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1 Year. 1 Master.


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I'm planning to do something similar with Ressers (Resser love here!) as I'm guilty of swapping between too many factions/masters too and want to practice for a tournament.  Personally I think that focusing on a faction rather than a Master is a better plan as you could find a single Master quite limiting.  If you're determined to do it with a single Master then maybe choose one and see how they go and if you do end up getting bored then expand to a second (and a third, fourth.... if necessary).  Already some very good suggestions so seeing as I'm forwarding the Resser cause I'll vote McMourning or Seamus.  Both are pretty versatile with the former giving you access to Guild too if that takes your fancy and the second being able to go off and do his own thing most of the time.

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I disagree about Marcus having a really wide variety in his hiring pool. I mean, sure, theoretically, he can hire any Arcanist and any Merc as well as the beast but in actual practice he is about the beasts. How often would you really hire a Rail Golem or Union Miners or Oxfordian Mages for him?

Mind you, Marcus is a very versatile Master and can do lots of things, so I don't think that he would be a bad choice for this just that I don't think that his huge hiring pool is actually all that gigantic when it comes to what you're likely to actually take.

I think your second bit here clouds the issue a little. Yes Marcus is incredibly versatile and there are plenty of beasts.....and there is a beast for any situation. That's partly what gives Marcus longevity as a Master you can stick with for a long time. It takes a while to figure out which beast to use when....and you can play for months without ever using the same crew twice. This creates the illusion that he should only be run with beasts.


I'm a big fluff player personally, so I do fall in the camp of 'how often would you hire a Rail Golem'........however, I'm not blind to the fact that there are a ton of models in the Arcanist faction that run very well with him. Cassandra, Angelica, Dec. Acolyte, Howard, Mech Rider, Gunsmiths....the list goes on and on.

Marcus with his limited Upgrades can run great as just a solo model. He's an awesome objective runner, or a killer, or a tank, etc (incredibly versatile as said)......his de-buffing abilities are fan-freaking-tastic. Law of Meat is very powerful....and if he really wants to Alpha something (like Howard or a Rail Golem) all he needs to do is cast Feral first.....those big killers are just horrendous with a Reactivation. As Adran said, he does have some Beast synergy, but there are plenty of things that he does that just doesn't care what you are.

You can be very competitive using Marcus with all beasts (like me) but I think the greatest Marcus players are going to be the ones that take full advantage of the excellent Arcanist models he can take as well as his beasts.



I think there are some 10T masters that you could also run with a very wide hiring pool. McCabe is probably at the top of my list. The 10T faction has a ton of great models to choose from and the way he tosses his Upgrades around, I don't think there's anyone he can't use to good effect....and he even has an awesome Totem to take full advantage of it in the death-weasel. Misaki can also run with a very broad pool because there isn't anything she does with her crew, she is more of a solo operator so she can take anything that works well together.

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In my experience its very good to put limits and focus on specific game pieces for a while, but its also important not to do so with a specific time duration in mind.  The idea is you're looking to focus and devote practice to a specific model for experience, but time is generally a poor metric for when you've attained that experience.  You're very likely to accomplish your goal early and then burn yourself out trying to stick with the plan beyond its real point of achievement.  It's probably better to set some specific goals along the way, like: play 3 games of each strategy or play a game with that Master vs every faction.  This helps ensure that whatever time you spend is actively working towards what you hope to accomplish.

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In my experience its very good to put limits and focus on specific game pieces for a while, but its also important not to do so with a specific time duration in mind.  The idea is you're looking to focus and devote practice to a specific model for experience, but time is generally a poor metric for when you've attained that experience.  You're very likely to accomplish your goal early and then burn yourself out trying to stick with the plan beyond its real point of achievement.  It's probably better to set some specific goals along the way, like: play 3 games of each strategy or play a game with that Master vs every faction.  This helps ensure that whatever time you spend is actively working towards what you hope to accomplish.


This is what I wanted to get at in my earlier post, but didn't.  I have picked a faction and a master.  I am going to learn to play that master to some level of competence then add a second master.  I haven't set a limit on how long I will play my first master, but I have a notion of how well I want to be playing her before I move on.  If that takes a year, so be it--but I fully expect that 3-4 months will be all I need for "level 1" competence.  


I also expect that when I switch masters, and eventually factions, I will learn additional stuff that will help me understand my first master even better.  Switching masters and factions will allow me to move from "level 1" to "level 2" and beyond--but only if I start with some level of competence with my first master.  


I can see switching masters initially looking for a play style that suits you.  My first game was with rezzers--not really my thing and had I pushed myself to learn rezzers first I probably wouldn't have lasted.  It was several months between my first and second games so I had a lot of time to reflect on my preferences and pick a faction more to my liking.  So far, so good.


My opponent/coach has now suggested reducing the scheme/strategy pool and I am very happy about that.  Conceptually I love all the variations of schemes and strategies, but adding all of that on top of trying to figure out what models do and how to use them is a bit overwhelming for an occasional player.   I only expect to take a few games to learn each scheme/strategy, especially focusing one or two at a time.  


So what Lunar said--set outcome goals, not time goals.  Select goals that are enough beyond you  that you have to stretch yourself to reach them, but not so far that you get frustrated and quit or take months and months to achieve them.


