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Everything posted by muraki

  1. I get this one. As a bit of a completionist, I hate seeing a model or box set I want on ebay for 3-4 times the MSRP and wondering if it's worth it. I remember picking up a cherri bomb/alt rafkin for 40+ each off ebay when it seemed that Wyrd wasn't going to get them on any of their usual sales. I know you mentioned not loving proxies (which I get, proxies can be surprisingly jarring). But I've seen some good work done with the wyrd multipart kits (tho the females models are a bit amazonian) and I really love using ToS models for proxies (tho since few people sell them piecemeal it'll prolly be just about as expensive as picking angel eyes up solo). I really like the ECB Black Ops models from Burning man for proxies (have proxied a undercover reporter / alan reid from that set) and could see the girl with the shotgun being a good Angel Eyes. There is also a painted angel eyes on ebay for 21 +4 shipping (tho it has a make an offer so maybe you can pull em down a bit) if you're in the US. Still a bit high for a model that should be 12ish. Goodluck with what you decide on, there's no simple answer. I know how frustrating it is to feel like you need to rebuy boxes for certain models. A few people in my meta are in the same boat as they started getting into malifaux at the start of m3e, but after most of the m2e boxes were sold, so were left in odd spots for masters like Ironsides where her box was shifted around but she didn't get new sculpts, so buying pieces of her in m2e really just meant you'd get duplicates of the same sculpt if you needed to get things for her in m3e.
  2. Oh I mean sure, was more just a 'the second sentence is making the statement that both are kind of in the 'declare action' stages of the timing chart' not that they're identical. That was more for rules as intent, rules as written was more the page from the rulebook on engagement, which Adran sums up better than I could.
  3. I agree with @Sweet Tooth. I read the action as 'when declaring an action, things typed as 'friendly' or 'enemy' can be played with. Looking at the ability it says: this is a bit vague, but if you look at the second part where it talks about friendly it says Since the ability is a 'friendly / enemy' affecting action, the first 1/2 and second 1/2 should be basically the same thing (with of course the control in the hands of the operative). Using that as an example, the second half clearly calls out the defining characteristic being things called out as 'friendly / keyword' so it makes sense that the first 1/2 would refer to a similar rubric. Additionally looking at the rules for engagement it says: So the way I read that is 'first check if the model is an enemy, then check the range, 3rd check infiltrator for any action modifiers / if the action isn't valid.
  4. Depends on what you're going for. If you're looking to pressure people, he's better in DUA with all the shadows. Same if you want obeys / psueto obeys ngaatoro is more versatile with bully. But if you want to run him mid field along with Winston to lay some scheme markers and drain your opponents hand he has his place. For me it's really pool dependent on whether I bring him with Anya.
  5. I'm looking forward to another year of painting Malifaux models with this contest. It's helped keep me motivated for the last 2 years... sadly not motivated enough to paint more than I buy.... but what can you do
  6. I'd also be leery of playing your flavor of hh too much as you have a killy strat 3 killy schemes and 2 center of the board ones... So to me that means I'm teaching my players to swarm the center and kill everything that moves and that'll score you pts.... Which isn't true for a lot of scheme pools. It's fine if you're teaching, but that's why I like plant explosives better for hh cause the placement scheme balances the killy ones. As the original question was 'make summoners a pick in hh', with your setup I could ask back 'why speedy / fragile models?' as there's no benefit for a mobile hench like sidir or minions like torakage, cause if the only pool they'll ever see is highly kill based I'm bringing min 3 models with good df tech and won't worry if they're slow as sin. All these reasons is why I like 35 stones as the 'youre interested, and have done hh / etc enough to understand what you're doing with your models' size. It can still take forever with summons / etc but the models / strat pools do work at that size, there's just a bit more low scoring games / table wipes when bad flips happen.
  7. Id say yes to the expanded scheme pools and no for the summons / upgrades. I'm all for making small games of faux more interesting, but not at the expense of the actual game mechanics. Sure, playing HH and not being able to summon means you're playing a model a way you may never play them in a 50 stone game, but it's easy to mentally parse as 'i don't feel like / have the cards for' x summon action or trigger. Adding a new upgrade to the game that's never been there before / will be there after means you're not teaching them to expect something that doesn't exist, which doesn't feel quite right from a 'build those malifaux mental pathways' standpt. Additionally, while I know the upgrade is basically 'summon, punch without triggers, die' but that does still mean those summoners are getting 1-2 more ap (depending on if it comes in with slow) a round which can easily unbalance such a small game to their favor.
