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Everything posted by Peturd

  1. I just want to point out it was David Longtin (1st playing Damian2 mostly, plus Hoff2) and Cody Hiat (3rd playing Damian1 mostly I think). Both players who would definitely have been in the top tables regardless of master or faction. Both I believe are usually play testers (Cody talked about the crew on his podcast). Where as most of the players they were facing would have no experience against the crew. I WILL say, Witness seems like a crew that has a decent skill ceiling but a pretty low floor. So it's less of a hinderance to have never played it than it is a problem to have never played against it. I'm not pretending that counters any points made so far or anything. Just tempering the conversation a little. I think it will be very hard to nerf Damian2 well without neutering him, but he probably needs a tweak. They did good with Ivan in my mind so they can do good again. I'm not sure how or what you change with Damian1 without fundamentally changing things ... and the fundamental core doesn't feel broken. It's just all the counters so far I've seen to the crew seem so much harder to pull off against Damian2 than 1. Like killing the gamin and support models is WAY harder when they can be so far back and the master can attack through them.
  2. My thoughts, for what they are worth: All my games so far have been using Damian1 so that may color things, and I've only got a few under my belt so far with him. But it's not that each model seems super powerful, it's the fact that I often have 10-14 cards to choose from, by the time my opponent has none. So I can build up amazing hands and force things through. Soooo, it's not just house the soul models but just all the smaller models in general. Take out Miya, Dabblers, gamin, Leger and Marco. If you can ignore the scary stuff I don't have card advantage or baked in crows easily when we get in the scrum turn 3 onwards. And confirm kills, don't ping away at a couple things at the same time between activations. There is lots of access to pings of healing that add up quick. So bringing crews that rely on doing lots of pings spread out isn't ideal. And maybe bring card draw or crews that don't rely on a strong hand as much (positive flips, high stat, anti-cheat abilities like Combat Finesse etc.)?
  3. Well, that depends on opposing crew and player. Definitely shoot it yourself in the foot a bit having NO umbra besides mordrake. But you don’t need to summon for Ivan to be useful. He becomes a min 3 blaster stat 6 against WP and usually a positive. But nothing else in your crew will be doing big damage or be super tough.
  4. Yeah, I definitely don’t want to dismiss the NPE of having Broken get summoned on an ace of crows when your opponent black jokers. That once in a million generates a LOT of hate. I guess my only take is we should nerf on the expected/real results, not the possibilities.
  5. That’s not right. Runic isn’t a gun so friendly fire doesn’t matter. That just gives you one positive. You need to have already given him distracted, and gotten the enemy concealment. And it’s stat 6, but to get the equivalent of other summoners 12 card summons the target needs a stat 6 at least. So that means you can’t count it as a sure thing unless you have the red joker. And it costs: positioning, distracted, and likely a high card, also likely a stone for the second crow unless you are lucky. BUT! Yeah, I get a couple of Brocken a game pretty reliably unless my opponent doesn’t have WP 6. I’m not trying to pretend it’s not easy. But it’s important to be accurate. if the opponent techs against the Brocken with no WP6 it makes Ivan a great beater who can still summon some Daeva. I think that’s the real problem. If you tech against his summoning you make him wicked strong as a blaster. And either way you can’t even snipe him out either with his defensive shadow markers. I’m all for a nerf to Ivan and likely Brocken. But a reasonable leveling out. There are a couple titles that are closer to Ivan in power. I’d really like to see quite a few things in other factions be brought up, and Ivan brought down rather than just crush him under a mountain of salt and tears. Remember the explorers super friends would likely all be nerfed as well.
  6. Well said. People only put out the best case scenarios and salty takes when talking nerfs. I think the best solution was above. Lower the damage track. Even removing the reduce damage ability from front of card might be fine. But I hope the changes are more like how Colette got changed than some of the salty “ruin him” takes I see. So … one is solvable and the other just isn’t? Then you admit you haven’t put in any effort to solve against DUA. Feels like this take isn't in good faith.
  7. Yeah, toss mordrake across the bridge, back and forth forever. Giving Ivan infinite distracted. But I hope no one would ever actually try that. Nor does Ivan really need a buff like that, lol
  8. I’m no lore expert or anything. Just a quick list. For sure British: Dreamer, McCabe, Cooper, Elijah Borgman, firebranded Maybe British: Hoffman, at least some Oxfordian mages, Dashel, most guards, many generic minions like showgirls or journalist ones, Vogel, the captain, midnight stalker, dead dandies, Mortimer, the nanny Definitely not British: English Ivan
  9. One hint is the Neverborn versatiles. Around the same time as Klaus was previewed for through the breach we saw :
  10. Of course! I think not just Union President but her whole crew are worthy of re-examination. Union miners for example have seemed more worth hiring with the new title in my limited games with her. And Fitz as well is a better hire. Worth elaborating on those!
