies pretty well, and Dashel/Wardens can walk around handing out Slow and Paralyze. Maybe a Watcher for scheme running?


This is all hand-waving and theorizing since I don't have Hoffman yet (but planning to pick him up in the next month or two).


A core of



-Arcanist Assets


Gaimin x2

Guard x2

Warden x2


All comes to 37 SS, leaving ~13 soulstones to play around with.


If memory serves Metal Protection says they become Df 6 which cannot be modified in any other way meaning it's just a straight Df 6. Haven't got the cards on me at the moment to double check though. 

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If memory serves Metal Protection says they become Df 6 which cannot be modified in any other way meaning it's just a straight Df 6. Haven't got the cards on me at the moment to double check though. 

This is correct - 'This model has Df6.  This model's Df may not be altered by other Abilities, Actions, Upgrades or Conditions.  Remove this condition if there are no friendly Metal Gamin within 3"'

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This is correct - 'This model has Df6.  This model's Df may not be altered by other Abilities, Actions, Upgrades or Conditions.  Remove this condition if there are no friendly Metal Gamin within 3"'


As I thought, so this little Df 8 trick is basically a no go. Best you can really hope for is Df 6 within the Loop.

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