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Everything posted by Buddhanutz

  1. So it looks like the rule was maybe “clarified” so that a unit may only attach one prototype asset. The line “any number of units” is what confused me. There is a pic in the rulebook of the old card, and if the intent is the same, then I understand. really crappy wording, Wyrd.
  2. I am having trouble understanding the Advanced Prototype rule on Abyssinia’s allegiance card. Can someone explain how it works, please? thanks 🙏
  3. Thanks for the replies. Maybe a full blown edition change will happen down the line. Maybe the current changes will be enough to give the game another shot.
  4. I saw that. I remember reading them when they were released. Seems like the gibberish hordes are in a better place now.
  5. It has been 5 years or so since we last played, so the specifics of what we did not like are lost to time. We are veterans- plus I am super nerdy and enjoy reading rulebooks, so I trust our impressions. We were also very, very versed in Wyrd games rule creation and play testing. The games we played further supported our impressions. This was a huge let down for us as we were pumped for a large scale Wyrd game. I will re-read the rulebook. The faq does not address army balance. I started with COtBM and my group had no fun playing against them. Alpha strike potential was too much. My buddy played gibberish horde and they were so paired down from initial play test versions, that they felt quite outmatched. Other than the faq, the armies are the same as they were upon initial release?
  6. My friend and I kickstarted ToS. We were thoroughly disappointed with the rules (we had been playing Wyrd games since Malifaux 1rst edition). The rules were amateurish (lots of great potential but confusing- it read as if the reader had already played the game) and the balance between factions was not very good. my friends and I bailed. I kept my armies though, in hope that the rules would be updated. With the new two-player starter set, have the rules been updated? Have the armies been rebalanced?
  7. Maybe it is pre-pumpkin head, Carver. I smell origin story!
  8. Miss Ing Yu Female wandering swordsman. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking of it.
  9. Please do not turn this into a crocodile vs. alligator thread. I thought we covered this. I could not resist ; )'
  10. I tend to put scramble and the ignore defenses upgrades on henchman Vic. I use the student of conflict and she huddles around the Viks for fast. I usually give the once per game fast to Taylor since she holds a flank. I have tried the sister in spirit upgrade To Vanessa but she is usually out of position. Ill give it another try though. Any other thoughts?
  11. I tend to put scramble and the ignore defenses upgrades on henchman Vic. I use the student of conflict and she huddles around the Viks for fast. I usually give the once per game fast to Taylor since she holds a flank. I have tried the sister in spirit upgrade To Vanessa but she is usually out of position. Ill give it another try though. Any other thoughts?
  12. Hello Everyone i have played the Viks in 1rst edition and a few games during the beta, and now i am playing them as part of my standard rotation. I find them to be fun and effective, with more tactical depth than their 1rst edition counter parts. However, I am having a hard time deciding the upgrade load out for the master Vik. Currently I am going with Hard to kill, Sisters in spirit (the place in base contact spell), and the +2 damage spell (sorry I don't have my cards in front of me). With this setup I don't have accomplice on Master Vik so I can't do the tag team super face punch. I don't know what upgrade to replace. Any thoughts?
  13. Hello Everyone i have played the Viks in 1rst edition and a few games during the beta, and now i am playing them as part of my standard rotation. I find them to be fun and effective, with more tactical depth than their 1rst edition counter parts. However, I am having a hard time deciding the upgrade load out for the master Vik. Currently I am going with Hard to kill, Sisters in spirit (the place in base contact spell), and the +2 damage spell (sorry I don't have my cards in front of me). With this setup I don't have accomplice on Master Vik so I can't do the tag team super face punch. I don't know what upgrade to replace. Any thoughts?
  14. I have only had one game with this crew since wave 2. It was 50ss and it was vs. Jack Daw. I had something like Von schill, librarian, strong arm, trapper, specialist, and 2 corps. The librarian is awesome. Her ability to heal one model is on a level all of its own. In addition, her range attack spell is very useful with CA 6 and a great damage track, combined with furious casting. She heals really well but can also throw out some very good damage. The trapper really surprised me. I did not think that he would be worth his points because his card reads as if he is "generic guy with a gun". The ability that I overlooked was his plus to the attack flip. This essentially allows him to ignore soft cover. His range is awesome, his damag is on par with other snipers, and his reposition trigger is still an auto trigger and is really useful in allowing the player to maximize his board control. I am looking forward to trying him again. The one thing that bothers me is, how does he make jerky without a hunting knife. That ability is basically useless. The strong arm suit died before he could do anything real useful. Overall, the thus wave has made Von schill's pure friekcorps crew fun again.