  11. Oh, I think I was just kind of missing the point. You are definitely right on both the order initiate point and even more so, the fact that usually aiming for 3-4 min4 attacks is way more efficient than trying to force severed!
  12. Schrodingers marker: simultaneously height 4 and 0! Haha Just kidding there, though I don’t think it’s quite the same as friendly/enemy as there is no mutually exclusive aspects. I tend towards agreeing with your take for sure, just saw the discussion on this had dropped off. Whenever there isn’t a 100% clear answer I’d rather interpret it in the way that favors my opponent anyway.
  13. I mean, this was simply an anecdote as requested not a tactica. And they can’t count to “just step away” since I could have accomplice’d into Marcus. Or on other turns had other stuff nearby. Plus leaps to get into position. I don’t understand the point on initiates … it’s the same ability .. they can’t do it with “less hand requirements”. That doesn’t make any sense. Same stat. Same trigger .. and can take them too. In this case I was forcing it to maximize damage on the master to dive for a turn 2 kill. No reason not to just swing for the fences like with the orders, plus leap and get a fourth attack for a stone when it is worth it. Just some thoughts. Maybe I’m completely missing your point though?
  14. I had a solid hand, stoned turn 1&2 so I went into the fight with 3 severe cards in hand. Myranda ran up with two mutations, he thought Marcus was too far away, so activated mad dog to kill the Cerberus. So when Marcus leaps, then charges (with horns) he hits with a plus on the damage flip. Cheated in a 13 of masks in the duel. Straight damage flip, cheated a severe for 8 damage. Then focus+adaptive evolution for free mask and double positive on the duel. Another straight flip dmg and flipped a severe for 8 more. Third action landed a weak flip, but with a mask on the duel so it was for 4. So obviously some of that was stoned. But still, crazy hits when there is enough mutations nearby. And last hit pushes Parker to 2” away. As I’d rather be shot with Marcus than melee’d. Was a chunk of resources, but well spent. The mutations just kind of went naturally. I think it’s be easy to over think or position poorly trying to maximize it, but I never felt short on mutations. I am not sure what the ideal crew is to bring with this Marcus, but the one I took felt like it wasn’t quite there. I might have liked a second initiate. I had: marcus, jackelope, Myranda, order initiate (mt), beast within (ssc), Cerberus, and a mauler with 7 stones. More mutation targets than mutations. Not ideal. But wanted to just feel some things out. Beast within was great to get extra movement out of the corner.
  15. So where are people coming down on Cryosleep? Does it allow you to ignore an ice pillar when determining if a target has cover, since you count the ice pillar as a corpse marker?
  16. Got a game in last night with Marcus, Alpha vs Bandit. You can set up some HURT on models with Marcus. I wasn’t sure how to swing this pool so I took 7 stones. Needed them all to maximize his turns and for cards. Almost took out Parker in one activation on turn two from corner deployment. But he got lucky and red joker’d his soulstone damage reduction. Turn 3 Marcus killed Sue, a dead outlaw and got in place to grab a symbol turn 4. Was a low scoring game of 3:1 in Marcus favour. Bandits never made it to the halfway line. Pool: corner, symbols of authority, break through, detonate charges, catch and release, death beds, bait and switch.
  17. When does the kaltgiest have to lower its shielded? Does it happen when you declare hard slam, or when you go to resolve the damage?
  18. I’m likely a little dense, but just dawned o me charging is a push. So every time you charge you get shielded if you aren’t already at 2+
  19. You are summoning ice creatures. You summon living or beast, but they lost those traits from the card. Then get armor and the demise from gamin/golems/kaldgist. Her lore blurb explains it too. She is forming new people from the ice and giving them life. Tempted to repaint a silent one and some acolytes in icy form!!
  20. If they added a new model (or models) that was 6-7 stones and filled the gap between gamin and golem she would have as many summon options as Ivan and more than Tara. Easiest option being where she summons from an ice pillar. Though part of me is hoping for something other than summoner.
  21. Does he have a whip in that picture? Maybe something like McCabes new whip? But with more scheme related triggers? Or it’s just rope. Maybe he can wrangle up McCabes missing horse mid game and turns into a mounted version. Lol
  22. It’s still an1/1/2 damage track if your blasts don’t hit anything. Not something I’d spend 16 stones on I don’t think.
  23. For sure. Even the slightly more random pairs usually have a very clear thematic and cool linking model. Nekima and Molly sharing an undead Nephelim feels like maybe the zombie Nephelim started this pairing more than anything else
  24. That doesn’t do anything to explain multiple people making the same pairing though. If anything that logic should lead to less people pairing the two in speculations. But yes, I agree. From the moment Nekima/Molly was shown, it was clear the speculation is pointless. Fun! But pointless.
  25. I’m curious, why does everyone keep mentioning Sandeep/Shenlong pairing. I can’t see the mechanical link, is there a fluff one I don’t know about?
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