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Everything posted by Hawkoon

  1. Yes, that is probably a good counter in some factions, but neverborn have 0 models with take the hit and only geryon with extended reach. Not knowing if you'll be up against Tara1 or Tara2 makes it a huge risk taking geryon ook.
  2. Played aganist this exact list with Titania2 yesterday, and I have to say it was not fun... at all. Titania got buried by 33 the first activation of the first turn and there was nothing I could do about it since my opponent had a 13 on hand. Titania did practically nothing but tank attacks for the rest of the game. (I eventually gave up after turn 3) I did not know about this "trick" and I have to say this is the first time in the 3 years i've been playing that I've really felt like "flipping the table" (was a vassal game so not technically possible). I don't mind being penalized for not knowing my opponents crew, but I don't really think knowing beforehand would change the NPE very much either. If anyone know a proper way to counter this (that doesn't involve cramming my crew together an entire game), I'm all ears.
  3. And which one is yours? (I assume the "nexus infested twin" means the new Dishonorable Lucius?)
  4. That is a good option. With 2 matures she shouldn't have a problem getting into position either. Now why didn't I think of that? I guess I tend to reach for Serena for healing out of old habit ...
  5. I just think that if you're going for the double matures, you'll need to be dedicated to making it work, and you'll need to support them well, because if they die it's game over. One way of doing that is just go all in and try to kill all threats before they get to retaliate, but I would probably try to bring in some healing just to keep the engine running. I don't really think there is room for a dedicated lodestone carrier in such a crew. After thinking it through a bit more, I'd just swap out the Emissary for Serena. New Lucius Mattheson Crew Size: 50 - Pool: 6 Leader: Lucius Mattheson Totem(s): The Scribe Hires: Serena Bowman Guild Lawyer Changeling Mature Nephilim Inhuman Reflexes Mature Nephilim 2 Inhuman Reflexes
  6. Yeah, that makes sense. He doesn't really have much other synergy with Lucius, so I was just curious if there were something I've missed. You could also bring a waldgeist for the same purpose for less SS, and be able to issue command to it as well.
  7. I have played the 2x IR matures with him, and they are indeed solid (if you can keep them alive long enough). What I would like to know is why you're bringing the Emmy? I'd rather bring something like agent or doppelganger that can hitch a ride with matures, mimic their attack and draw cards. (Also, a model may only charge once during a single activation, so each mature can only charge once during Lucius' activation)
  8. Interesting... also applicable to doppleganger which has don't mind me for scheming. 🤔
  9. But changelings suddenly became awesome schemers😄
  10. Doppleganger with Angeleyes suddenly seems a whole lot scarier with built in suits when mimicing her gun at stat 7.
  11. The new Shojo can be hired into 3 factions as well. TT and Bayou obviously, but also into NVB with Hinamatsu.
  12. A bit late to the party, but Iggy with the eldrich magic upgrade is stellar at removing burning form pretty much any model. You could play him without the upgrade, but using oppurtunist with dispel magic is guaranteed to remove burning (even if you flip a BJ on the duel), and at range as well so he doesn't have to get up close. I haven't played him against Sandeep, but's he's ace against Kaeris to remove both burning and injured reliably.
  13. Sadly the trigger is enemy only, and with just stat 4, that's not very reliable. Honestly I don't think the birds will see much play. Marcus looks solid though.
  14. I'm guessing he'll have some way of having models taking actions outside their activation to make use of mimic/elite models "Following orders". Outside of that, I have no clue what to expect.
  15. Giants... witchcraft... Ice and fire... Isn't there a song about this? 🤪
  16. I would argue that mudslide is far from the biggest thing about it. The reason I would take Kurgan ook is because it can move about your models with ease with shifting earth, avalanche and chronicle. Nephilim for instance have a hard time doing interacts if engaged. Just being within 6" of Kurgan when they activate will allow for its chronicle to trigger off regenerate, and they can push 2" before they even take any actions. Freeing, say, a young nephilim to move, interact and use fly with me. Other uses can be to shove slow models like Killjoy or Candy really far up the board early in the game. Edit: If you give the kurgan a little push from frightening reminder or similar, you can move another model ~14"-15" turn 1 and partially ignoring terrain and other models with Shifting earth -> Avalanche, and still have 1 AP and his bonus left that activation.
  17. New Zoraida seems interesting enough, got all but the carrion effigy for her summons, but I'll be needing some gupps if I intend to play her. The Kurgan being inherently neverborn is probably the most interesting part of this reveal though. I have a feeling it might make its way into quite a few of my lists even out of keyword🤔
  18. Based on pt. 23 in the FAQ "another" implies in this case "other that the target", so I would say yes, Nekima herself would be a legal target.
  19. I'm really looking forwards to trying this version on the table. Looks like she will have an entirely different playstyle (or playstyles) than the original Nekima. Atleast my tots will find their way to the table now. And maybe even Lelu and Lilitu, but I'm not sure she does enough for the hounds.
  20. This is kinda Bayou as well though... But yeah... nvb does have a certain Halloween vibe already.
  21. I'd get the Rougarou and Killjoy as well to complete the keyword, and Hooded Rider also does well with the Fae.
  22. I've tried a couple of games, and I liked the game even more than I thought I would. Seems to me the circumstances around the release came off to a bad start, so I hope Wyrd is planning to put some serious effort into marketing the game with the upcoming starts sets. Now I'm just hoping the neverborn will find a way across the breach 😈
  23. Fly with me cannot move models that are engaged, but the other methods mentioned works.
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