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Crew Selection Help


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I lost a game at the weekend, largely because I bungled my crew selection.  I've been thinking back over better choices I could have made and thought I'd throw the scenario out there to my fellow Arcanists to see if they can provide me any inspiration. 


So, given the below scenario what crew would you pick and why?


Game size: 50ss

Strategy: Squatter's Rights

Schemes: Breakthrough, Distract, Deliver the Message, Vendetta, and ALitS

Opponent's Faction: Neverborn

Deployment: Standard

Terrain: Average to open with a significant amounts of severe ground towards the corners.


Thanks in advance! :)

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Personally I'd go with Ramos, something along these lines would be my go to choice. 


Ramos -- 5 Pool
 +Arcane Reservoir [2]
 +Combat Mechanic [2]
 +Electric Summoning [1]
Brass Arachnid [4]
Howard Langston [12]
 +Imbued Energies [1]
Joss [10]
 +Imbued Energies [1] / Bleeding Edge Tech [1]
Mobile Toolkit [3]
Steam Arachnid [4]
Steam Arachnid [4]
Steam Arachnid [4]
I'd also go with Breakthrough Revealed and Deliver the Message. Using Spiders to outmaneuver and out activate the opponent you should be easily able to capture a bunch of Squat markers and achieve Breakthrough. Also they would be great for Deliver the Message. Failing that Langston can Nimble his way upto the Master, give them a Message and murder them with the remaining AP. I'd start by killing off the Toolkit for the Scrap with Joss and begin Ramos' usual shenanigans right from the get go. I'm by no means an experienced Arcanist but this seems like a fairly strong way to go about it.
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Arcanists Crew - 50 - Scrap

Colette Du Bois -- 3 Pool

+A Lady's Secret [2]

+Nothing Up My Sleeve [1]

Mechanical Dove [2]

Cassandra [8]

+Practiced Production [1]

+Smoke and Mirrors [1]

Coryphee [7]

Coryphee [7]

Mannequin [4]

Performer [5]

Performer [5]

Soulstone Miner [6]

With this you can take the easy line in the sand. Or you can take break though with the ss miner and Cassy and duet combo.

Can also deliver a message with Cassy duet.

Vendetta is not an optimal choice but still doable.

And distract is perfectly fine since you can 0 action do it.

If don't want break through can Easley drop the as miner and take something else. But. Am fond of the little guy.

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Those schemes scream Marcus to me.

Deliver a message and breakthrough? I'd be half tempted to all out cheese three Silurids. If not then certainly two, maybe add a soulstone miner in that case.

Take Waldgeists and Myranda aswell and Myranda can camp a marker, or give some Waldgeists positive twists to Df flips while they sit on two markers with 4" reach and soft cover. Before herself turning into either a Cerberus or blessed of December for the leap if needed for schemes, if not maybe cojo and go for some area control to deny opponent squat markers.

Then fill with a Cerberus or a couple of canine remains, whatever you feel you lack really as the mentions models are already enough to almost gurantee the schemes.

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I must say it's refreshing to see the first three lists going with three entirely different masters and crews and choosing to do different schemes from the pool. It's part of the joy or arcanists, I never feel pigeon holed into a certain crew regardless of the strats and schemes flipped.


I totally agree with this. 


@Mythicfox Out of curiosity what did you take that blundered and lost you the game?

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I must say it's refreshing to see the first three lists going with three entirely different masters and crews and choosing to do different schemes from the pool. It's part of the joy or arcanists, I never feel pigeon holed into a certain crew regardless of the strats and schemes flipped.

This is what I love about Arcanists, too.  I'd also like to hear what MythicFox went with.


Anyway, I picked Kaeris.


