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Everything posted by Maniacal_cackle

  1. Is there an Australian or NZ TO?
  2. Are students of steel even that viable against something like a Samurai? It seems so inefficient for the movement 4 model to land a stat 5 analyze weakness on a ranged model.
  3. If it helps, I don't think I've had this issue with corpse candles!
  4. So who is good against TT? Do they have much stuff to ignore armor or incorporeal? Wondering if Kirai and Von Schtook are good bets. And condition removal? McMourning's crew is pretty hardy, although I think Shenlong has condition removal? Corpse Reva seems potentially solid unless they have a bunch of corpse removal. Do they have anti-demise tech to stop the grave golem? Is emissary good here for blocking movement? I can imagine a samurai could have its day ruined by well placed coffins.
  5. I would play it the same way as you. Page 34 simultaneous effects is the relevant rule. So the owner of the models being moved gets to move them in the order they wish, possibly blocking movement paths. I would play that you measure all those affected (because a pulse is instant) and then you move, though, so no moving to block LOS to block the pulse effects.
  6. Haha, I am known to have brain farts, but if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will be along to correct me.
  7. He is probably thinking of chain activations - you can't activate more than two models in a row with chain activations (such as with the accomplice ability), unless all the activations stem from a single effect (such as the Dead Rider's bonus action). I know of no limit on pass tokens.
  8. Oh, my mistake, I was probably thinking of Yasunori. Oh, that's majorly helpful! (Although still super bad news for Molly). These are great things to keep an eye out for as well. So I'm guessing someone like Seamus or Jack Daw will be pretty bad (unless you're going for some silly Mourner tech xD)
  9. We don't have any local TT players (yet), so I have extremely limited experience against them (just one tournament last season). Some thoughts... Asami with their Emissary - this combo will drown us in card advantage. No matter what I did in the matchup with Molly, they always had more card selection. The Emissary has since been nerfed, but careful of trying to out-card this matchup. However, like many summoners, I suspect you can be really efficient with your schemes to get the advantage. Shenlong - possibly reason enough to never take Molly against this faction? Shenlong's drunken shenanigans turn our hard-to-wound into a massive upside for them. He'll be flipping straight flips on most of his damage flips. Not sure the best way to handle this, but other defensive tech seems important (as well as just playing around him). Yan Lo - I imagine this is quite similar to Resser Yan Lo since his keyword is so strong, but are there other tricks to be aware of? Youko - one of those rare models that can use your bonus actions against you. Careful not to take anything that can spell instant doom! But I don't really know what I'm talking about. Keen to hear everyone else's thoughts!
  10. For our Community thread this time, we're going to take a detailed look at what to do when facing Ten Thunders! As always, this thread is intended for new and experienced players alike. Share your insights, share your questions, and let's all get better together! Some questions to get the discussion rolling, but feel free to add your own. Your opponent has declared TT and you've declared Ressers - what are you thinking as you pick which master to declare? What do you do about master X, Y, or Z? Are there masters that are particularly brutal against our faction? Are there some rough matchups we should be aware of? Are there some good matchups we should try to capitalise on? Some of this is going to be pool-specific, but let's try to pull out some general advice for TT and some specific advice for specific matchups. Bonus points: If you're playing against TT this week, please post here about it! Would be great to get some real world examples into the thread.
  11. Part of the process of resolving an attack is checking if it is legal. So you still have to check range and LOS (so the attack will fail when you try to take it). There are some abilities that allow you to do things like this, but they specify that you ignore range and/or LOS. For example, the Hooded Rider's ability says "take a melee action... ignoring range".
  12. Oh, one detail I forgot - a lot of people like building elite crews to maximise pass token advantage (which combined with Ancient Pact can be pretty impactful). Losing a pass token to get another model is a big deal, so I think people naturally shy away from 3 stone models unless they're like Daydream level of power. People also shy away from 3 stone models just because they feel so weak - but what do you expect for 3 stones? They're barely more cost than an upgrade xD
  13. I think a lot of people like them, but not everyone owns them. They also have a neat combo with Widow Weaver (they leave a scrap marker behind). I especially liked them on Corrupted Idols before GG0, since you could get the dolls to kill themselves on the idol. Now they're pretty cool, but Creep Along is a LOT more limited than leap. It's not even close to 3 AP, as typically when you're going to somewhere to scheme, you have no other models in that area to creep along towards. One good thing worth emphasising is you can use adversary on your own models to give yourself positive flips for self-attacks. In particular, Black Blood Shaman, Vasilisa, and Wicked Dolls combo.
  14. Just to clarify, Seamus' gang actually IS a bunch of enslaved sex workers I believe. He murders them and turns them into enslaved undead if I'm not mistaken.
  15. Bandicam was telling me it has a 10 minute limit if you don't pay anything, so I think it may be paid?
  16. A few different groups I've played with do rim to centre. (Although I can see an argument for centre to centre).
  17. I think the rulings would be the same. If you accept my interpretation above (the engagement range always exists), then hidden martyrs can be scored. If you play it where you can turn engagement range on and off, you can't score it against a model that only has ranged attacks.
  18. You're correct - it cannot be used this way. The bonus action limit of 'once per activation' still applies, so he can't make himself take another bonus action.
  19. Ah, fair enough! I've only played against his Duet once so far, but there was one turn where I had managed to finally get his Emissary down to 2 health, and then he walked in with his coryphee duet to heal it once. Then split, then two heals. It is a bit of a slow, grindy strategy, though, so I think it only works if you build a crew like Plaag does (aka, where every single member of the team is so damn hard to kill xD). Plaag probably has more insights though.
  20. When I played against Plaag, the Coryphee Duet's healing is pretty insane. From memory it can heal like 8 health in a pulse (12 if you use the mechanical rider for a third activation). EDIT: And it is just a straight 2 healing, no cheating a moderate to get it up to 2!
  21. I'm hoping to record some vassal games (and the discord chat alongside them), any suggestions on the best app to use?
  22. I'm certainly sad I haven't been able to find a Seamus avatar! I think it is cool that you can use them as Emissaries. Wyrd does a good job of ensuring models remain usable as much as they can.
  23. Sweet flick me a message and I'll have a look at times! Oh and let me know what time zone you're in.
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