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Expanding beyond the Bayou Boss set?


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Having returned to the fold, I'm overwhelmed with options for the Gremlins and would rather keep my old, metal models sitting in their display case.  :)


With that in mind, what make good options for adjusting to different schemes and strategies? I feel like mass-Gremlins doesn't always work but I love Somer Teeth Jones and it seems like a lot of other options don't have models at all yet.


I was thinking Burt and Gracie to add some muscle (and perhaps a ride for Lenny). What are most other people doing?

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It really depends on your intended play style. Som'er can run an elites list but he will still likely desire a few staples.


I generally recommend a "Combined Arms" style list built around the "Summon Factory" it provides plenty of options.


Aside from what comes in the Bayou Box crew box, I would recommend 1 Slop Hauler, 1 Hog Whsiperer, 1 additional blister of Bayou Gremlins, at least 3 Piglets and Francois Lacroix. This will provide a nice versatile list that can be augmented easily. After that it really depends, Bert and Gracie make a great team as does the Pigapult.

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Can't recomend burt jebsen enough! He gets very powerful in combat with Rams stacking up. Even if he's out in the open the skeeters are mobile enough to give him do it like dis with Rams for some extra damage too. The guy is really good.

Slop haulers certainly (I isually take 2).

If you're not using skeeters however l, old cranky is a safe bet in a som'er crew

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Ah, forgot to mention I'm already equipped with Slop Haulers and extra Gremlins. :)


Aside from what comes in the Bayou Box crew box, I would recommend 1 Slop Hauler, 1 Hog Whsiperer, 1 additional blister of Bayou Gremlins, at least 3 Piglets and Francois Lacroix. This will provide a nice versatile list that can be augmented easily. After that it really depends, Bert and Gracie make a great team as does the Pigapult.

Sounds good. I'm trying to keep myself to all-plastic so I'll probably wait until the Hog Whisperer and piglets are in plastic (hopefully soon?). I guess it makes sense to pick up the Ophelia box-set.



Can't recomend burt jebsen enough! He gets very powerful in combat with Rams stacking up. Even if he's out in the open the skeeters are mobile enough to give him do it like dis with Rams for some extra damage too. The guy is really good.

Sounds great. Can't wait to get him. :)

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12 Bayous? Really? I have 9 and was hoping that was enough.

I think that it is a rare situation where you would actually benefit from summoning more if you are already at nine rather than doing something else with Somer. He is extremely versatile and I think that getting too caught up summoning more is not the optimal play. Also note that half-dead Bayou Gremlins are, arguably, the weakest thing that you can summon in the whole game. The saving grace is that they aren't very card-intensive to summon but even though you can summon, doesn't mean that you always should. Those Master AP are precious.
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Yeah I would stop at 8 bayou gremlins. I can't imagine having more on the field considering how easy they are to kill (either from your opponent or your own actions).


Surprised by the lack of Gracie mentions in this thread. Gracie does some great damage, can tank and keep Somer moving up the field if you use all his AP summoning.  

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I listed 12 Gremlins because a lot of som'er players enjoy the summoning portion of his kit, I honestly dont take it too often but its a popular way to play him.

as for Gracie it really depends on what schemes and strats you flip, I like her with the saddle so I usually take her when I want to be somewhere fast.

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I think that it is a rare situation where you would actually benefit from summoning more if you are already at nine rather than doing something else with Somer. He is extremely versatile and I think that getting too caught up summoning more is not the optimal play. Also note that half-dead Bayou Gremlins are, arguably, the weakest thing that you can summon in the whole game. The saving grace is that they aren't very card-intensive to summon but even though you can summon, doesn't mean that you always should. Those Master AP are precious.

While I agree that 12 is probably substantially more than you'd ever really need, summoning every turn does not necessarily diminish Som'er's versatility. His crew can allow him to remain mobile and project his influence like few other Masters can. Gotta love Skeeters and Piglets. Of course we seem to play our Som'er crews very differently which is great as it shows how awesome he is.


I think 9 Bayou Gremlin's is probably a realistic number unless your opponent is rather obliging in allowing you to churn them out without killing them off as quickly (as Math Mathonwy points out, Bayou Gremlins die to a stiff breeze without injury).

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Well it looks like my prayers were answered with the Black Friday announcement.

It'll be like 1st gen all over again with Warpig and Hog Whisperer and Piglets. Except hopefully I'll win more.  :)


On the topic of Gremlins, I'm pretty sure in one game I needed a 9th. I couldn't imagine fielding any more than that, the game would turn into a real slog for both sides. Surely it's a waste to spend more than a single turn generating and healing them?


I'll definitely get the kin box based on this thread, especially for Francois...

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I'm super happy to be able to get the NE Whiskey Golem! Will definitely be picking up war pig, pigapult, piglets, and maybe Merris.


