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Sorry Aus, but they are valid comments. One of the supposed perks of switching to plastic was that metal was a pain to assemble (never mind that many of the models were in 1 piece...). That perk becomes invalid if you make the plastics a pain to assemble too.

Only valid to some people that expect them to be legos. The new plastics are a hundred times better than metals......No pinning (unless you have a spot that needs reinforcing which isn't required on every model........unlike metals which all require pins).....easier conversions.....easier to deal with any gaps.........a hundred times better. 


I agree that they are fiddlier, but that doesn't make them a pain.....it makes them more challenging........people need to take time, be careful, model better.

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When I say we're not turning this into a metal vs. plastic thread, it doesn't mean that it's ok to just make half of the argument that plastics are bad and leave out metal is good. (Or visa versa) This thread is about the gator art.


There are individuals in here who have derailed multiple threads in the past with these arguments. Next time I have to delete a post I will also give an official warning.

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Sigh... I so wanted to not do anything with gremlins. Except brewmaster, who can be claimed as ten thunders. And now, it seems, these guys...



Fully possible to do a Gremlin Faction crew without a single Gremlin, Zoraida, Gators, Pigs, Swampfiends, Mercs and at a push, Rooster Riders

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These are Crocodiles.


Very true - although I'm glad they were modeled on Salt Water Crocodiles rather than those weak-ass alligators. ;)


There are three other pieces of gator art, so don't think the one on the full page will be a model at all.


I'd be very disappointed if that was the case. I want my break-dancing gremlin! 

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That is an interesting line coming from an Australian! No sure whether y'all are that calm or just used to death lurking in your shoes...



You can check your boots for spiders. Snakes are typically easy to avoid, and if they bite you (which not THAT common, if you stand still and don't threaten it, or you haven't discovered it by stepping on it) while wearing thick jeans you are likely to not get injected too badly. 


And if you DO get bitten by either, if you get to medical treatment promptly, or apply the appropriate first aid, you'll be fine. 



Crocodiles on the other hand...  They could be in water a few feet deep, and you wouldn't know it. Then as you go near the water, they will grab you. 


And you will die, because first aid won't help you extract giant pointy teeth from around your waist, and there is no antivenin for being grabbed by a Croc and rolled around till your limbs come off and then having your body stuffed under a sumberged log till it rots.  

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Very true - although I'm glad they were modeled on Salt Water Crocodiles rather than those weak-ass alligators. ;)


Not that Salties aren't bigger and meaner and all that.........but have you ever been face to face with a full-grown "weak-ass gator"...........believe me, you won't be noticing the difference when it's on you.

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