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Everything posted by Lokibri

  1. I am ... Sry?! :-). I would highly recommend porkchop in any case! Sparks is a bit difficult. He is a very controlling model and helps buffing, but is not as punchy like some premium constructs from the arcanists. Raily was underwhelming for me till now, because he is so card hungry. But with sparks armor 3 and meis new upgrade to bring him with her, he can wreck havoc amongst the enemy. I still have to play him more often. Anyway, sure buy iy the porkchop. The others are not necessary but can be good.
  2. I think she can do pretty well in arcanists too, but her playstyle changes a lot. With the effigy we have a very good instrument to get burning down on models and receive additional burning for +flips for dmg. Also, we have premium constructs like howard and joss. Those make some good initial attackers for mei to rail into and finish them off. Gunsmith do a very nice job in addition and can profit a lot from burning. Also protected oxfordian mages are very nice turrets, protected from mei. Playing mei in arcanists is more leaned towards getting the burning condition on them while protecting your own stuff until they can either flurry or charge in and follow up with mei to push them around to create space again or finish them off.
  3. i explained it here in more detail :). I don`t just wanna copy and paste it here
  4. I agree that she has a strange playstyle, but didn't sge win GenCon? So, she can't ve that bad right? And many masters and models got Ca/Sh Actions! Would you rate her higher in 10T?
  5. S: Sandeep , Marcus A+:Ironsides B: Ramos, Mei Feng C+: Rasputina C : Colette 😄 D:Kaeris Okay guys...why do you vote mei feng down so much? She is a pretty defensive master, but i think especially in gg18 she is a pretty decent master.
  6. Well, hello and welcome to part II of this little blog-ish thread, to ignite the spark of being interested in playing Mei Feng again :-). I am happy to see your responses, questions and help. I want to be as much of a help as possible. So, first let's take a look on a list i have been working on and then see if there are questions left, that want to be answered. So, after the sealed event, i went back to the drawing board and tried to figure out a list that is good in GG18. Interestingly enough GG 18 has 2 strats, where you have to interact with your opponent, which forces your opponent to come to your crew and interact if he wants to score full points. That is a huge advantage for a crew that relies on defensive mechanism that are based on Auras and areas around models, instead of single buffs. Symbols is a semi centered strat and as i play it, i normally give up 1 marker and try to protect 2 as long as possible. The incredible mobility of mei allows her in crucial situations to switch her playstyle and pick up a marker or kill a lone model and go back. This is also incredibly useful when playing Ours and things do not go as planned and you have to be anywhere on the board to swap it in your favor with 10 very mobile points. So, all of those strat benefit a defensive playstyle with models surviving and doing their thing instead of outactivating and scoring via many ap as it was in gg17. So, without further ado, here is the list we are talking about. Declared Faction: TenThunders Crew Name: my mei 50ss Leader: Mei Feng - Soulstones:(5) Seismic Claws 1ss Vapormancy 1ss Hard Worker 1ss Toshiro The Daimyo 9ss Command the Graves 1ss Smoke Grenades 1ss Sparks 7ss False Target 0ss Yamaziko 6ss Death Contract 1ss The Peaceful Waters 0ss Shadow Emissary 10ss (with Meis conflux) Mechanized Porkchop 6ss Monk of Low River 4ss This lists general idea is to stay defensive, slowly but securely making its way towards the enemy while denying most actions against your crew. Also, Sparks ist just pure pain for your opponent, if he is well positioned. So, let's take a look on the individual models. Shadow Emissary: There is not much to add about this model in general as it is one of the best (if not the best) emissary in the game. Nevertheless, we have a little twist here with mei Feng. As usual you can use Rite of Strenght to push and give essentually whoever needs fast, but most of the time especially in turn 1 and 2 it will be Toshiro. But, here is the little twist. You can push the emissary and place a scrap marker. That doesn't sound like much, but those 3' often allows the emissary to use the double focus and attack without spending another ap on moving and getting in range. Additionally this scrap marker is an auto-railwalk needing any 1 or higher. Mechanized Porkchop: this little piggy is incredibly awesome with mei. It produces scrap outta nowhere and allows all, i repeat, because this is sick, ALL models to take 1 dmg and charge in with + on Attacks! This is so sweet, that you really don't want to miss out on that one. Especially on 6 stones it is a bargain. It is kinda squishy, so try to keep it safe. Good thing is he got bayou two cards, which is nice. Toshiro: oh boy! If anyone would earn the "Employee of the month"-Badge, this one and a half eyed Damiyo would get it within a heartbeat! He is an idol on the working bench getting 2 komainu per round on the field and even giving out fast to some. This bad boy is also pretty hard to killand with his glorious intestines falling out motivating all minions to get plus flips. Add that to the porkchop and you are able to charge a midnight stalker with a relatively high chance to succeed with a hit. He is working overtime for mei and not even tagged as a foundry model. What a shame! Monk of Low River: i love models with condition removal and this one also gives a heal. Removing slow or healing are his options and both are good! He is just sanding out those little dents and bits toshiro left while hammering together those komainus. Yamaziko: Now we arrive at the flex slots for this list. Yamaziko is one of those Henchman which can excell on what she does or fail miserably! However, she is nimble with a walk of 4 not the fastest model, but a range of 3 can make up for it. The main reason i put her in my list