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Unboxing Lucius's 'Bound by Law' Starter Set


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The female guard looks huge, surprise surprise...

"We've had it with these scale problems! Make absolutely sure that the distance between the soles of their feet and their eyes is constant! Also, women should have disproportinately long legs."

Other than that, it is a really sweet-looking crew, though. Too bad that two Lawyers is not often needed.

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Other than that, it is a really sweet-looking crew, though. Too bad that two Lawyers is not often needed.


Haha, I really this sculpt for Lucius and I want the Scribe and the new Dash Scultp since I don't really like using the Drill Sarge Totem as Dash... so I'm probably going to pick this box up.


What am I going to do with 3 lawyers and 5 Guild Guard however, I have no idea.

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What am I going to do with 3 lawyers and 5 Guild Guard however, I have no idea.

A custom scenario where both players are trying to infiltrate the Courthouse to make sure that a key witness (different for both players) never gets to testify. But the Lawyers and the Guards take a dim view of this.

For extra flullyness, have both players play different Outcast Masters :)

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A custom scenario where both players are trying to infiltrate the Courthouse to make sure that a key witness (different for both players) never gets to testify. But the Lawyers and the Guards take a dim view of this.

For extra flullyness, have both players play different Outcast Masters :)

Ahahahahahahha. I really want to see this one happening as well. The Revolutionary mind that brought you Drop Teddies scenario and revels yet another master piece.

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Really? I'm not planning on taking much of that. Riflemen are an expensive and fairly static element that is only effective at engagement ranges and bring nothing more than damage, which Neverborn already dish out in spades. Austringers are mainly for Deliver Orders, which Lucius can generally do far more efficiently himself. When you have no Guardsmen around, Dashel is dead weight.

Pathfinders are cool, and I'd consider bringing one. That still leaves plenty of room for Lawyers.

Lawyers seem amazing to me. They've got great defensive stats and Highest Authority, a decent debuffing attack in melee, and nice stackable conditions to hand out. As a bonus, they make Commanding Presence way more card-efficient.

I mean, if you're bringing Dashel, Riflemen, Austringers and so on... why aren't you just running him as Guild?

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I mean, if you're bringing Dashel, Riflemen, Austringers and so on... why aren't you just running him as Guild?

Access to better upgrades, better totem and some of the best melee minions in game. The only thing I would really miss from Guild is Death Marshals and access to more guardsmen models.

I think that one of the greatest strengths of Lucius is that he can bring very useful models to a faction that normally hasn't got access to them. For Neverborn that is ranged models and for Guild that is Doppelganger and Beckoners.

It seems to me like there is very little point in playing him as Neverborn if you don't bring any guardsmen. If you just want a master that can give models extra actions you would probably be better off with Zoraida, because she can also target models that aren't minions.

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It's always interesting to me, that people look at a dual faction master (Lucius in this case) and think, "Why would I run him as Neverborn instead of Guild?" When I would look at it from the perspective of the faction. After declaring Neverborn I would be thinking, "Why should I take Lucius instead of Zoraida?" And the range his hiring options adds to an otherwise melee-centric faction is a nice twist. For me, anyway.

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I personally find that Lucius' close association with guardsmen is a hold over from 1.5 where he was a special forces henchmen and could only take guardsmen and elite division.  I'm not saying guardsmen are bad- the Austringer and Pathfinder are some of the best models in the faction, just that think its important not to get tunnel visioned on guardsmen when playing Lucius.  


Lucius doesn't really have any particular synergy with Guardsmen that he doesn't have with any other minions (except for a situational range increase on issue command).  I found I started playing a lot better with Lucius when I moved away from all or mostly guardsmen lists, and started including more varied Guild Minions, like the Hunter, Death Marshals, and Witchling Stalkers

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Maybe, depending upon the strategy/schemes and the rest of the list.  Two Illuminated and a Beckoner are pretty solid, but replacing the Beckoner with two Depleted is pretty doable, too.  Against Guild or Gremlins, I would lean towards the Beckoner to draw their ranged models closer, but against Ressers or Neverborn I'd probably go with the Depleted as they'll probably be coming towards you anyways. 


The Illuminated can still hand out Brilliance with their shooting attack on double masks, which isn't all that feasible by themselves, but as an action granted by Lucius I think it's decent option.  You could probably even go with three Illuminated for stuff like Turf War, as that's a pretty nasty bubble of death to deal with, especially with Lucius in the middle buffing their attacks.   

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I don't play Neverborn, but I do love me some Lucius, and I've done a bit of thinking about this.  Check out this combo.


Lucius-Surprisingly Loyal 

Guild Pathfinder

Young Nephilim


* Pathfinder deploys a trap for a 6 :tome

* Lucius uses a soulstone for whatever reason

* Devil's Deal targeting the Clockwork Trap, Killing it

* Pathfinder Draws a card from Scavenger

* Young Nephilim gains fast from a model dying nearby


So for a 6+ :tome , you get a soulstone, a card, and fast on the young.    


That's not even getting into the mischief you can cause combining Clockwork Traps test or slow aura with Tannen and luring people in with Beckoner's or Performers...

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