Arcanists Crew - 50 - Scrap

Kaeris -- 7 Pool

+Blinding Flame [1]

+Imbued Protection [2]

+Purifying Flame [1]

  • Arcane Effigy [4]
  • Gunsmith [7]
  • Gunsmith [7]
  • Joss [10]
    +Bleeding Edge Tech [1]
    +Open Current [1]
  • The Captain [10]
    +Imbued Energies [1]
    +Patron's Blessing [2]


The board's openish in the middle, so against Neverborn, I'm going to try to hold it down with a good number of long- and short-ranged threats while keeping in easy range of healing from Kaeris.  Depending on which flank looks the juiciest, that's where I'll devote most of my attention to prevent a Squat Marker.  Schemes will probably trend toward Vendetta (my big hitters are geared toward taking down other big hitters, and the Gunsmiths are potent in the mid-SS range) and Deliver a Message, although Distract and Breakthrough are still viable options.  LitS is a little AP-intensive for a smaller crew, but still a possibility since we'll be camping the centerline.

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Thanks for the thoughts guys!


In the game took an overly compact Ramos crew which cost me heavily terms of activations against a more numerous Lilith crew. I really  struggled to deal with her tangling in shadows a doppelganger. If I were doing it again I'd probably go with;


Kaeris (5)

+ Arcane Reservoir

+ Blinding Flame

+ Grab & Drop

+ 5ss Cache


Joss (11)

+ Imbued Energies


Myranda (9)*

+ Imbued Energies


Eternal Flame (2) 

Johan (7)

Large Arachnid (6)

Performer (5)

Union Miner (5)


Then take Distract and aLitS.  


*For the record I really like Myranda in squatters. If you throw IE she can flip a marker on turn one. With Df7 she's hard to get rid of an has a good chance of being able to force disengagement. You can also turn into Cojo, who can push enemy off markers and with  :melee 3 he can engage over two of the flank markers at once.

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Looks like a nice list! Why the eternal flame though?


I agree! I'm curious about the Totem as well, whenever I've used the Eternal Flame I've found it to be fairly lackluster. Especially seeing as Kaeris' Pyre Markers expire at the end of the turn unlike Sonnia's or Lilith's Markers. That has always frustrated me with Pyre Markers, not that the above list makes much use of them but still. The only other reason to take the Eternal Flame is for the Heal or to immediately resolve some Burning, more often than not I'd rather take another upgrade or two or just keep the stones.

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That game sounds like a good setup for the Colette auto-win (Godlyness list is fine). Most Scheme Markers for Alits down on turn 1 and 3 VP from Deliver Message on turn 1. Turn 2 Squatters markers are done......Alits is finished......then just delay all game.


This just sounds as horrible as my experiences with Colette are. 


But back on topic, this a good topic! It's great to see so many different variations and people leaning directly towards different masters. 

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The Eternal Flame gives Joss, Large Arachnid, and Kaeris healing. Their survival will be important as I need to defend markers with them. 


It's on a 40mm base, so can go stand completely on top of a claim marker and not even a Doppleganger (and they will have a Doppleganger) can then claim it.  It's also a really cheap activation, and those are always good.


On the subject of controlling markers, do the Colette players have any trouble tanking on a pair of markers at all? Her crews always look a little squishy to me.

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The Eternal Flame gives Joss, Large Arachnid, and Kaeris healing. Their survival will be important as I need to defend markers with them. 


It's on a 40mm base, so can go stand completely on top of a claim marker and not even a Doppleganger (and they will have a Doppleganger) can then claim it.  It's also a really cheap activation, and those are always good.


All good points I guess. I've never found much use for it but I'll give it some more table time once Kaeris is out in plastic. I'm shelving her for the moment. 




On the subject of controlling markers, do the Colette players have any trouble tanking on a pair of markers at all? Her crews always look a little squishy to me.


This has also been my experience with Colette crews, generally they tend to be pretty squishy and this is even more so if it is a thematic crew. There's nothing there that can really take much of a beating. Dishing it out doesn't seem to be a problem but taking one is not something her theme crew tends to excel at in comparison to other Arcanist models or crews. 

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All good points I guess. I've never found much use for it but I'll give it some more table time once Kaeris is out in plastic. I'm shelving her for the moment.

TBH I've never got more than 2ss worth of use out of one. Then again...

