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New Faction or Crew request


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I love the rules and fluff of Malifaux. There's one thing that's holding me up right now: a Crew I can REALLY get behind. I think the Crew I want would be a great addition to the Malifaux world: the Church.

I don't know what it is, but I love playing the religious zealot in mini games. The closest I have here now is Sonnia and the Witch Hunters. I think a Crew with a priest, some holy warriors and some zealot types would fit the world perfectly and work really well.

What about everyone else? Do you have a faction or crew you'd like to see?

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I, for my part, am really glad that there is no church faction in Malifaux. I have enough of that in both Warhammers, Warmachine and WWE. Maybe it's just me but I don't find them very "funny" and Malifaux is a game with dark humor at the roots. This is all I think of when I see those "Fire and Sword" church factions:




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Thanks for the suggestions and ideas everyone.  I realize religion can be a touchy subject in general.  I'm not really looking for a Bible-thumping group, just something church-y themes (like the templars from the other linked thread).


Nathan, I can certainly understand the reasons Wyrd would have to keep religion out of Malifaux of course.  It's disappointing my favorite meta-type of army / faction won't be around to play, but I can get over it... although you did say "very likely"...  =)



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I honestly don't think the world that's been built up in Malifaux would actually support a church faction or crew. The guild might use vague, tightly controlled aspects of religion as a tool of fear/mystique (like the exorcist), but why would they allow an organisation that might disagree with them and threaten their control to run about freely?

Plus, even earthside, I imagine a lot of religions would have started to have problems once it was discovered that souls were needed to power magic.

I got the impression that individuals may be religious, but there is no big organised religion - it would be small groups, private things, nothing that would draw attention or be a threat to the guild's control. People clinging to their faith as a buffer against the horrors of daily life, but nothing organised and highly visible.

[As an aside, I'd also say that I'd rather not see new masters just yet, even more so a new faction. We just got a bunch of new ones, and the avatars are still in testing. Gencon 2016 I can see minions and such being good, but I have no interest in it adding to the list of masters.]

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Believe me, the grief I got over Nephilim and our twist on some other history/biblical figures was more than enough of a 'hassle' that the idea of putting a full blown religious group into the story/background really just doesn't appeal to me. Besides, it's one of those touchy subjects where I just don't like the idea and don't feel the need to bring it into the game itself. Does that mean that the game is any less for it ... I don't think so, but it most certainly stops the bible thumpers (said in a rather derisive tone) from setting up shop outside the offices.


My wife was a bible school teacher up till a couple years ago. Was on the Vestry, etc. Want someone that can quote scripture to you - that's the woman. I figure if she can handle this stuff with a laugh, most folks can .... noooope. We've had folks turn down jobs because we're 'satanic'. Had contractors not accept jobs (IT, electrical) because what we stood for was 'wrong'. Hell, we even had one lady hold a ritual out in the parking lot trying to drive the evil out of our establishment and to bring us to the 'right way' of thinking. That one was sort of entertaining - I would have said it looked more like voodoo out there than anything, but hell, I wasn't going to go out and debate her. 


For Malifaux I see it more along the lines that religion didn't really play a huge role in the world due to the existence of magic ... or if it did, it didn't take as deep a hold on the people and culture. Sure there were religious orders or fellowships, but I see it more as a general gods vs God situation. More to the point, with the coming of the Breach, Soulstones and the subsequent wars, I see religion as one of those institutions that the early days of the Guild stomped out heavily and severely as no one likes competition, particularly the divine sort which can inspire zealots and martyrs. 


Maybe there was a deep seated belief in some folks, but say after the sacking of the Mary John Jacob Peters Church compound where all the clergy and lay members were rounded up and burned alive within the church walls while wave after wave of depleted soulstone was recharged ... well, one might not be so quick as to whisper a prayer or wear religion openly. 

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Yeah, I grew up in Greenville, SC, where there are more churches per square mile than people... I spent some fun times in Atlanta, too, where I had to go to get my tattoo after I graduated college, because the government of SC still felt tattooing was "immoral and should be illegal"... Sigh


I would have loved to have seen that ritual in the parking lot!! :D


If friends of mine in Spain conducted their queimada ritual (with a large, shallow ceramic bowl full of blue-flaming alcohol while chanting an incantation) in an Atlanta parking lot, I'm sure there'd be a righteous drive-by of sorts... ;)


Still, though... I do enjoy the fevered purging with fire that Sonnia has come to spread. Seems my hypocrisy knows no bounds. Heehee! I'd LOVE to work at Wyrd!

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Up until recently, I gladly told people that in my part of the world, religious zealotry doesn't play a huge role in life. Then a politician printed a half moon into the logo of his party, as a marketing gag, to appeal to his Muslim voters. His own party now debates on banning him for betraying the Christian ideals of the party. That party is also the governing party here in Germany...


Sigh. No, humor is wasted on people with strong religious feelings.

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Believe me, the grief I got over Nephilim and our twist on some other history/biblical figures was more than enough of a 'hassle' that the idea of putting a full blown religious group into the story/background really just doesn't appeal to me. 

Yah.......I think the sexism fallout gives enough grief at the moment. Wow, the flaming I've seen over Trixie...the over-sexed GREMLIN. People saying they're quitting Malifaux and Wyrd altogether over it. I don't understand it personally, but everyone's entitled to their opinion I guess.

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Yah.......I think the sexism fallout gives enough grief at the moment. Wow, the flaming I've seen over Trixie...the over-sexed GREMLIN. People saying they're quitting Malifaux and Wyrd altogether over it. I don't understand it personally, but everyone's entitled to their opinion I guess.


I hope this is a joke :o

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 "Hell, we even had one lady hold a ritual out in the parking lot trying to drive the evil out of our establishment and to bring us to the 'right way' of thinking."


Wow ... Just, wow ...



I'm so lucky I live in the UK. I would rather not be driven out, it would be a pain, I would have to go down the local Cafe and work there.

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I'm pretty glad there is not a religious faction in Malifaux. I have played religious armies in every other game (menoth and morrow, sisters of battle, flagellents and warrior priests in empire) and I'm pretty glad that Malifaux has avoided religion almost entirely and still developed a deep rich background is a great appeal.

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