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Everything posted by Maniacal_cackle

  1. Guild mage is just one aspect of the problem. Here is an example of perdita using her last action... Summon a nephilim hunter Take a free trick shot Family values to stun enemy Focus neph hunter Draw a card Discard a card for a por El on neph hunter Heal something with guild mage Heal something with guild mage 2 Neph hunter to shoot to kill something with the focus Replaces into monster hunter, gives itself a free shot Shoots something with family values built in, hands perdita a focus Draw a card. Everything she does is just way too efficient xD
  2. For me it'd be Perdita and Von schill. Those were the two that caused problems for balancing Balancefaux and led to banning all the MB versatiles to weaken those crews xD
  3. For me, Kabukis are so cool I want to use them in virtually every crew. And then they just don't quite cut it 😂 I want them to be as cool as Mature Neph but they aren't.
  4. Have you tested them out yet? Dry erase markers tend not to be fine point.
  5. Awesome! These seem really useful. Focus caps at 2 so could save some space there. If you make a resser one I might snag it.
  6. They won the world series last year, although there were some oddities there. Overall I'd say pretty much any faction can be competitive except at the very top tiers.
  7. Faction strength isn't really something that's easy to break down. Easier to break down is the broken crews tend to be the new ones. Stuff like Damian, Tull, Perdita 2, Shenlong 1 with Koji, von schill with yannic, etc tend to be the strongest if you want to be super competitive. If your meta isn't super competitive, you'll find most things pretty well balanced and you can play whatever.
  8. Okay, so with the updated FAQ to the replace mehcanic, we know that many things don't transfer over on replace... So let me see if I have this scenario correct now... Perdita summons a Nephilim Hunter, and the Nephilim hunter gives itself a free attack. Enemy crew currently has 6 models on one health. Would you be able to... Shoot first model, kill it. Replace into monster hunter Get free attack for attaching nephilim hunter upgrade Shoot something kill it, family values built in, Free focus, draw a card Replace into a monster hunter Get a free attack for attaching nephilim hunter upgrade Shoot something kill it, family values built in, Free focus, draw a card Replace into a monster hunter Etc. The Family Values 'once per activation' restriction should reset every replace you do? So you could potentially build in and declare the family values all six times when you're delivering these kill shots? And there's no rule to stop a monster hunter replacing with a monster hunter (unless you're at your plentiful limit), so you could potentially just keep machine-gunning until you fail to kill something?
  9. The idea of corrupted idols is if you do that, your opponent will just kidnap the idols to their own side and force you to score the strategy.
  10. Can also print out the pdf. Just make sure to get the errata.
  11. They're online for free from the main wyrd site The only unique thing in the physical books is the lore.
  12. Kastore 2 is doing pretty well in the series! He's just got that raw aggression going for him. I don't think anything surprising. Just hiring keyword and playing it efficiently. Urnbearers are the stars of the list (though I suspect people will learn to kill them ASAP).
  13. Yes if the second model is far enough from the terrain. No if it is within the shadow of the terrain (2 inches in this case).
  14. Armor reduces any damage that doesn't ignore it. To a minimum of 1.
  15. I don't read it as a continuous effect. You only do the "remove markers" effect when you do the action, same as any other text within range. If an aura says "do 1 damage to all models within range", it doesn't just infinitely ping them as soon as they get into range. It would need to say something like "until the end phase, remove all markers within range" to be continuous.
  16. You can probably get them from Wargame Vault as well.
  17. Amazing xD Leave your mark is the main thing that stands out. How do you force your opponent to score that one? Also would it make sense to choose schemes for your opponent? For instance you could then swap LYM for claim jump, as you would know their schemes and they wouldn't.
  18. That's not an official Wyrd answer, but that's how the unnofficial Malifaux World Series plays it (that you can't use My Loyal Servant on the target). There's no official answer to this question AFAIK.
  19. Well, to go over the current options: Breakthrough- avoid placing them in deployment. Leave your mark - avoid placing them near the centrepoint if you can't remove them by turn 5. Sabotage - stay 2" away from terrain. Spread/load - that's a tricky one, but of course you can just drop them on the opponent's table half. Set the Trap - just don't set them within 2 inches of your models, although they can use reposition stuff. Secret meetup - don't set up in base contact with terrain. When we've been doing practice runs of it (admittedly with Shenlong), we usually just note all the places you can't put them for the scheme pool and then never do that.
  20. I think everyone agrees the Four Wind Punch build needs to change. I think the question is whether Koji needs a hit or just the upgrade.
  21. It is very doable to place the scheme markers such that they never score. As for giving the scheme markers as a resource, the majority of the crews in the game can't abuse that.
  22. For a bit of context on how strong that card draw is, I went undefeated in a World Series event last year using Lucius for 3 of the rounds. Part of his sheer power is that the entire crew collectively draws 4-6 cards when you combine all the combos, and can take a TN of an 8 and a 4 to draw two cards for example. Card draw is game breakingly strong. To get to that level of card draw should take your whole crew working for it, or master level card text imo.
  23. My personal speculation without having played it is that it is a fun meme format like Double Rush, but I don't think most tournament metas would accept it. Going to 2 master actions just funamentally alters the game, in that a much different range of criteria applies to your masters now. Damian for instance is probably pretty meh in this meta, while someone like Shenlong or Perdita has a higher chance of being broken because they do so much without spending actions.
  24. Competitively I think Koji and a single lotus Eater in shenlong will be the norm. That's enough for 18 cards a turn til they break your engine, and leaves the rest of your stones for beaters or healers.
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