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Von Schill and I Pay Better


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When I look at I pay better it seems to me that this will work brilliantly with Von schill and his freikorps because of them all being mercenaries.


To me having the potential to discard cards to focus without spending ap seems like it could be incredibly powerful but no tactica I have seen mentions it at all.


Am I missing something?

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You are not. I pay better is relatively new, and has been added after the whole PMF spree, so most people haven't mentioned it.


It's a very good upgrade in any case. You might find it interesting to combine it with the Spoils of War upgrade (the freikorps card draw. Is it called like that?)

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It is a very nice bonus but you only have a limited number of cards so discarding them to get focus will deplete your hand quickly.  Agree with Praetordragoon that abilities that allow you to draw cards (or Hannah who allows you to start with extra) work very will in combination with IPB.

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I've used the I'm upgrade a few times. It's pretty great with letting you focus without AP. However, many of the freikorp have things to do with card discard.. Stuff like reference the field guide. So while I appreciated the cards I did feel the lack of cards swiftly.

I actually feel like the upgrade might be best once there's a draw trick in play. Maybe sue or a tealor with tally sheet.

In conclusion I'd say it's worth it.. But you just really must be careful.

Edit; and as mentioned Hannah

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I think it's an awesome upgrade.  It does deplete your hand a lot, but it's pretty powerful.


I like it with the Friekorps trapper - use it to give him a focussed shot, increasing his range.  So first shot has the potentially to insta-kill a minion, or just damage something on the other side of the board, and the second shot will hit something close by.  Makes him really useful. 

I've used it with other guys in melee occasionally too.  I love it.

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One of the nice aspects of Von Schill is that he does not require strong control hands.  Since he can also has access to lots of healing he does not require Damage Prevention either,


Giving him access to great uses for his lower cards in hand (+1 with Hannah) again builds into his crew's effectiveness.  You already discard a card for Reference the Field Guide and the Steam Trunks Emergency Surette.   I Pay Better is yet another great opportunity to make use of those low cards in hand.


End result is that you don't have to use SS for cards or Prevention, making him a Master I happily run with just a stone or two in cache.


If you don't feel you are getting the most out of the upgrade, try Lazarus in your Lists.  Giving him an opportunity to Walk and the shoot with a Focus applied is devastating!

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Also, my favorite use of this upgrade is a Freikorps heavy Tara list with Hannah - combos well with Void Wretches and I'm not big on the whole tara-sling tactic so this is a great alternative.

I don't like freikorpsmann as scheme runners so using the wretches is like best of both worlds.

This upgrade is broken as hell in henchman led games. >8)

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Loathe as I am to try and return to topic but...


2 trappers, to make good use of the focus.

Friekorpmann to reference the field guide

Hannah, because someone has to carry it

 2 void wretches becuase you want some bonus from the empty hand

Hans might well fit in.


Alternatively, you don't actually need to use Tara, just adding Void wretches and/or Nothing beast to the list. Possibly using the Viks to try and get the hand size bonus properly controlled.

Student of conflict, I pay better and a focus using sniper allows 2 long ranges shots a turn, which is pretty good.

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  • 1 month later...

Freikorps heavy list would be Tara (as a glorified scheme runner) with hannah and a bunch of trappers/librarians plus void wretches. You can sub in whatever you need (strongarm or laz) but this works good to start. Activate the wretches late after you dump your hand and your friekorp will just steamroll right through the center disrupting fucking everything (you probably wont even need void wretches). Provided she goes first (which she should) bury with Tara followed by bury with Hannah to limit your opponent's counter offensive for the turn - both pop out end of turn so you can bury the most relevant ones the following turn.



Pay Better

Librarain x3 (w/ Oathkeeper x3)


Is one of my favorite Henchman led 35ss lists... gl with that. ;)

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