  15. Ramos does not have a way of generating scrap on his own. He has to wait for something to die. This was a good game balance decision given how many spiders you can summon in a game. To make sure I have enough scrap to work with, I just hire a spider and have joss kill it first turn to generate two scraps, and Ramos goes to town for two turns summoning off the two scraps generated by Joss. i then maneuver him mid-field to support his spiders and to get within summoning distance of any newly generated scrap counters. It works pretty well. If he were to have a way to self generate scraps, than it would have to be AP intensive in order to be balanced. This would put Ramos back to his 1rst edition self- where he was doomed to never move from where you deployed him.
  16. I use him all of the time with Ramos. I give him the upgrade that you discard for fast (I forget the name) and I hang him back as a body guard for Ramos. The fast allows you to once per game move and heal (this has been a clutch move in a number of my games) or fast move into combat to flurry. His healing is fantastic in a Ramos crew since 1-2 wounds from an average healing flip goes a long way with all of the Armor in a Ramos list. Rebel yell is icing on the cake. Remember that it can be used offensively to remove conditions that are beneficial to enemy models. I really recommend giving him a shot; the last beta SS decrease for Johan made a huge difference.
  17. A wonderful change in Mk2 is the removal of special forces. This was a limiting factor when considering taking the giant arachnid. Arcanist had a rough go in general in mk1 related to special forces limitations. A lot of our good models were special forces so we were limited to 2. Anyway, I hope they let the giant arachnid set traps as described in his old fluff blurb : )
  18. What does everyone think of Ramos's electrical fire spell? Every time I play him I feel that it should have been range 12. I always have extra AP at the end of his activation and it would be nice if I could shoot someone from time to time. Overall, I find his summoning great but his overall play style feels a bit boring. A better range on electrical fire, or another utility 1 action would have rounded him out a bit. In my opinion, of course.
  19. Well, think of the same situation under a different circumstance. What if the scheme was assasinate. The image of that playing out makes it a little easier to see that Mei should get the credit for the kill. She jump kicks the model off the ledge, which means she assisinated him. Right? I am eager to see what the final ruling is.
  20. In Mk2, leap has been reworded to be "move...ignoring terrain". I am not quite sure what this means and this wording seems to also be causing problems for flight and incorperal. So if I have a model with leap standing on one side of a three story terraclips building that is 5 inches wide. When he leaps, can he be placed on the other side of the building? This would literally be ignoring the building. Or, does he simply move up the wall the amount of movement indicated by leap, ignoring the double movement aspect of climbing just like he had unimpeded?
  21. I have been using terra clips since they were first released and I own 3 streets, 2 buildings, 1 sewer and 1 of each of the 3 latest boxes. For starters I would actually not purchase the building box. It is a great box, but of all of the boxes it is the most limited in terms of table coverage. I would actually recommend 2 boxes of streets, and 1 box of ruins. You can make simple structures with the street tiles, and the ruins sets allow you to add variety to the board by creating multi story ruined buildings. Since they are ruinined, they don't need roofs. Roof pieces make up at least 35% of the buildings boxes, which accounts for why they are so limited in table coverage. The last three expansions, including the ruins, added 4 inch walls which make building structures much easier. 2 boxes of clips should work, but if you have the cash I would pick up 3 boxes. The ruins box also makes great stand alone terrain if you are just looking to throw some pieces on the table; this is especially useful if you play other miniature games. Overall, I have never had more fun playing Malifaux then when I use a terra clips table. Verticality and LoS blocking Changes the game.
  22. I like the "James Bonding" idea. My group learned really quickly that for a good number of the schemes there was no real reason not to announce them since the benefit of an extra VP was so big.
  23. Good point as well as a nice suggestion on fixing assassination. Here are the points that need to be addressed: 1)Schemes that are too difficult to achieve, like the outcast only scheme that is based on your opponent not announcing their own schemes. 2)Schemes that are too easy to achieve, like Kidnaped * The net result of 1 and 2 is that people play the same handful of schemes. 3)Schemes that allow your opponent to keep you from achieving through killing their own models. 4)Better balance across faction only schemes, such as the Arcanist schemes being largely based on movement---- that does not make any sense to me in terms of balance and in terms of fluff. I think that anyone who has played the game long enough, has their own understanding of what needs to be fixed, and that is what I would like to have discussed.
  24. Hello Everyone I have been playing Malifaux for around 4 years now and I really enjoy the game and the fiction of the game world. As everyone knows, there has been a lot of talk about how to "fix" Malifaux or at least establish a better power balance between models and factions; right off the bat I will say that I strongly believe that Malifaux does need to be balanced. Schemes are a unique part of Malifaux, and they, in my opinion, are fun, intriguing, yet not well constructed. Schemes currently don't work that well (at least 65% of them don't), yet, as a game mechanic, schemes are a source of hope for Malifaux because they are an avenue through which in-game balance can be partially addressed. I would like to discuss possible changes to the current list of schemes, as well as more overarching changes to schemes, such as allowing the harder schemes to be worth more than 1 or 2 VP's. Discussion of house-created schemes or changes to current schemes that you use in your games would also be welcomed.
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