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Jumping Gaps

John Garside


Hi, recently started Malifaux after being attracted by the awesome minis and getting bored of GW stuff.

Had our first game last week and I splashed out on the sewers of malifaux terrain. Its really great stuff.

love the card system, but one thing kinda struck us as odd. The climbing rules seemed very basic, I thought some kind of duel would required to get up/down walls. At one point the other guy wanted to charge me while on a gantry but was separated by a 2" gap, so we looked for the rules for jumping gaps. but as far as I could see there were none.

Am I missing something? we were thinking of making it a Wk duel with a TN10 plus the length of the gap.

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As mentioned, the current edition of Malifaux omits those sorts of things in the interest of streamlining and simplicity. If those are interactions you would like then I might suggest picking up the older edition's books (you can probably pick them up very cheap on clearance these days) which have those types of rules. Just be aware that you wont be able to direct port the new models to the older edition (a lot has changed) and you might be hard pressed to find a large group of players (though there are still players if you look).


The other option is to "house rule" those types of things with in your group.

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We just assume that if the gap is small enough so that a single walk action can get you in base to base with the other piece of terrain you can jump the gap, otherwise you can't, although Joel is correct in that there are no official rules for this.

Keep in mind that every 1" is about 1 yard. therefore, a 2" gap is six feet, and a 3" gap is 9". most models can cover 4-5" in one move, so if I were to house rule it, I think I'd probably cap it at 1" per 1" of Ht—a Bayou gremlin could jump 1", A human or other Ht 2 could jump 2", a Rail Golem could jump 4, etc., with the proviso that it cannot move more than it's Wk in doing so.

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If those are interactions you would like then I might suggest picking up the older edition's books (you can probably pick them up very cheap on clearance these days) which have those types of rules. 


I dig out my first edition rulebook (don't have 1.5  so might have changed) and found this under movement.


(2) Jump - The model moves up to 1/2 its walk distance across a gap or moves up to 1/2 of its walk distance from a higher elevation to a lower one without suffering damage.


I would probably houserule that you can make a jump if the space is less than 1/2 your walk distance. Treat the space as +1" longer though for charging distance (so if your WK is 4 you can jump less than  2" gap, but doing so takes 3" of movement). 

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