was her ability to "Brace Yari" and give those charging models a harsh entry! A thing to note: this action protects all models in aura 3, which is incredibly good, because you can cover her with expandable komainus. The good thing here is, that it is very unlikely, that she will lose her brace yari due to very high WP and the steam venting through the air! I also love her ability against masters to discard 2 cards, for each unrevealed schemes. The good thing is: if your opponent doesn't want to lose cards, he needs to cheat in a high card. If he wants to deny that, he has to reveal his schemes very early, which gives you more information. The psychological effect is incredible and she is a model people want to get rid of very fast, but in this case, will have to pay a huge price with death contract and brace yari. Sparks: Another flex slot and i decided to try him out a bit. At first glance he is an okay-ish model. The real value is generated with scrap marker giving out armor and the construct characteristic (careful! Johan is waiting for just that!). Everything that is a construct, can be made fast and if you have ever seen a fast izamu with Armor 3, you will know what i am talking about! Same counts for a rail golem btw. This model is similar to Mechanized McPorkchop, fragile, but good! He is also a henchman, which increases his survivability a bit. You can swap the false target and death contract with each other, because Sparks will also be a thorn in your opponents foot or eye! The hostile work environment denies another angle your opponent could use against you. There are plenty of models that target other friendly models. Let this be an obey, a heal, a buff or anything else that manipulates models and their actions. If it is in 8 to sparks and LoS, it is denied! Mei Feng is used very defensively and is just giving out some kicks and punches if necessary. Normally i spend 1-2 turns just venting steam, before she goes to full action. I have to agree that she is no vik with min dmg 5, but hitting burning targets, can hurt a lot. Charging in while near a porkchop is also fun! The real value is the combination of attacks, that hit multiple targets and push models around. Even though it is pretty difficult, she can dish out some dmg though. Komainus are the back of this crew. They are expandable, peetty tough, punish the opponent for casting and deliver burning or slow. Those boys are awesome and the reason why your important models survive. The 0 to place is the haymaker when scoring hold up! Flex slots: the flex slots can be filled with a little bit more hard hitting models like lone swordsman with recalled training or an izamu or rail golem. If you want to go crazy, add a hans or 2 katanaka sniper using the advantage to shoot and summon models while your opponent is not able to hit back from distance. So, this is it for the Moment and a battle report will follow in a few days! If you like it, leave me a thumbs up and i hope i could help a bit 🙂 If you got questions, feel free to ask!
  7. Hello ladies and gentlenerds, after having a couple of games of McCabe under my belly, I decided to check out Mei Feng. As an arcanist and gremlin player i was very interested in her. So, this is a thread that will show you some of my experiences with her. It will give some thought on general strategy, some hints and tips and some of the thinking process "behind the scenes" you could say.I Her Box: To start off with some new masters, we had a little sealed box tournament with 35 Stones. I went undefeated with Mei Feng (while i got a draw against Misaki) because i faced Tara and Parker, where Vent Steam single-handedly won the matches on their own. Here are some sum ups for you: game 1: Mei Feng vs Parker Barrows Parker had a disadvantage because almost everything his crew does, is shooting. Mad Dog Bracket was not as bad as i thought getting into melee, while Parker still had the chance to blow something up with his actions. I had to double vent most of the time to deny those outcast bandidos to rob my rail workers while doing their job. It was extraction, so i could safely clump in the middle and just score points. The emberling was pretty fine doing his thing and run schemes with incorporeal which was nice. My Rail worker almost always had a card to ditch and charge into the enemy with plusflips. Mei Feng switched their behaviour turn 3 when mad dog killed kang and she took revenge. Was a pretty good, but clear game for me. Result was something like 7:2 Game 2: Mei Feng vs Tara on symbols Mei Feng railwalked in and vented steam like a steamy steamgirl that she is. It totally wrecked my opponent shooting and casting with everything except for tara. His last desperate move was to send Tara in and hope for the best, but the retaliation strike from a pumped up railworker within Kangs aura and a railwalking mei feng that followed up, was just too much and he conceded turn 2 after having no master and being on minus flips all game long. Game 3: Mei Feng vs Misaki Misaki charged in immediately and boy does she hit hard! She did so much damage, that also could easily deal with the railworker and their df trigger, which was quite useful. I couldn't pin her down and the torakage did well popping up where i didn't want. Her Ototo just did not want to die and at the end i just had Kang left who could kill a Torakage and denied another score on guarded treasure. Mei Feng with just her crewbox was super versatile and did a great job at switching from defense to offense. Her upgrades are good and her mobility is just insane! Kang: he is very, very good. He hits hard, is hard to kill, can heal up and is versatile enough to include in a crew! Railworker: those guys really surprised me! 2\4\5 dmg track with plus flips, hard to kill, armor and a trigger to reduce an additional 2. Those bad boys are low cost, high damage, good sustain! Love them after i played them. Emberling: well...i don't like him, but he is a decent scheme runner. Almost useless actions and bad stats. So, after this little opener will be followed by a list and a battle report about the first game i had :-). Hope you enjoy it.
