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McMourning's Master Recycling Campaign 2015


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OK, first up apologies for plagiarising Hateful Darkblack!  But after seeing his Levi Master Recycling Campaign I've been inspired to start my own with McMourning.  The idea is that I will try to turn opposing Masters into lovely new Flesh Constructs courtesy of the good Doctor Doug.


Mine will be slightly different as I don't attend that many tournaments (though I'll be doing at least three this year including one this past weekend) so I will also be keeping a record of whenever I manage to do this in friendly games as well.  I am also not limiting it to when Assassinate is on the table, just if I manage to turn a Master into a Flesh Construct.  Therefore his is much harder.  The main aim is just to see how many different Masters I can collect for the Flesh Construct machine!


I managed to do it in a tournament this weekend and it's the first time I can remember doing it (I have vague recollections of maybe turning another Master into one but was a while ago) but I'll update this opening post whenever a new Masters is 're-used'!


Current Recycled List



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Just like my suggestion with Levi, Canine Remains are good models to have when taking on masters. Everything you have triggers off of Defense, and with their ability to lower defense... Plus their presence allows Rancid Transplant to start getting to ridiculous levels.

Good hunting, and watch out for Hard to Kill. Keep an eye on outcast masters.

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It was glorious indeed :D 

Jakob fell to the jackalope after the second bunny charge i think, after Jakob had lost in cards to a bunch of molemen, who were appearently really good at playing poker. Jakob had a bad day.


Master poker molemen. Did they also strip Jakob from his belongings? 


I feel like I should be happy my Marcus player leaves the bunny at home.


I fully approve of these threads. They're amusing. 

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