This has also been my experience with Colette crews, generally they tend to be pretty squishy and this is even more so if it is a thematic crew. There's nothing there that can really take much of a beating. Dishing it out doesn't seem to be a problem but taking one is not something her theme crew tends to excel at in comparison to other Arcanist models or crews.

That's what worries me about the Colette list above, no offence to the poster, I see how it flips the markers to start with. Not how it keeps them flipped.

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Cassandra can be decently tanky as long as you can activate first, and Colette herself can do a good job tanking with a stack of scheme markers(friendly or enemy) or doves or mannequins beside her.  Manipulative also goes a long way toward a solid-like defense, although I usually keep performers near Colette for the threat of reactivate.  Coryphee have :+fate on a good Df and Armor+2, plus they can Voltron up if things get hairy and then they gain healing.  The standard Coryphee also blocks markers via a 40mm base.  And the SS miner can take and hold one for at least a little while (I have little faith in their survivability, but I always seem to use them against Leveticus).

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Sadly Neverborn is lacking in anti armor. So a most things attacking the Coryphee (duet) is doing 1 damage. Lilith needs moderate to do 2.

After markers are flipped defensive stance is nice as is sirens calling them away from markers. Cassy as said above hits hard on moderate. And can be in and out of melee. And to back them up is a prompting Colette.

If they flip markers before you you can use the performers to don't mind me flip them back.

And giving one of the Coryphee reactivate is awesome. Just make sure you form the duet. Gives you huge mobility and with a mannequin marker placement. Or flipping makers or dropping schemes

The as miner is their if I wanted to do break though or to charge one of their scheme runners. But is easily replaced by x other models. Angelica for for instance with her push.

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I would be Tempted to use Raspy 


Taking ALITS and Deliver a msg. 


Arcanists Crew - 50 - Scrap
Rasputina -- 3 Pool
 +Arcane Reservoir [2]
 +Cold Nights [1]
 +Shattered Heart [3]
Ice Gamin [4]
Ice Gamin [4]
Ice Golem [10]
 +Imbued Protection [2]
Moleman [4]
Moleman [4]
Moleman [4]
Snow Storm [11]
 +Sub Zero [1]
Something along these lines I have been wanting to try. 
Use the Ice Golem to toss 2 mole men up on to the squatter markers and sit on the markers all game as well as ALITS markers. Use raspy cast to give them +2 armor and frozen heart. They become very resource intensive to kill and cant be pushed off the markers. Then I use the snow storm to command the Golem so he can get pulled up the bored so the 2 ap he used for toss does not leave him where he started.
No need for raspy to be up close just keep the ice gamin in range to bounce spells off and give +1 damage. If need be she can blast but the armor might be better in this situation. 
Something along those lines.   
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Arcanists Crew - 50 - Scrap
Colette Du Bois -- 4 Pool
 +Arcane Reservoir [2]
 +Practiced Production [1]
 +Shell Game [1]
Mechanical Dove X 3 [6]
Gunsmith [7]
Gunsmith [7]
Gunsmith [7]
Gunsmith [7]
Performer [5]
Performer [5]
Choose Breakthrough.  Either Vendetta or A Line in the Sand, depending on the enemy crew.
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Id take my fairly regular kaeris crew.

Kaeris, arcane res, purifying fire, seize tge day.

3xfire gamin


Rail golem

Sabertooth cerberus. Could lose seize the day and take joss instead.

gamins take markers early on and engage and rack up burning on enemies when they attack or die gunsmiths move up along with kaeris shooting as they go if i took vendetta one of the gunsmiths would probably be the one trying to take something down. Otherwise i'd maybe take deliver a message and either leap in with the cerberus or walk in with a fast gunsmith. Breakthrough would be my firstchoice of scheme kaeris supports from mid range either throwing out burning or damage to enemies or healing her own crew and funneling them with her pyre markers then flies off to complete breakthrough from turn 4 onwards.

Rail golem runs around killing anything that isnt lilith.

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