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About Buddhanutz

  • Birthday 09/20/1981

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  1. So it looks like the rule was maybe “clarified” so that a unit may only attach one prototype asset. The line “any number of units” is what confused me. There is a pic in the rulebook of the old card, and if the intent is the same, then I understand. really crappy wording, Wyrd.
  2. I am having trouble understanding the Advanced Prototype rule on Abyssinia’s allegiance card. Can someone explain how it works, please? thanks 🙏
  3. Thanks for the replies. Maybe a full blown edition change will happen down the line. Maybe the current changes will be enough to give the game another shot.
  4. I saw that. I remember reading them when they were released. Seems like the gibberish hordes are in a better place now.
  5. It has been 5 years or so since we last played, so the specifics of what we did not like are lost to time. We are veterans- plus I am super nerdy and enjoy reading rulebooks, so I trust our impressions. We were also very, very versed in Wyrd games rule creation and play testing. The games we played further supported our impressions. This was a huge let down for us as we were pumped for a large scale Wyrd game. I will re-read the rulebook. The faq does not address army balance. I started with COtBM and my group had no fun playing against them. Alpha strike potential was too much. My buddy played gibberish horde and they were so paired down from initial play test versions, that they felt quite outmatched. Other than the faq, the armies are the same as they were upon initial release?
  6. My friend and I kickstarted ToS. We were thoroughly disappointed with the rules (we had been playing Wyrd games since Malifaux 1rst edition). The rules were amateurish (lots of great potential but confusing- it read as if the reader had already played the game) and the balance between factions was not very good. my friends and I bailed. I kept my armies though, in hope that the rules would be updated. With the new two-player starter set, have the rules been updated? Have the armies been rebalanced?
  7. Maybe it is pre-pumpkin head, Carver. I smell origin story!
  8. Miss Ing Yu Female wandering swordsman. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking of it.
  9. Please do not turn this into a crocodile vs. alligator thread. I thought we covered this. I could not resist ; )'
  10. I tend to put scramble and the ignore defenses upgrades on henchman Vic. I use the student of conflict and she huddles around the Viks for fast. I usually give the once per game fast to Taylor since she holds a flank. I have tried the sister in spirit upgrade To Vanessa but she is usually out of position. Ill give it another try though. Any other thoughts?
  11. I tend to put scramble and the ignore defenses upgrades on henchman Vic. I use the student of conflict and she huddles around the Viks for fast. I usually give the once per game fast to Taylor since she holds a flank. I have tried the sister in spirit upgrade To Vanessa but she is usually out of position. Ill give it another try though. Any other thoughts?
  12. Hello Everyone i have played the Viks in 1rst edition and a few games during the beta, and now i am playing them as part of my standard rotation. I find them to be fun and effective, with more tactical depth than their 1rst edition counter parts. However, I am having a hard time deciding the upgrade load out for the master Vik. Currently I am going with Hard to kill, Sisters in spirit (the place in base contact spell), and the +2 damage spell (sorry I don't have my cards in front of me). With this setup I don't have accomplice on Master Vik so I can't do the tag team super face punch. I don't know what upgrade to replace. Any thoughts?
  13. Hello Everyone i have played the Viks in 1rst edition and a few games during the beta, and now i am playing them as part of my standard rotation. I find them to be fun and effective, with more tactical depth than their 1rst edition counter parts. However, I am having a hard time deciding the upgrade load out for the master Vik. Currently I am going with Hard to kill, Sisters in spirit (the place in base contact spell), and the +2 damage spell (sorry I don't have my cards in front of me). With this setup I don't have accomplice on Master Vik so I can't do the tag team super face punch. I don't know what upgrade to replace. Any thoughts?
  14. I have only had one game with this crew since wave 2. It was 50ss and it was vs. Jack Daw. I had something like Von schill, librarian, strong arm, trapper, specialist, and 2 corps. The librarian is awesome. Her ability to heal one model is on a level all of its own. In addition, her range attack spell is very useful with CA 6 and a great damage track, combined with furious casting. She heals really well but can also throw out some very good damage. The trapper really surprised me. I did not think that he would be worth his points because his card reads as if he is "generic guy with a gun". The ability that I overlooked was his plus to the attack flip. This essentially allows him to ignore soft cover. His range is awesome, his damag is on par with other snipers, and his reposition trigger is still an auto trigger and is really useful in allowing the player to maximize his board control. I am looking forward to trying him again. The one thing that bothers me is, how does he make jerky without a hunting knife. That ability is basically useless. The strong arm suit died before he could do anything real useful. Overall, the thus wave has made Von schill's pure friekcorps crew fun again.
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