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Rathnard's trip to Gencon/NYC!

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Okay so first of all, I'm stealing this idea off fellow traveller and regular opponent Kadeton, who posted up pretty much the same thing last night. He's staying in North America for alot longer than me and he's a pretty cool guy, so if you happen to live where he's going to be heading then give him a shout. ;)




Anyway, I'll be finally making the trip to Gencon this year (yay!) so I'm hoping to catch up with all you people I know but have never met! 


Here's where I'm going to be;


August 11 - 18: Indianapolis (August 14 - 17: Gencon!)

August 18 - 22: New York City*

...and after that I'm flying home.


Not as long as Kadeton but hey - I have a 2 year old to look after! ;)


So if you happen to be around I'd love to meet some of you face to face. 


Also, beyond wandering around Manhattan for a bit I also have no specific plans for NYC - I don't even have a hotel booked yet! So if you've got any good suggestions (especially if there'll be some gaming opportunities) I'd love to hear them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey man!


I live in NYC and am going to Gencon..soo..I will have the same schedule as you! That is, I will be in NYC 8/18-8/22, but mostly because I will be living there. I will be at Gencon as well, buying all the things.


Anyway, I'm pretty sure you'll have a blast. There are a number of Malifaux players here, and we usually play at the Compleat Strategist. Guy In The Suit plays there.


The main gaming stores in Manhattan are


Compleat Strategist

Games Workshop Store (For the..other game)


There are also a number of gaming stores in Brooklyn, such as 


Twenty Sided

Brooklyn Strategist

Brooklyn Game Lab


If taking a tour of all the gaming stores isn't your speed, there are a number of things to do for geeks from visiting the SHIELD showcase in Time Square, to swinging lightsabers with the Empire Saber Guild and New York Jedi.


If you like, send me a PM and maybe we can arrange to meet at the con, I'm already scheduled for a couple of Wyrd events! (I think!)

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Man, I wish I was going too ! It would be so fun to meet people from here face to face.

I don't know if this 'll help or not, but If you or a family member are military (you have to have an ID) there's a great little hotel called the soldier sailor in NYC that only houses us and allied military members for super cheap. It's old, but it's really well maintained and you can tell the people really love what they're doing there for service members and their families. I stayed there last summer when my unit went to Connecticut for Annual training. We had a long weekend and got to check out NYC. It was awesome fun, and met some great people. :)

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Thanks for the responses guys!


I had a chat with the NYC Henchmen and I'll be coming down to the Strategist to play Guy in Suit on Thursday. Hopefully I'll be making it over to Nu Brand Gaming to meet Kalkris on Tuesday or Wednesday (depending on when/if he's got time). Happy to chat with anyone else when I'm there too of course! Other than that I figured I'd see some of the sights!


And no, I'm not military - I foolishly chose a career in science instead. Good god people, never go into scientific research. ;)

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Good luck Rath, hope the journey is amazing despite my lingering envy.


Oh and as a former customer service minion, lab tech, military officer, critical care nurse and solicitor I would state that science as a career ain't so bad.

Less insults, potential violence, stupid people demanding you make the problems they caused go away and I'd assume a manageable level of bodily fluids.


If I could write, design, paint well or play any sport worth a damn then I'd be happy. Better yet the rise of a truly professional war gaming sport would be simply grand. :D

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Oh and as a former customer service minion, lab tech, military officer, critical care nurse and solicitor I would state that science as a career ain't so bad.

Less insults, potential violence, stupid people demanding you make the problems they caused go away and I'd assume a manageable level of bodily fluids.


Not having to deal with the general public is a plus, but I also just finished writing a 700 word email to Ausplosions about why his wife shouldn't get into research. Seriously, take it from me when I say it's a crappy career move. ;) 

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Not having to deal with the general public is a plus, but I also just finished writing a 700 word email to Ausplosions about why his wife shouldn't get into research. Seriously, take it from me when I say it's a crappy career move. ;)

Cheers for that by the way Adrian! Will definitely see if you can chat with her sometime after your return from shopping for me at Gencon! ;-)

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