  8. Well, there is always the option of positioning her, so she cannot be charged. The big downside of pigs are their short melee range which is good for Abuela and she is very good at positioning! (Look at her abilities!). So, considering Ht3 models, she should be able to have her aura safely around and should not die in 1 or even 2 charges from a warpig, which would have a hard time hitting her.
  9. Well, it is a very hardcore list that can punish mistakes very hard! But the more i think about, the more i feel like abuela is the one model that can solve this tasks for the most. One charge is fine the rest is denied.
  10. Well, that is not very elaborated to be honest. And yes, the pig can charge 10'...ONCE. After that, no trigger to charge again can be announced. McCabe has a lot of toolbox things you can equip. Cloak is useful, reactivate, nimble, fast allows me to throw a dawn serpent into your pigs or attack it often.
  11. Well, to be honest telling people they don't understand the full potential and hyping a build that is already an "nfl"-list (no fun list) is not what people want to see when they are desperately looking for a solution. Why don't you try to help and make your point as an additional angle to look at? So, instead of telling people they can't see the full potential while they are trying to find solutions while working on an example that is "typical" for this build, you could explain it to them and maybe find a solution with them. Of course there are some more options because those models have abilities. But the problem should be solved step by step. So, i am a gremlin and arcanist main player and i love crazy builds and finding a solution to them. It is like solving puzzles. The first problem is the missing knowledge, that you will face this list. Building an anti-list is not a "real" solution. Possible masters that could be good at stopping this are: Hoffman (when having big machines with armor), sonnia with area denial, mccabe with loot bags and making a BIG model disguised and finally nellie with her "run from the truth" Aura. First i also thought of perdita and trigger on the finger, but that is not an option as soon as they struck you and you have to randomize. Other models, that are very good against this would be: Franciso, giving +2 out is great and a flurry attack with debt will kill a war pig for sure. Models that can stack "fees" on them will be alrightish. The problem here is "eat your fill", but it will limit them a bit. Abuela Ortega. This is a pretty clear solution for the problem. She is tough, denies all consecutive charges and is an overall awesome model! Positioning is key, but i think this modell can do troublesome moments for the opponent! Try her! I am not full into guild models, but is there a kind of "Challenge" ability or effect that guild has? But Abuela just solves the problem of that list and is easily included in every list you play with guild. I hope the two gremlins in a jacket were able to help 😉
  12. The idea of throwing Lady J to the face was also in my mind. With some help from pushes or a student, this will quickly be accomplished and if you had francisco beforehand, lady j can still beat those pig attacks, even if the other ones hand is stacked.
  13. Oh crap...my cover is blown! I am not a member of the guild...just two gremlins on top of each other with a jacket! See you in the bayou! Ps: I think a good way to stop this would be either to engage the pigs before they can charge, setup some clockwork traps to interfere with the charges or flame pillars. A general solution could be hans to kill the whisperer, but that is a coinflip.
  14. Ok..i don't have an easy solution for it but a little tweak...why not do over on old major for additional 2 cards? Sry, i make it worse!.
  15. I recently thought about a Ferdinand Vogel in a Sandeep crew. His casts are nice, he can use the placement effect as ferdinand to disengage safely without further setup and you can set him up for atransformation turn 2 into a pretty nice charge :). Another crazy List my community told me about was Colette and 7 Silent Ones. With "All together now" and a scheme marker close by to each of the Silent ones, they made a HUGE crescendo on the enemy with a trigger to cast it again. As soon as a silent one got hit, it had the trigger to turn into an ice statue and the others healing her up again. Oh and an ice gamin, that pushed all of the damage up! Pretty neat and pretty crazy.
