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mixing without looking weird?


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So, I have played 10T for the better part of 2.0. I would say easily 90% of my games up to this point have been 10T masters, and I don't typically run the masters as their dual faction though I did try Yan Lo as a resser a few times to try to get more out of him. (not worth it IMO)


Anyway, when I do run them, I find myself unable to run them outside their respective crews. Mainly because I think the idea of running Misaki with Yin and Mr. Graves, wastrels and a guild pathfinder would just look like some ugly patchwork quilt that no one ever wants to look at. But I hear some good things about mixing it up! Like Mei Fang and Toshiro are apparently a great team... but something about it just feels so wrong.


instead I typically always default to their box sets and if I need additional minions I add the generic stuff like Torakage or Archers.


Do they look better together on the table than they do in my head? Or do any of you find yourself in the same boat I am in?



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(I love 10T Yan Lo)


It's just a quirk. Yeah, it seems odd and I think plenty of people suffer from it in their own way (Like I have a really hard time running Marcus with ANYthing that doesn't have the 'beast' trait). But there are plenty of people that have no issue with mixing 10T.....or other factions for that matter.....doesn't it seem odd to have a Death Marshal or a Witchling Stalker with the Ortega's? Some of that may just be longevity.....people have been doing it for so long that it doesn't seem odd anymore.....whereas 10T are still fairly new? I don't know.


If it really bugs you then don't do it.....you can run masters with their own crews and be effective and even highly competitive.......some people just like to think outside the box and find odd combos that work.

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I'm the same way in my marcus lists! It's all beasts or run someone else! haha.


Idk, I'm still thinking of taking a break from the 10T but I wondered if mixing it up a little would help, but I think it will end up more of an eye sore than anything for me.


Oh, and I don't know if you saw my write up, but oh my goodness Waldgeists are amazing! You were not kidding! I need to get them on the table with Marcus and see what he can do with them for sure!

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Mei and Toshiro are a terror IMHO. but, yeah, I've been working towards getting proxies for models that I regularly field with a master but I already have the stock model for their native crew. 


For instance, I use this model for Hannah when playing Tara, but have her regular one (which'll eventually get the friekorps treatment when I get around to painting her).




Similarly, I'm looking at using the TTB kits to make a non-super-Japanese Samurai if it turns out I really like him with Zoraida since the aesthetic and basing wouldn't match, may get a second Graves to do up badlands-style if I like him with Lilith, etc. I do feel like TT has some of the most incongruous models, though, with Toshiro, the Illuminated, Yin, and other clearly unnatural things. 


If it's the occasional game with incongruous looking pieces, eh, I'll live with it. 

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Oooh, I like that.


With Zoraida I think it is less bothersome since she controls stuff anyway. I can totally see her pulling around some hulking samurai just because she charmed him.


Which I fully recognize kind of invalidates my issue in the original post. :P

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You can use that same logic with 10T. The actual 10T people (Misaki, Mei, Torakage, Thunder Archers, etc) are all about honor and what not and would never question their superiors..... other models (including some masters like Lynch and McCabe) are indebted and under the leash of the 10T.....they do what they're told....or else!

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Lusciousmccabe, I agree. I based my McCabe set with something more in tune with my old guild stuff, before I really got into the 10T side of things. (right at the end of 1.5) I made an effort around the same time to base my Yan Lo box in a similar way to my wife's Misaki crew. Same theme and colors for the most part, but a little different still. Then somehow Yin and Toshiro ended up on bases that look more like the Kirai stuff we have.


I have been debating redoing the entire faction's bases to pull them more in line with each other.


(unrelated, anyone had any luck or tips for striping paint off the new plastics? Does simple green still work it's magic safely?)


Dgraz.. you're right. haha. but isn't that always the case? ... hmmm... further research is required.


EDIT: another semi related note... does anyone here have the orange bases? I have yet to see them in person, but I love the idea of using the colored bases. Sadly, the colors seem a bit unreliable. The blue and green ones look amazing, the red is spot on, but the purple was a little underwhelming. more of a pastel color than the neverborn purple... at least I thought. How do the orange ones look?

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I dont see Mei Feng+Toshiro weird.


Toshiro is going to invoque Komainus, that are Constructs


The Misaki case... thats its more strange XD. But you have katanaka sniper, orians, torakages,...

And you will have monks, brothers, etc.


1 or 2 models outside his master box or thinking for him neither is weird. More if they are mercenary. (Chiaki is good with Misaki for example)

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Oh, D-solador, I don't mean it's weird in the sense of mechanics. From what I understand a lot of the 10T from various crews have amazing synergy.