  8. Don't think the artifact creation will work as mimic says actions that do not attach upgrades.
  9. How is it possible that chronicle 'heals' is different than cadmus 'heals' as others point out there's a rule book page that says if you're at full life healing is ignored as if it doesn't exist, so you don't heal. Is why there's a clear distinction in abilities to differentiate 'heals' and 'would heal'.
  10. Sounds like a plan, drop me a pm if/when things are more settled.
  11. Yeah sadly who knows when / if we'll get a fun limited sculp of him outside his starter box. I was debating cobbling together a fun proxy for him (love bernedette, but not crazy about Basse) from some wild west exodus stuff as that looks pretty close to him, but maybe I'll just stick to the classic starter box. I'd send you the spare basse I have from when I bought a second box so I could clandestinely paint him for a Xmas gift.... but shipping from the US is probably more than hes worth...
  12. No, I'm sure it'll be in the instructions.... Which will be uploaded sometime in 2024
  13. My tracking says it should be here tomorrow but I'm in massachusetts and I ordered the first day. I know a couple people who already got their stuff but it's all anecdotally. Have you gotten tracking info? Wyrd is usually pretty good about sending tracking (tho sometimes the tracking comes out the day before it arrives ha)
  14. I was figuring I'd had to either print em from the drive or order em from wargame vault. Both are fine for me as they're just upgrades and it isn't as much a worry if they're a bit off looking.
  15. I was going to go deep into infinity for some extra models. Relic knights is also a possibility tho the models aren't as well sculpted as malifaux models.
  16. Continuing my work on the honeypot with 2 beckoners + 2 illuminated + huggy for 31. I'm specially happy with the beckoners as I HATE the beckoner sculpts, so I made some from the new m3e illuminateds. To go with them I got 1 m3e illuminated and one m2e And no honeypot is complete without huggy. Since other people are putting them in I might as well count my rotten harvest models too, so I did a Colette and a dead rider for 25 So @Caedrus say I'm at 56 for the month
  17. If you go to Games > Setups there should be a Henchman Hardcore default at the top as a preset
  18. I think ya'll guys are overreacting a bit here. Warpigs are already one of the easier sculpts to get alts of (war rabbit, sparkle steeds, war rooster) in addition to the OG warpig. You can also easily proxy in a somer avatar (if your meta is ok with proxing that is). Sparkle steeds and rabbits turn up semi frequently on wyrd sales too, so it shouldn't be hard to find 2-3 sculpts you enjoy for the keyword. I'll be honest, I have so many alt models I had no interest in picking up this box, but with all the discussion I may grab a set if my local does a small business sale on faux, cause the cute tiny pig fits better with my nightmare / silly pig set. Also as a friend said, the smaller size mades it a better candidate for fun basing ideas. If wyrd wants to change the next set of sculpts it's their call. Tiny pigs riders may be the new amazon vik haha.
  19. I think it's a good idea. I actually asked about it a few months ago (and more recently for holiday scenarios to be added). Maybe both these things could be in a big patch update either explorers or later. Clearly if cost is a concern that's up to wyrd to determine, but would be a nice option to have.
  20. ... i mean... its small but it is super cute? I'll totally rock a war-piglet.
  21. Agreed I assume we'll hear stuff Wednesday during the waldo + thursdayish for prolly a newsletter. Can never tell if there was a year where all the special sale emails came out 2ish weeks out or if I'm always a bit impatient but man seems like it's never here.
  22. So I've been wondering, now that we've gotten a few holiday scenarios out (with the fun new halloween one). Is there any chance to get holiday scenarios added to the app? Either as a preset (like henchman hardcore) or as an option like the 'show deadman's hand' to show the strats in all GG pools. Or even as their own ruleset (say just has holiday strats and either all schemes or all for current GG/core/etc). I'm asking as I use the app for reading scheme / strat rules and defining games with my opponent. So it's a bit odd to then say 'uhh.... here's a card/printout of the strategy'. It also means that I have to hunt down the strats to play em (which usually means tracking down waldo weeklies from a year+ ago). These things combined mean I don't actually play the holiday strats as much as I would otherwise if I wanted to 'have fun trying something a bit different'.
  23. @Caedrus I never completed anything else, so I'm at 24 for October.
  24. Yep, works now, i think he may of started his feed at noon. Thanks!
  25. Hm, tried to follow that link and don't see an active stream / the wyrd events on their calendar.
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