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Everything posted by Maladroit

  1. Masked agent upgrade using the mask trigger. Edit: since it is fast too, Shang (and others) Assassin ability.
  2. I was going to post this in the Jacob Lynch thread in reply to Eclipse's post, the discussion seemed to be around whether these new title represent an alternative form that will eventually be returned to the prime form or these will be the future forms for these masters and the prime forms will eventually be removed from the game/story: It felt like I'd be derailing the thread so thought I'd post here instead (and as a result this post will seem a little bit weird to start). I'll also preface this by saying that I have got my copy of the book yet so I'm talking from a position of partial ignorance - and I'm saying a lot of stuff that is obvious, but I'm thinking out loud to get some alternate thoughts. In today's stuff out of Gencon one of the comments was "They will be momentous moments in Malifaux's timeline or alt timelines." Which could mean that we might see a future reversion to the "prime" timeline before the burning man returned (a la Warhammer "Storm of Chaos"), or could be Wyrd just throwing this out there to muddy the waters. So perhaps we'll see a reversion as an alternate timeline - or this as the alternate timeline. Because Malifaux is magic. However I can still see a situation where Masters revert to their "prime" form without a story retcon. I've been thinking about this in the context of what Wyrd have done in the past and these alternate titles. In the past we've seen Wyrd progress characters permanently - for example Dashel and Lucius - and this has also resulted in Characters exiting the core playing system (as DMH models). In this book, some Masters seem to be just alternate playable forms of themselves - Nekima and Mei Feng for example, or are what they do in their spare time like Lucius. If these alternate titles were to disappear I don't think that is a departure from the story. In other cases we have characters that are genuinely changed like Lynch or Nellie. In that sense, some of these alternate masters should theoretically become their future forms, like Von Schill who has been progressively losing body parts. Having said that, some of the changes have been precipitated by the return of the Burning Man to Malifaux, and theoretically (I guess) if he were to return Earthside in the story, these masters could shake off his influence and return to "normal", we saw something like this with the Avatar models which are not playable in M3E (as Avatars anyway). However this would mean that their alternate forms would become redundant in terms of the story (or only playable as a particular time - kind of like we have to pretend with DMH masters now). And the fact that some of these models are very specifically affected physically like Nellie would mean that these new models that reflect the progress in the story would be moving to the shelf which I'm not sure the players would be happy with either. Especially if you've invested heavily. On the other hand we might see the story progress from here, perhaps with a new Burning Man faction, or we might see some masters recover and some end up in DMH (which is the direction Lynch seems to be heading), but this leaves some original Master forms sitting on the shelf as well as the story moves on and the "prime" versions become detached from the "current" reality. Does this matter? I guess to me (and why this is rolling around in my head) I would hate to see a Master I loved go DMH, but it happens. I'd also hate to invest in a lot of these alternate masters only to lose them in M4E. I'd also hate to lose my existing versions - especially the ones where I love the existing model (Hi Lucius - and don't tell me that you'd be OK with never seeing Von Schill's manly chest again, you wont). I'd also hate to miss out on one of these "new" masters if they stop being sold as Wyrd reduces their SKU again. But what is the alternative - the story stagnates and doesn't move forward? Or we have alternate timelines simultaneously running - in which case does the story really matter at all? Apologies if the uncertainty comes across as negativity, that isn't my intent (or feeling).
  3. This is what Imagined too, there is no need to replace the marker, just identify it in some way. All these are good, most of mine I can just mark with a whiteboard marker too - in Lucius's case you could just write the turn number on it in case you (and by you, I mean me) forget to rub it out at the end of the turn. Or even have some numbered scheme markers made if you were so inclined - you'd could only number one side so that you'd be able to use them in other crews too as regular markers.
  4. I think this is a good point. For Raspy however, it is a little more complicated than that, it isn't any model in base contact with the marker, it is only the model the pillar was created in base contact with. "While in base contact with the Created Marker, the target cannot be moved or buried." So there is only a distinction for one model - which I guess is worse, but in practical terms probably means that the targeted model will either stay attached to the marker or destroy it, effectively keeping the marker distinct.
  5. Dear Wyrd, how are you? Look, I know that you are really busy at Gencon, but if you could update your website when you get a chance. You see, I've been quite excited with all of the artwork you've been showing off, but none of it has made it here yet. Just when you get a spare moment I'd really appreciate it. Thanks so much, Regards, Mal.
  6. Lots of WP resisted attacks, and summonable Puppets so maybe Dreamer? I don't play dreamer - I don't think it's better but might be usable.
  7. If I'm reading it right, he is one of the only models that doesn't care about getting parasite tokens . . . infiltrator turns off Parasitic grasp.
  8. Ah cool, I haven't seen the entire page yet but thanks for clarifying. The only site I've seen posting pics only has all of the cards listed. Still seems a little strange that she cannot make a creature like a gamin then, but I'm not too bothered - from what you've said these are not exactly "living" in the normal sense (since they don't count as living in the game)?
  9. Not being able to summon the models that Raspy v2 comes with feels a little strange . . . I'm not sure it's a problem that needs solving in terms of Gameplay yet. And thematically the summoning seems a little strange as well - you'd think if you were summoning using an ice pillar you would be summoning a ice creature of some sort , but again that isn't a rules or gameplay issue. I agree with Jordan that the art isn't doing it for me - but like you said, the proof is in the model. Hopefully we'll see a nicely painted one revealed soon.