Fixed that you you :P

... "maybe Merris"? "MAYBE"? :huh:  .... must have been a typo ^_^



On a more serious note, my list looks similar to yours. I'm not sure about the Whiskey Golem though, will probably wait till the Brewmaster box gets be released in 2017 and buy them together.


About Merris, haven't played her yet, but on paper she looks like a cheaper, more fragile version of Fingers with less tricks. However she's still able to drop two schemes a turn, which can be really handy in the right scenarios. Also flight combined with gremlin movement and reckless makes her pretty mobile. Has anyone played her yet and might share his impressions?

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  • 1 month later...

I guess the big question on bayou gremlins is: If I'm planning on early-turn summoning, how many to start off with? Would 3 or 4 be the sweet spot?


I'm in a similar situation, having assembled and started painting the starter set, and I see a bunch of intriguing options but need to find the sweet spot to free up points for models and upgrades, some of which seem to be very high on people's lists of things to get for certain models. In a 35 SS game, 9 stones on 3 BGs lets me make some elite purchases for Somer's crew, slightly less so at 12 stones for 4. Getting 5 for 15 kind of closes the window on some of the awesome-sauce that can be brought.


I'm thinking for a Somerin' list, I'll be spending 4 SS on the QQuality Mash and Family Tree upgrades, so that effectively makes it a 31 SS list. Spend 9 on 3 BGs, and I'm down to 22 for models/upgrades. (Yeah, I get it that 50 SS is the new 35, but my collection is limited at the moment and I'm trying to wrap my head fully around gremlin shenanigans, so I'll likely end up starting small.)

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Though 3 Bayou Gremlin's is very doable it does provide a better opportunity for your opponent to shut down or hamper your summoning by removing one or two of them. This may cause you to play a bit more protected the first turn or so (until you have built up a surplus of Bayou Gremlins). Though Som'er can be a wonderfully effective summoner he is tied to healthy Bayou Gremlin's to do it.


I would recommend ditching Quality Mash Liquor on Som'er in favor of another upgrade. Slop Haulers are much better at Healing than Som'er with Quality Mash Liquor and are going to be required to keep the Summon Factory churning anyway. I would look at either Encouragement, Can O'Beans, Liquid Bravery or Show Off. Liquid Bravery and Can O'Beans can both be utilized by his Skeeters increasing their influence. Show Off is a fun little Upgrade that creates "Suicide Gremlins", especially when paired with the "Truffle Shuffle" tactic. Lastly, Encouragement is yet another great method for Som'er to support his crew.

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New favourite tactic: zoraida + merris + sammy.

Remind me of the babe to summon a doll, hem, hex burning, pins for poison, reckless merris to flame bottle doll 3 times and get sammy to jinx the doll if you need to stop the target moving also.

Both the doll and the hemmed target have 11 burning, 2 poison, 2 damage and can't walk or charge. Only flips the opponent get against it is the initial resist against hem which is ca7 so hard to stop as it is.

Great for murder protege or killing off certain things like izamu, ama no, exectutioners, back line models liek malifaux child, pigapult, snipers and such.

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Omenbringer pretty much echoes my thoughts. I've been thinking recently about how I take Family Tree by default. What are other people running or does it always make its way onto your list?


In line with the original theme of the topic, I recently acquired the Kin. Is anyone mixing them into Somer crews?

It seems almost wrong to hire them under Somer.

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The only upgrade I always take with Somer is Encouragment. Its just amazing for any model to get that buff. Family Tree is amazing, but I don't always take it. It can be a huge resource sink which may not be optimal with certain schemes and strats (but then again, you're probably better off with another master in those). The Kin box goes real good with Somer. It really adds to his gunline style of play with Do It Like Dis and all the Dumb Luck on guns you can have. Plus, Encouragement. :)

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I agree with Vidd, it always feels uncomfortable hiring any of the Kin with Somer given their..."relationship" however the fluff in book one where Zoraida puts the Big Hat in his place suggests a bit more "Kinship" between the Gremlins.

I've got the new Ophelia box, I've only run her once and they punched a hole through Peditas crew, I usually only run Zoraida or Somer and don't really hire the Kin into their crews, but since one of our Resser players is now running Kirai with hanged quite regularly I'm thinking it's time the Kin pay him a visit.

Regarding the somer box, if you get the piggapult you'll need to build a list around it otherwise I only really run warpigs, slop haulers, lenny, piglets, hog-whispere and maybe a taxidermist with Somer ... I got the Whisky but can't see myself running it with him so I'm just waiting for more Gremlins to be released.

The limited addition black friday Gremlin seems like an easy conversion to a Bayou bushwacker and removes the "girls can do anything" bs that coems with Mah tuckets crew so I'll by converting two of those and trying that with a gunline at some stage.

Really looking forward to the New McTavish and Gators though, especially since Somer doesn't have an "assigned" henchman.

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