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Guild Heavies?


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I'm dipping my toes back into Guild (my first Faction) after not having played them at all in M2E, and looking at expanding my plastic forces. Currently I own Guild's Justice, Latigo Posse, Bound by Law, Body of Evidence and Relic Hunters, as well as a Pathfinder w/Traps and a box of Riflemen.


What I'm looking for is heavy hitters, particularly with a mind toward amplifying Lucius. What are your go-to damage dealers in Guild?

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Lucius specifically works with minions, his main abilities alow them to take actions. that being said I have run a teddy with him as a body guard. using "thats what lackeys are for" to switch out. You could do the same with an executioner if you want specifically Guild

go to choice in guild Henchmen: the Judge, Fransisco, Sidir they are all solid on there own. the judge being the most versatile and independent IMO as hes survivable and hits like a Master. plus has movement tricks

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You might find that the Wardens fit well for Lucius being Guardsmen Minions with both :ranged & :melee actions, although they're more heavy-hitting mediums than outright heavies. Hit stuff that's already activated for bonus :ram 's.


Like Dirial I'm waiting for the plastic Peacekeeper, so in the meantime I'm partial to an Executioner, but that's because I run him with crews that can support him more (McCabe & Perdita). There's plenty I'm still yet to touch (like Ryle) so I don't have much else to suggest that hasn't been mentioned already.

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My go-to heavy guy is, without a doubt, Ryle. As long as the opponent can't ignore Armor, Ryle is ridiculously tanky (and gives value to all those low Tomes you might have in your hand that would otherwise be useless) and can dish out the hurt both in melee and at range.

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Really, until they come out with the plastic Peacekeeper, I tend to go to Outcasts when I need a big, beat-ey model. I think that Taylor would be an excellent addition, as What Lackeys Are For fixes her low threat range and terrible walking speed in one go, and she brings an answer for incorporeal, armor, and summoning, not to mention exploding enemy constructs (and Hamelin) and shoving people out of cover. That's just her (1) action; her (2) action is a fairly large AoE attack that ignores friendly models, and (due to the fact that it is not a pulse, blast, OR aura) it effects enemies that normally ignore such things.


Ama no Zako is also a good choice; flight on a henchman with a scary melee attack is serious business, and she brings two decent utility (0) actions (Obey clone and a hazardous aura). Both of them also appreciate the availability of Lead Lined Coat more than actual guild Henchmen do, to boot.


If you are on a soulstone budget, you can also bring a Ronin (or two). They ignore armor, they have disguise, and Lucius' collection of Obey-like effects all work on them, making it much easier to get that flurry off. With Hard to Kill and Seppuku, Lucius can give them the Devil's Deal and then have them refund some of the (admittedly high) cost of bringing them along.


It is worth noting that, if you want to get maximum mileage out of Lucius, and you want to stay in-faction, you might want to look into bringing Hunters. They are pretty much the most menacing Minions the Guild has access to. Harpoon guns are nasty, and they have plenty of access to positive flips and movement stuff.

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My personal list is:

Papa Loco


Sam Hopkins

Peace Keeper

Francisco (groan)

Pale Rider


All of these have min damage 3 on melee attacks, or relative ease in getting it. All are not minions though, but the best for pure damage minion wise in close combat are witchling stalkers.

However - just because Lucius likes boasting minions, doesn't mean you should only have them. If you have Mr graves then he has main 3 damage and can be part of Lucius crew.

Shooting wise you are really looking at rifleman with a couple of rams on their attack.

Why focus on Min damage? A good chance you are going to be on a negative flip for damage most of the time, so its what you can bank on.

Hope that helps (?)

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If you are looking for doing damage, refer to the Daschell/Riflemen discussion.


If you are looking for tanky- Ryle, Peacekeeper.


An outside the box damage dealer, especially if you opponent hits hard, is Candy.  She plays interestingly with Lucius, and her aura's and abilities make her an interesting damage option.


For hand to hand damage minions, stalkers, Wardens, and hunters are your best bet.

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