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The 5 or so models you never use


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The 5 models I never use are:

Executioner - too slow and situational for its cost.

Lone Marshal - seems too high costed for what it does.

Governor's Proxy - rather take the stones

Peacekeeper - seems too high cost

These are at the moment. Might change though.

McMourning Poison filth.......yes.


Ability to count............not so much.


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The 5 models I never use are:

Executioner - too slow and situational for its cost.

Lone Marshal - seems too high costed for what it does.

Governor's Proxy - rather take the stones

Peacekeeper - seems too high cost

These are at the moment. Might change though.


The ONLY reason why I've not used the Peacekeeper yet is because I refuse to buy the metal model. I know a few people who own it and even with pinning it's been problematic for them. It's a fantastic choice although probably with Hoffman more than any other crew. Bearing in mind I play Hoffman a lot it's not a problem for me, he offers an alternative choice to the Rail Golem and Langston who often compete for the "Bad Ass Slot" in my crews. I gotta admit I use the Executioner less these days because I have a greater understanding of the game and focus less of murdering everything (also because my metal one exploded and am waiting on plastics). The others I totally agree with you though. Governor's Proxy just doesn't cut it for me and I don't like the Lone Marshall, his model is boring and I rarely have the space for him in my crews. 

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The ONLY reason why I've not used the Peacekeeper yet is because I refuse to buy the metal model. I know a few people who own it and even with pinning it's been problematic for them.

I hear this alot and it still surprises me.. I got the metal version, and I never once found it a problem to either assemble or keep stuck together.. And I actually haven't even pinned all of the arms, only the legs and two arms. The only thing that I didn't like was the huge amount of greenstuff required to fill the gaps around the vents and the "groin"-cogs. 

A friend who bought his painted and assembled had one arm drop off, but I pinned that for him and it's never dropped off since.

So whenever I hear that I wonder if it's the glue people uses that suck, or if they handle it too roughly or what the problem might be..

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The only thing that I didn't like was the huge amount of greenstuff required to fill the gaps around the vents and the "groin"-cogs.

This was a huge problem for me with the metal PK. So. Much. Greenstuff.


I, much like Dgraz, have had my PK for years and have experienced no problems with arms falling off or even becoming loose. I just pinned everything when putting him together.


I have also heard the grips about the peacekeeper quite a bit and have always wondered how people treat their models or what they do to put them together. (Then again, some models I have received from friends I perceive as competent have fallen apart as well.) I do get a good chuckle out of people waiting for the plastics of some of the models under the pretense that they will be "easier" or "sturdier." I've had a hell of a time putting together some of these plastics. (DAMN YOU CLOCKWORK TRAPS! YOUR SMALL PARTS CONFOUND ME!)

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The Peacekeeper is absolutely brutal.  Especially with Hoffman.  He is a nice blend of defense, and offense, with a good scheme denial ability.  He is pretty slow though, and I'd hesitate to take him without some way to help get him into position to start smashing faces in.  I don't take him often outside of Hoffman Crews, mainly because I tend to favor larger crews of mid tier models 5-7 ss generally.  The Peacekeeper definitely benefits from extra mobility, and not every master can provide him with that.  


I've had some success with the Executioner as a murder and scheme control piece in scheme heavy scheme pools as well.  I've definitely played games where 4 of the 5 schemes available require scheme markers, making Trail of Gore more reliable and adds a powerful scheme manipulation tool to your arsenal.  I will admit that I field my Executioner relatively rarely.  Part of the problem I have with him is that I'm not a huge fan of many of the Guild Upgrades, and once you start talking about an Executioner with an upgrade, you are suddenly in the Peacekeeper price range- and i'm not convinced an upgraded executioner can really measure up to a Peacekeeper.  I'm looking to pick up Lucas McCabe as my next master (its between him and Sonnia), and I think he'll help the Executioner out a lot in terms of shoring up his weaknesses.  Sidir w/ promises gives him a nice boost to his offensive hitting power, and the badge of speed tricks as noted before are especially helpful in terms of getting the big boy to where he needs to be to start hitting things and healing back up.  

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Peacekeeper is pretty bonkers statistically.  Almost any time I'd consider an Executioner, I'd rather take the PK.


I think that's his main problem, the competition. He seems too expensive for how killy he is so you really have to get some value out of Trail of Gore for him to make back his points, but the Peacekeeper's marker removal seems as good or better and it gets tonnes of other stuff for those 2 extra stones.


Not having a gun is my main gripe with the Executioner. He usually spends at least a turn doing very little while your other models are firing away happily and it feel like a real loss when you've paid so much for him.


I actually still use him all the time though (possibly because I don't have a Peackeeper) and he is occasionally amazing so he wouldn't make my list.

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I actually still use him all the time though (possibly because I don't have a Peackeeper) and he is occasionally amazing so he wouldn't make my list.


I'm curious which masters you take him with.  A 4" push and nimble from McCabe was mentioned as being a solid fix for his biggest weakness.  The only other master I could think of with somewhat interesting applications was McMourning, with the usual nurse/witchling stalker shenanigans.

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I'm curious which masters you take him with.  A 4" push and nimble from McCabe was mentioned as being a solid fix for his biggest weakness.  The only other master I could think of with somewhat interesting applications was McMourning, with the usual nurse/witchling stalker shenanigans.


I've used him with Lucius and Lady Justice but I don't really put much effort into speeding him up with other people's actions. In a Lucius crew I use him mostly for counter-charging things that rush up to your shooty minions, and to trim away minions and markers whenever possible. His poor mobility is less of an issue if stuff comes to you but it's still a problem since he's not great at contributing to the movement based objectives Lucius loves. What Lackeys Are For could be a big speed boost for the Executioner but I haven't used it yet. I'm not convinced it's worth throwing Lucius back 8" for the surprise charge.


With Lady J I often take the Judge who can pull him around a bit and go for killing schemes which he's quite good at. Specifically I want him to mop up wounded models and minions after Lady J has gone for the big threats, hopefully taking a lot of heat off the Executioner in the process. If he can get into a bunch of weak models later in the game he's really hard to deal with because he heals so much as he kills things.


The times when the Executioner sucks are when something just goes and kills him and he has no chance to heal himself. I think his real niche is killing stuff weaker than he is, not going toe-to-toe with another beatstick (kind of makes sense considering people being executed can't usually fight back so well) and his poor movement makes it hard to get him in position to do that  without getting shot to shit or eaten by a Teddy or something. That's a big contributer to the "poor-value" feeling of the Executioner for me since he won't always kill enough minions to justify his cost and if you throw him into another melee heavy he'll usually take a chunk out of them and then get pasted.

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I'm curious which masters you take him with. A 4" push and nimble from McCabe was mentioned as being a solid fix for his biggest weakness. The only other master I could think of with somewhat interesting applications was McMourning, with the usual nurse/witchling stalker shenanigans.

There's the Ortegas as well. Obey, Shackled, Influence, Cover Me and Abuela all help move him around. El Mayor, Defensive 1 and Look Out! can really help him take some hits too.

That said he is still a little hit and miss. Last game I had though he was great against Ulix's Piglet spawn.

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