For example--memorizing the details of 6 models so that you automatically know their primary stats, abilities, and attacks is achievable in a relatively short time and will improve your game play 'cause you don't have to re-read the card every few minutes to get the information.  (one of my goals for the crew I am running right now.)  (Also see thread about how long it takes to play a game.  Right now re-reading cards is adding at least 40 minutes to my game time.  If I can get my core crew memorized, I can play more games.)


From there you can add a few models at a time as needed.  (A next stage goal for myself.)


Memorizing the details of every model in a given faction is a much longer-term goal.  (I want to play multiple factions and have no intent of achieving this goal.  If I were to limit myself to a single faction I would start by memorizing a few at a time.)

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This is all really good stuff so far chaps. It seems as though one master can be done but far more challenging and it would seem that Zoraida, Levi (not out yet in plastic) and Marcus are receiving a lot of love. 


That said, and more to gauge opinion here, but what about masters without cross faction hiring ability. Do you think they would have the same longevity.


McCabe was mentioned and great write up on Mae Feng. Ressers don't seem to get much love for this idea....any real reasons?!?


Honestly I think the only real requirement is that you enjoy the master and their playstyle. If you have fun then you will keep playing them. I have lots of fun playing Colette, you can do so many things, that I really don't feel the need to bring out other masters, even if they might objectively be a little bit better suited to X, Y or Z. So rather than versatility look for fun. Who do you think it is fun to play. Start there and then don't set a specific time period for it. Just play them for as long as you have fun.

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There's a lot of anti-Rezzer people around here. Looking at you MD.


I can't deny I don't have much love for the Ressers as a faction although I do love Nico :D. He's incredibly versatile and could easily fill the role of 1 Master for 1 year, you can just keep adding minions to his summoning pool. I think that is where a lot of his versatility lies, being able to summon the right model for the right job at exactly the right time is just amazing. 

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Just wanted to throw Molly into the mix. With her alone you can pretty much buy the entire Rezzer faction and use them all in her crew. She has two limited upgrades, one focused on horrors, the other on spirits. That's a LARGE range of models to summon/include and find benefits and synergies with. 


Every Master can buy and use the whole faction. Molly might have a larger range of personal play styles than some of the other Resurectionist Masters, but she doesn't have a larger range of models to use than Seamus does.


Lee, Every single master has quite a large pool of models to try and work out intractions with. But Models with Cross faction hiring have extra interactions.

The combination of Jakuna with the drowned might be slightly different if run with Kirai or with Molly, but a lot of it would be similar. The combination of Jakuna with Montressor is only possible in a Jack daw list, so you would get a unique look at the model for example.


You could certainly do this with any of the masters, and I think they all have the longeviety to keep you interested despite having played them solidly for a year (or none do, its a personal thing, I look at other crews too much to truely stay with just 1 master). Cross faction hiring leads to different interactions than any other Master could offer.

My view is heavily tainted by the way I use a master. Its rare that I get a master to survive a game, because I'm prepared to sacrifice them for my goals. This means I am much less likely to build a crew that is reliant on my master, as I know there is a good chance they won't be on the table for turn 4.

Because of this my crews are more self reliant, and I'm much more likely to be able to build a list and just add any of the masters to lead it, (Not my recomended style to be sure, but it does let you know how much you rely on the master in a list).

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Every Master can buy and use the whole faction. Molly might have a larger range of personal play styles than some of the other Resurectionist Masters, but she doesn't have a larger range of models to use than Seamus does.


Yeah sorry if my point came across otherwise. I was just stating that Molly synergies with just about anything in rezzers very easily. As in you can find a use for any model (just about in her crew). Furthermore, Molly can hire Killjoy (even though expensive as a Merc). 


Her ability to summon a wide range is nice and you know you can also make great use out of the Students and Valedictorian from the Transmortis boxset.

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As a Guild player, If I had to pick one master to play for an entire year, I would go with Douglas McMourning.


McMourning and his crew is incredibly flexible, and an excellent balance of speed, durability, killing power, and scheme marker tricks.  McMourning is a terrifying opponent in Reckoning or Make them Suffer, and at the same time, he is extremely adept at schemes like Plant Explosives thanks to his excellent 0 action injection.  McMourning is an incredibly fun master to play, both in Guild and Ressers, and I feel that he is deep enough that he would engage somebody for a year of playing him.  

What he said.

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Molly can throw killjoy into the opponents deployment zone turn 1 and potentially give him an extra action to boot.


Can't most the Resurectionists do this? I'm pretty Sure Nico, Doug, Kirai and Tara can with out too much effort. Seamus would rely on being able to kill an enemy with his hand cannon, but thats not too tricky.

In fact with Hans (or a trapper) and a cruligan, anyone could do this. (well not the extra action but killyjoy in enemies deployment zone, easy).

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Thanks Fetid. Not all of us are familiar with Molly and how she works so the clarification is appreciated. It's also evil and I can't wait to try it out (I really want a plastic Molly set soon!)

You should drop MD a line and set up a game in Vassal. He loves to play against Molly. :D he also likes people who tries filthy Rezzer shenanigans. And walks on the beach.

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Malifaux actually transforms really well into Vassal, it's great fun and the game works wonderfully. Also there are some really good opponents and people here in the forums. You should really give it a go at some point. :)


...Against MD with Molly :D


1) NO! I'm still traumatized by my last encounter with Molly. 


2) @ Jonahmaul... don't encourage him by liking his comments. Just nod and smile... eventually he will get bored  :P

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