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Good general combat models?


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What are the current good general Guild models for combat? I've been playing around with a few Lady Justice lists and while Death Marshals are certainly solid objective grabbers and Pine Box is a great ability, they feel fairly lacking on the combat end of things. Are Witchling Stalkers still the most efficient choice for combat on the lower end of the spectrum as far as Soulstone costs go? Or should I be looking to leave objective grabbing to my lower point models, the Austringer does it all, and then leave combat to my higher point things?

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Go to minions are Marshals and Stalkers for me. Enforcer beaters really depend on the minions in your crew. I love me a Witchling Handler with Stalkers and think that Guard Sergeant is solid when I've got Guardsmen in my crew. The Exorcist works OK in most crews when you're fighting undead or spirits.

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I rather like the Warden myself, its range damage is lacking unless it is targetting something that has already activated but I have found its melee potiental useful as well as the 7" charge with 2" reach.  Combined with Armor and its defense trigger it can take a fair beating as far as Guild Minions go.  Few minions can get a weak damage of 4, even if it has to hit its target after they activated and have a ram in the duel, it still has put down plenty of objective runners for me.

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How well do Hunters do outside of Hoffman crews? And from what it looks like, Stalkers still sound golden for their point cost.


Hunters are great for everybody who buffs Minions in some way, so McCabe, Justice, and Lucius love them. They are solid with all the others as well.


Stalkers are great melee models for their cost, but a bit slow. If you want to use them at peak performance, play them with McM, Lucius or McCabe or add a Handler.

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If you're looking for good Melee fighters within the Guild then I think Hoffman's crew are the go-to gang. Wardens, Hunters & Peacekeeper are all very good up close and personal.


Stalkers are also pretty good but with a fairly slow Movement I find they need help getting into the fight.


Executioners are monsters in combat but they also require some help getting there. I often Pinebox mine and taxi him to the fight, let him out and unleash hell upon an unsuspecting foe. 


Francisco is also really good in melee and is fairly tough as well. With his Wade In he is more than capable of dishing out some pain and taking some in return but with only 8 wounds he's not stellar. Although it's a choice of (0) to heal or take finesse for more defenses. 


On the subject of Henchmen Sidir is also a really good asset to the Guild. His sword is pretty good in a fight but his Machine Gun is better, I tend to walk him whilst shooting then charge in when I get the chance. He's also really good at protecting key models with his upgrade. 

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Ryle is pretty good in a fight too.  He does good damage with his punch, you don't have to worry about horror duels, and between his heal and his potential for armor 3 can be a bear to take down.  And when you don't need his heal, you have his push to either help get to combat faster or to push past the tarpit models to more important support or glass cannons who thought they were safe.

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The Warden is a great general combat model, as mentioned. Although his range threat comes in the form of the restraint trigger. Grinding Halt is great, and his melee is versatile. Toss can be very good at the right time.

Hunter is fantastic. Very fast, chain spear is great, and the +flips can help shoot into cover. You do pay for his versatility though, and he lacks grinding hault.

The Peacekeeper can be a one man crew. Tough, scary at range, and even worse up close. Especially with healing- nurses + stalker combo in McM, or Ryle, Hoff, or the Proxy.

Don't forget about the Lawyer. Objection is a very good attack if you can get at least moderate, and special damages is excellent for stacking on your opponents hitters.

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I got a chance to play another game last night. Witchling Stalkers are good harassers...I didn't have enough points for a Handler and the two Stalkers I bought still pulled their weight. When they damage they do a burning +1 and if you trigger right you can get another burning +1...that's a weak 4 points of damage.

And Marshalls...."Get in the box!!!" (did it to a whiskey golem for about 3 turns). They charge....two pine boxes, they die....Finish the job. Very good all the way around.

I don't have any other minions for the Guild, but the two that I do have work really well for me. What's next?!!?

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