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How to kill Rezzers?

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How to kill Rezzers?


Step 1

Buff Pokey with Sisters in Fury.


Step 2

Wait to activate Ash at the end of the turn, slingshot Pokey into Rezzer crowd.


Step 3

Buff Pokey herself, burn Oathkeeper, kill as much as you can.


Next Turn - win initiative flip, activate Pokey and try to finish the job ;)


Took a page out of MasterDisaster's book, did you?

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Misaki is dual-faction Outcasts, which gives her access to Taelor, who ruins a summoner's day. Most people don't consider Misaki in Outcasts, which means they won't bring tech specifically to counter her. Yamaziko + Torakage is a strong cohort for anything scheme-heavy. Ototo can tie up large groups of models and hand out Slow to reduce the opponent's AP. Ronin are some of the best scheme runners in the game and Misaki should get to play with them.


The strength of Ten Thunders is that they demand the opponent counter the strengths of two factions. If Outcasts won't go to Ten Thunders, bring Ten Thunders to Outcasts.

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I talked a little about this in a recent A Wyrd Place podcast, which will be out soon!


The way that Ressers kill you: They make an assembly line of models and you sit at the end of the assembly line, wasting your AP killing the models while they earn VP. And also eventually there are more summoned models than you can handle and you die.


The way you stop that from happening: Smash the assembly line. Or at least put pressure on it to drain their resources. Don't attack the summoning Hanged or Punk Zombie or Flesh Construct unless you have to. Attack the Nicodem or Kirai or Molly. Those models are tough, but even if you don't kill them, keeping their Master alive will drain resources. (Also good is to kill ancillary summoning-helper models: Mortimer, Lost Love, Sebastian, Vulture, etc. They're often more fragile, too!)

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Can't wait to hear it!


I think you are pretty spot on with attacking the masters and support models. If you can kill summons with ease, sure go a head, but don't spend massive amount of resources on it. Unless it will deny or get you VPs.

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Misaki is dual-faction Outcasts, which gives her access to Taelor, 

What's that supposed to mean? If Ten Thunders were declared Misaki will have to hire Taelor as a Mercenary, just like all Masters can do.

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Good Rezzer is a PROPERLY dead Rezzer :D


SIR! This is highly inappropriate. We, the Rezzers are the good guys! We recycle ffs! Go Green. Save The Planet. Live and Let Live. These are the codes we live by. Why'd you want us dead..er? 

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Vs summoning crews it all about strategic dismemberment, like playing dead space. It is a good thing to kill the summonner but if not possible go for models he can not replace or punch a whole to make an opening to run for your objective. Also if you can mitigate the number he can summon, most summonner (not all) summoned models that will have damage on them. If you can jump on those models before they can activate or get healed they are easy to kill.

Look for lynch pin models and kill them. Examine the table for whole opportunity and make them, at the very least your opponent will react if he sees them. Mitigate the summoned models (kill them, paralyze them, or make them unable to do what your opponent wants). Kill the summonner, easier said then done.

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Not sure I agree. Killing the summoner is certainly a goal, but that shouldn't be the yardstick on which you judge wether or not you should spend resources attacking them. As long as you can drain a significant amount of resources from the summoner and expend less yourself, it can still be worthwhile to do, depending on summoning method.


For example, attacking Nicodem and causing him to burn his high cards away, his corpse markers to Chime of sorrow, or his mindless zombies due to his defensive trigger, are all still worthwhile goals, even if you don't actually kill him.

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grouping of summoning, this is not a complete list and may have wholes somewhere.

Material users: Nicodem, Ramos, Spare Parts upgrade, Seamus, Widow Weaver with hand bag, Yan Lo

I kill you: McMorning (trigger needed), Karis (trigger needed), Sebastian

causing damage to the summon: Kirai, Dreamer, Molly, Mechanical rider, Karina

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Toshiro summons of corpse and scrap and does damage; Collodi summons of scrap; Kirai also summons of trigger; Datsue Ba summons of trigger; Leveticus, Rusty Alice, Desolation Engine, Abominations, Ashes & Dust summons of trigger; Rusty Alice summon of scrap; Hamelin and his chums summon rats and stuff in various ways.

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