  16. This here is GREAT! Thanks for the work and thanks fpr the pdf. We LOVE it :D
  17. I have been using the steamfitter just for that in turn 1 and 2 and later for scheme markers and it is fantastic!!! I really love it and she is worth every single point. With AR the discard 2 is not too bad. If you pick up a severe card it is an additional 3 arachnids and if you discard a book, you can take the reinforced sheet armor again, which is awesome on ramos, joss and howard a like. Steamfitter ist just an excellent model and i use it very often.
  18. Lokibri

    Old Cranky

    I think old cranky is awesome with ulix and a samy with a bow. It increases your card draw very well and he gets carried around with a saddle. Super useful for low wp piggies and big pigs with lower df. I also like using him with wong and standing close to swine cursed or a tavish.
  19. Hm...very interesting how you play ironsides. I still have to try out more with the medical automaton and kick out the creation for it, but this far, i often picked the following crew succesfully: Declared Faction: Arcanists Crew Name: ironsides ace 50ss Leader: Ironsides - Cache:(5) Union President 2ss Warding Runes 1ss Veteran Fighter 1ss Amina Naidu 9ss Joss 10ss Warding Runes 1ss Oxfordian Mage 6ss Temporary Shielding 0ss Oxfordian Mage 6ss Blood Ward 0ss Temporary Shielding 0ss Oxfordian Mage 6ss Nemesis Ward 0ss Temporary Shielding 0ss Union Steamfitter 6ss Electric Creation 4ss You can give amina the warding runes of toni and toni iron determination, but then you should swap the effigy for the creation. The electrical creation gives all my models the aura advantage of toni and make good use of Aminas liability. It seems like a long shot, but with mages pushing each other, it is worth it and i normally get some surprising or calculated hits in with the mages as a little first strike. I don't take the ward that gives regeneration, because i don't want my models to lose this aura advantage and liability. I really wonder about none taking the union president upgrade, because this is the most annoying upgrade in my opinion to guard all your other models additionally and if your opponent still wants to ignore Toni, he will spend a LOT of cards. With the healing ability, Armor +1, sheet armor and a bunch of stones and hitting back she should be pretty safe. I also love not spending adrenalin at the end of a turn. I can barely imagine taking ironsides without the union president :-). What are your thoughts?
  20. Love the idea! Pigcharge or a summon for ulix, both work for me. I think that having pigcharge could easily break them in the other way, because of their from the shadow ability. Such a modle with pigcharge and from the shadows can easily destroy game plans in a way that is not that nice. 3 Boars in the enemy crew? Happy scheming to yu gremlin player, whie your opponent is busy dealing with those bad boys. It would allow shadowing in total cover and no LoS and then walking around and charging stuff. That would be a little bit too much i think :). Just think of your opponents a bit :D
  21. Typically i use it mainly for that reason, because those + plus are REALLY worth the 4 points it costs. In addition Amina is very useful in that case. But normally i use them for running up the field and us threaten some ow cost models to get some free wounds on them. The problem: you ony have 1 turn for that shenanigans :D.
  22. Much was said already. I am mainly using her in my ironsides crew with an electrical creation. Damage all of my stuff for handpicked man and use amina to deny the biggest opposing beater to do anything harmful against my models.
  23. Hello everybody, this event will be an extra special event with the rule for only using each master brought to it ONCE. You have to name 3 masters and play each of them in those 3 rounds. This tournament has NO fixed faction!!! Strats and Schemes will be revealed before each round! Date: 15.04.2018 Format: 50 Stones, 3-master declaration before the tournament starts. Strats: A mix is possible from standard, GG17 and GG18! Round 1: TBD Round 2: TBD Round 3: TBD Location: Kassel spielt ev., An der Fuldabrücke 6, 34125 Kassel Entry Fee: 11€ free slots: 0/8 (10) Prizes: Official Prize kit from Wyrd and other prizes (Single miniatures, fate deck, basing goodies etc.) Open: 08:45 a.m. Check-In: 09:15 – 09:45 a.m. Timeline: 09:45-10:00Uhr: Preparation Round 1 10:00-12:30Uhr: Round 1 12:30-13:30Uhr: Lunch Break 13:30-13:45Uhr: Preparation Round 2 13:45-16:15Uhr: Round 2 16:15-16:30Uhr: Preparation Round 3 16:30-19:00Uhr: Round 3 19:00-19:30Uhr: Ceremony For further questions: malifaux-kassel@gmx.de
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