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Zoraida vs Nicodem


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It does look a bit sparse to me as well. There are a lot of really long fire lines throughout. Now, with Zoraida and Nico it's quite playable, but Ophelia, Sonnia, or Perdita for example would have a field day on that board.

But most importantly, thank you again for posting the report! It was a good read once again and quite a close game.

I'm guessing that on the first turn, Voodoo Doll's Hem succeeds on Bad Juju, not fails, right? Also, on turn five Bad Juju did four points of damage to Bete Noire without killing her? Am I misremembering her Wound stat (don't have the book at hand)?

But man oh man did that Stiched Together do a lot of damage during the game! That's one insanely destructive little sack of filth - sheesh! Iggy OTOH was a bit of a let-down.

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The terrain is really sparse (as others have said). It was the first thing I noticed when I opened the battle report. The recommended terrain is between 1/3 and 1/2 (not just 1/3) and this looks closer to 1/4 than 1/2. Maybe try a bit more terrain next game. Other than that the battle reports are great and you have become one of my favourite podcasts. Can't wait until you get to Dreamer. Keep the good times coming!

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Played my first game of Malifaux on Tuesday. (If you can call two people who've never played spending most of their time looking things up in the rule book 'playing.') We accidentally set up a 4x4 table with what we thought was a fair amount of terrain.  Then shrunk it to 3x3 keeping the same amount of terrain.  And it still ended up feeling like not a lot of terrain, because even though we had a bunch, we had these table length firing lanes.


Terrain density and placement for a balanced game is definitely different to what we're used to.

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Yeah, KMD, I usually run with 40% to 50% of the table populated with various types of terrain.

On a side note, I go to Murfreesboro about twice a year (friend teaches music out at MTSU). I might have to look you up for a game sometime. :P Also, David Pease is the Henchman in Nashville. Look him up on here or on A Wyrd Place for games if you're in that area. Welcome to Malifaux, and if you want to get a Vassal game in sometime, feel free to post or ask. :)

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Its not so much that the table is sparse, its that all the terrain is large. It might well cover 1/3rd of the table, but its in big blocks so there are a lot of lines of sigth across the board.

If each of those towers was quartered, and you placed the 4 quarters out a little, then it would probably deal with a lot of the line of sight. (without actually increaseing the % of the table covered).

Obviously you can't just cut them up, so you might need to go for a higher amount of terrain to reduce some of the sight lanes. 



Thank you for the report, its a good read.

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