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I have always loved Somer, so I am definitely getting that box.  I like his metal alternate sculpt better than this new plastic version, and lenny looks relatively unchanged, but those Bayou Gremlins are simply amazing and I much prefer the look of these mosquitos.

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Wave serpent is the best asian styled dragon miniature I've ever seen


Looks like somebody has their 40k head on. Wave Serpents are Craftworld Eldar vehicles  :P


Still... the Dawn Serpent does look pretty epic. Must have! Saying that the Convicts and Bishop also look suitably sweet that I'll probably have to throw some money at them as well 

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Still... the Dawn Serpent does look pretty epic. Must have! Saying that the Convicts and Bishop also look suitably sweet that I'll probably have to throw some money at them as well 


I actually quite like the non-Trejo gunslinger, looked really boring in the little art picture in the book art but he got quite buffed up :D Guess he hit the gym a couple of times before coming out. 

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Somer box is great! Somer himself is weird (what is he doing?) but all the other minis are golden. I wonder whether the skeeters will be identical or not.

Governor's Proxy is serviceable but nothing special.

December Acolytes - I would like to see them in the flesh (meaning pics of actual minis as opposed to just renders) but I'm optimistic. Some parts look a bit fiddly, though, but on the whole happy with them.

Dawn Serpent's render looks a bit strange in pose but maybe it's better as a mini. Not quite as good as I was expecting but not bad at all.

LOL at that second Convict Gunslinger in the pic (Danny Trejo, anyone?). I was hoping for these to be better actually but they are OK.

Bishop I'm disappointed with. Looks somehow really awkward and also like something that won't look very good on the table. Maybe a painted version will change my mind.

All in all not a bad month. December Acolytes and Somer were the clear winners here with Dawn Serpent being up there as well.

So they can release 20+ plastic sets for M2e but are unable to finally fulfill the Through the Breach Kickstarter pledges? Awesome work, guys... *slowclap*

What do those two things have in common? Writing and producing a book is likely done by different people and facilities than sculpting and producing minis.
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And you'll still get them - you seem to be under the impression that we've taken the money and told you to stuff it. 


I've already stated I'm not running weekly updates with 'almost ... almost ..'. Everything has been put in other hands - some faster than others. If I could flip a switch and make it all go on 'my' time, I'd most certainly do so.

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Random thought: how is that quill going to work on the model for the Governor's Proxy?


I think he looks pretty cool but that quill is just asking to snap. Maybe I'm wrong but a connection point that small seems like it could cause issues. Wont know for sure until I own the little blighter though! 

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LOL at that second Convict Gunslinger in the pic (Danny Trejo, anyone?). I was hoping for these to be better actually but they are OK.

Bishop I'm disappointed with. Looks somehow really awkward and also like something that won't look very good on the table. Maybe a painted version will change my mind.



Yeah. Absolutely agree Math :D 

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