I simply meant that some of the models look a little out of place when you start blending the crews. Toshiro would look strange fighting next to Jacob Lynch and his folk, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be a great piece to have along for the ride! XD

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It's a story based game, aslong as you can come up with a reason (that you and preferably your opponent) think is valid for them to work together then there's no problem.
Graves could easily be sent as a bodyguard for the lovely Miss Misaki, Yin is one of her ancestors and could have her own reasons, the Pathfinder and wastrels could be a hired scouts.

Taking the walking dead like Toshiro is more of an issue in my opinion since he's a little more noticeable where as Yin at least in the fluff (as I read it atleast) seemed to be semi ethereal and of course the myth she's based on could have her hiding inside the victim of an appropriated body.

It all comes down to where you want to draw the line of plausibility and when it just feels like your cheese-ball power gaming.

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I often like the OP find myself cringing at the sight of mixed crews however I have done it on more than one occasion. I've ran a list somewhat similar to this before


Misaki -- 4 Pool
 +Misdirection [2]
 +Recalled Training [1]
 +Stalking Bisento [2]
Shang [3]
Izamu the Armor [10]
Punk Zombie [7]
Punk Zombie [7]
The Illuminated [7]
Toshiro The Daimyo [9]
It's a total mish mash of models but it gave my opponents crew an utter kicking. I still felt weird running it though. Unless I can justify fairly easily why the model would be with the crew I find myself not taking them some times. 
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I mean, Malifaux is a heterogenius (this may be a false friend xD). Perdita is a Western Gunner and usually fight against nightmares and monsters.

Or Arcanist, they have a scientist, a black woman of the guetto, a fire angel, a beast, a Bruce Lee and a frozen heart.

However, history joins all of them.

If you let me choice, I see more natural a dead Daimyo near the katanaka's daughter than a big cool ice golem near Ramos.

Punk Zombies could be old samurais, they use katanas.

And in my example, I mean that a dead asian men help a living asian woman and man's invocation are mechanics things which are beautifull near Mei Feng.

Even I see beautiful the last list updated. Imagine an alone Misaki being attacking on a ancient battlefield and his dead ancestor who are there rising up to rescue her.

This isn't Warhammer 40k and his ridiculous Tiranids ally xD

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First off a disclaimer: My following comment is meant as comedic and in no way am I belittling you, Jeremy, or anyone else. I fully understand that aesthetics and theme are a big part of the game for a lot of people, myself included. That being said...

Let me get this straight. You're worried about a collaboration of models looking weird on the table as they try to achieve their goals. We're talking about a world in which cowgirls are fighting the undead who are battling ninjas while staving off the attacks of rat hordes and demons. All of which are beset by frost covered cabaret dancers led by a guy with a clock work appendage who's making an army of mechanical spiders. Not to mention the whole thing could just be the fever dream of some child's nightmare or the drunken delusion of a gremlin who's had one too many shots of whiskey the night before. Meanwhile, the entire ordeal is now set to the background music of the seven deadly sins.

No...just no.

There is nothing weird about any crew. Just realize when playing Malifaux you're really just playing out Nathan and Eric's misspent, acid filled youth on a table top and everything will be fine. :D

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First off a disclaimer: My following comment is meant as comedic and in no way am I belittling you, Jeremy, or anyone else. I fully understand that aesthetics and theme are a big part of the game for a lot of people, myself included. That being said...

Let me get this straight. You're worried about a collaboration of models looking weird on the table as they try to achieve their goals. We're talking about a world in which cowgirls are fighting the undead who are battling ninjas while staving off the attacks of rat hordes and demons. All of which are beset by frost covered cabaret dancers led by a guy with a clock work appendage who's making an army of mechanical spiders. Not to mention the whole thing could just be the fever dream of some child's nightmare or the drunken delusion of a gremlin who's had one too many shots of whiskey the night before. Meanwhile, the entire ordeal is now set to the background music of the seven deadly sins.

No...just no.

There is nothing weird about any crew. Just realize when playing Malifaux you're really just playing out Nathan and Eric's misspent, acid filled youth on a table top and everything will be fine. :D

That's was which I mean, thx.

It's difficult to me writing in english ^.^'.

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This raises another point, I don't use magnets on my bases and I've based McMournings crew differently than Seamus' so I'm going to wind up buying duplications of dogs and belles, so if your looking to mix and match definitely follow Cunninstunts advice and base them all the same it's much easier on the eyes and imagination...

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Okay, so in my 10T rebasing project, i am leaning toward a unifying element rather than the exact same style of bases. What i am thinking is that each master's specific crew will have their own unique area i.e.: Rooftops for Misaki, train tracks for Mei Feng, Yan Lo in a graveyard of sorts, and McCabe in some ruins. And i think i am going to tie them all together by putting them on the orange translucent bases, and adding ice and snow effects to all the bases. 


I guess, the idea is each crew would look tied together from the table top, but when you looked closer you would see the unique attribute of the crews. =]



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