  10. In addition: She's lost: A 30 mm base She gained: - A 40 mm base Can't see from the artwork why, is there a bigger picture (so not from the card) floating around - really why I am asking is I'd like to see a pic if there is one!
  11. Looks like the NB starter box models are in there - I don't think that is confirmed, but they fit the pattern (4 versatile models with a new keyword in common.)
  12. I guess she got the spelleaters relatively recently to expand her keyword, but yes it would have been nice to get an enforcer/henchman in keyword. At the moment she has plenty of minions but only Hopkins as an enforcer/henchman choice.
  13. True, it's not as if I want him to die. But protecting the Dispatcher was one of the elements I didn't like about old Dashel so it feels a bit freeing . . . . at this point my brain is mainly thinking of the possibilities of Dashel v2 as a second master so that's also colouring my viewpoint currently.
  14. I might be wrong, but I think I'd be deploying Dashel as far forward as possible and it's only a 2" range on the bonus, I'd only expect it to be useful for T1 - I guess what I meant is that I wont be tucking the dispatcher safely away anymore, he'll just be deployed to get the T1 bonus then I don't think I care if he get's sniped out. It's not as if I wont be taking him, I just don't think he needs protecting anymore.
  15. Might just have got the NB started box models revealed in Malifaux burns: Klaus Norwood (Henchman) - Versatile, Grim, Mimic Hildegaard (Enforcer) - Versatile, Grim Red Cap (Minion(2)) - Wersatile, Grim, Puppet. 4 New versatile models not connected to an existing Keyword fits the pattern for a starter. As a Lucius player it is nice to see Klaus and new puppets are also a nice addition. Not sure it is cool to post images of the cards, but I guess they'll be officially revealed in time.
  16. Not sure if posting the photos of new Dashel from the book is OK, but I guess they'll find there way in here eventually. First impression is that he'll have LLC. Second impression is that he's pretty brutal. Third is that he doesn't need the dispatcher in this version. Fourth is that he looks tasty as a second master, I'm looking forward to trying that. Edit to add: Paired with Hamelin in case you have not seen. Disease containment unit (Enforcer) is the new shared model. DCU can summon beast minions with Mindless - so basically dogs and has a tasty flamethrower.
  17. You also need to move forward (assuming that you are crossing the wall) by the width of the wall + the width of your model's base. So starting with the "front" of the base in contact with the wall and ending with the "back" of the base in contact with the opposite side of the wall. You don't get the forward displacement for free. So more likely, climb 2", forward 2(ish depending on wall width and base size)" then add movement to climb down or fall down.
  18. Well there goes that theory. Edit to add: I'd forgotten about Daw/Nellie tbh.
  19. Assuming that all factions have a pair with another faction (which I think has been said) then Sandeep cannot pair with von Schtook. We have 6 arcanist masters known, and two to go. We do not yet have an arc-guild combo or an arc-tt combo. So Sandeep is possibly paired with Shenlong out of the ones that are available. Von Schtook is harder to pin down - all Resser pairs have been revealed so it will be the duplicate which could be anything.
  20. Card draw was one of the big changes to the dispatcher. Also something Raspy lacks in keyword. I suspect putting it on Frozen Conduit wouldn't be a great option. But maybe it would.
  21. It depends on the trigger. In this example, the onslaught trigger has no timing indicated, which means it has the default trigger timing: "If a Trigger does not list a timing, it is treated as an After succeeding Trigger." After succeeding triggers obviously require you to win the duel. So in the case of onslaught, if you do not win the duel then no trigger. Other triggers, however do not require the duel to be successful, for example if the timing is immediately: "Immediately: These Triggers resolve in the Declare Triggers step. They often modify the duel itself in some way." In this case the trigger occurs before the final duel total is determined, so the trigger actually happens first. Page 12 of the digital rulebook explains the different trigger timings pretty well. For example another one is after resolving. "After resolving: These Triggers happen after the Action is complete, regardless of success or failure, but only if the model that declared the Trigger is still in play." If you have any specific examples that page 12 doesn't help with post again and someone will sort you out.
  22. We don't talk about Nellie that "master". We've been trying to pretend that she isn't one of us. But, no, thanks. Thanks a bunch.
  23. I'm not even sure if we are disagreeing. Yes blocking means you cannot draw LOS through or into the terrain, buildings generally have the blocking trait, but it isn't the blocking that prevents you pushing through the wall of the building, it's the impassable/climbable trait.
  24. That might be a better for smoke, but again, as far as I can see there is nothing in the rules that prevents blocking terrain from being something without substance. People can agree on any terrain traits they want (that makes sense to them), but since blocking only affects LOS and not movement, I don't see how it can be argued that is must be a physical object. It can be, it often is, but I don't see why it must be. Edit to add: and since this is a rules issues thread, I guess I'm arguing that there isn't one - it's just a bit odd.
  25. Ah, yep misread that slightly - so reveal then pick the suit to discard. Edit: so that's better than I thought. Does the owner of the RJ have to declare its suit before Youko picks?
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