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About Martel

  • Birthday 09/23/1981

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  1. I realize this is a Ten Thunders forum, but the topic being "useful last blossom models". Once again, this is not a last blossom model, but potentially has good synergy with the bury mechanic of smoke and shadows if you were to run Outcasts. Has anyone ever run a Void Wretch as a support healer/condition removal? While it could do double duty as a scheme runner you could also potentially just plop it down somewhere safely and use it's heal/condition removal ability to top off all your smoke and shadowed/buried last blossom minion models. Was thinking this could be VERY effective with the Jorogumo. Any thoughts?
  2. Has anyone given any thought to running a Desolation Engine with Jack? Seems like it could pretty easily be in your opponent's face by turn 1, plus with all the obey shenanigans you could churn a pretty healthy amount of attacks out of him (plus the potential added bonus of making him tormented and increasing his blast/pulse/aura) range.
  3. Hopefully this isn't considered threadjacking, and if so I apologize and mods kindly delete/move my post. Does anyone else feel guilty sometimes when they run Hamelin against newer players? I have a pretty good smattering of Outcast masters that I can run, but there are just some strats/schemes that Hamelin is optimized for. I've been playing him long enough the excessive amount of activations aren't really an issue time-wise anymore. I just know for newer players dealing with large volumes of models/summoning masters can be extremely challenging and I generally don't have fun in games unless my opponent is too. FYI I normally run a vanilla Hamelin list with the usual ratcatchers, rats, Nix, etc with an occasional other model (i.e. Killjoy) thrown in.
  4. I picked up a Claptrap (ala Borderlands) model that I was going to outfit with a handful of guns, equipment, tophat, and monocle from Wyrd and paint him in Freikorps colors.
  5. Stupid question, but I have 3 retailers near me that will be doing the Free RPG day, and I was wondering how we know if they'll be stocking the Recruitment Drive? I'm about to start a TTB campaign and could use any inspiration I can get until Into the Steam comes out.
  6. So what I'm getting out of this is....rematch?
  7. Sorry about missing your post. Yep, we were there. It's sounding like we'll be making Saturday's a regular thing. Feel free to swing by!
  8. What year is it? Oh yeah, I'm 33. Been playing since 1.5. And yeah, Wednesday is our usual scheduled night but I'm generally open to meeting at other times just to squeeze in more games.
  9. I'm usually there, but this week I'm unfortunately out of town due to work.
  10. Then I think I finally have an excuse to squeeze in Sue and go totem hunting
  11. That was my first time playing against the Hoff as well. Wasn't really sure what to expect, but tried to not go overboard with the "ignores armor" abilities to give you a chance to get a feel for him. The Hoff Bubble is a real thing people! I may try and take more models that get a blast. I think the other big mistake I made was not finishing off certain models when I had the chance. Between your Hunter and Watcher retreating back to the safety of the bubble and getting their Wds topped and having my Strongarm get pulled towards it I learned quite a bit. Next time I play the Viks I'll def. be taking a more gloves off approach and take Mark of Shez'uul. I had really wanted to field Lazarus that game but unfortunately I don't have him thrown together yet. It's a shame Joss managed to pop Bishop twice with his 2 AP attack, I had such high hopes for him ;-)
  12. You Sir, are an awesome inspiration. I might cherry pick a few of your ideas and use them. Hoping to get the last two players' characters made so I can use your tie-ins from your first post.
  13. Man, I gotta stop reading your posts so I don't inadvertently start planning my crew against you ahead of time! I do think ol' Hamelin has been feeling a big neglected ;-)
  14. Not to threadjack, but I'll be there 97% of the time too!
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