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Everything posted by Sandmann

  1. And (finally) the bosslady. I have played a few games (six or seven I think) with her - and while fluff and mini are cool, I just can't get to grips with her playwise. Haven't won or drew a single game with her, and some of the defeats were quite brutal. I'm switching back to Justice and Perdita (and, in the not to far-off future to Nelly) for now. Any tips would be appreciated
  2. I managed to find a workaround for my issue with photobucket, so here is the glorious backside of Samael And also the third Witchling Stalker and someone to push them around:
  3. After some time, I managed to branch out my guild into a third master - Sonnia Criid, using the old metal miniatures that I got in a trade. First of is her Henchman, slightly modified: Samael got a new Gun (and hand holding it). Only front picture, because photobucket is still not working and I seem to have no more place in the gallery (?)...
  4. I use simple "poker" chips. There is no print on them (they're basically just rounded off pieces of plastic) and write on them with a dry erase marker. This works really well for me - and usually there is only about two or three of those in play, so it's not that untidy. One of my regular opponents has just printed out small markers on paper and uses those.
  5. Sounds cool, I'm looking forward to seeing it!
  6. Häuft sich n bischen, ja @Sissi: nördlich von Hamburg, Norderstedt um genau zu sein! @Frozen Feet: Grundsätzlich sind wir gerne mal dabei. Aber Uelzen ist schon n Stückchen, da müsste man mal was arrangieren...
  7. Nice paintjobs! Although Hans looks to be a bit cross-eyed (weirdly, because he's wearing glasses), but maybe that's because of the angle of the photo?
  8. Thanks jotun! I haven't dared to try OSL on my Malifaux minis yet. I actually used this technique (with glazes like you describe) on some Infinity miniatures, but I wasn't 100% satisfied with the result. Maybe I should have another go . As you say, it's kinda hard to take a fully finished mini and potentially ruin it Btw, I think the example you linked is actually done with an airbrush. Sadly the last model with sculpted flames on is already painted and varnished: Iggy, for my brothers Neverborn. He's accompanied by Rafkin, which I painted up so my friend could participate in the Enforcer Brawl at a (somewhat) local tournament.
  9. Looking good! Are the hills finished? The color looks very different from that of the table, hence me asking...
  10. Sometimes buying a new colour really pays of - I was missing a light blue for quite some time and only recently aquired some (Vallejo Model Color Deep Sky Blue) - the Watcher was the first test using the new paint. The Effigy is a very nice mini, but it ended up a bit drab. Of course the lantern would've been a spot of colour, but it snapped of shortly after glueing the coffin together
  11. That's cool! Perdita's looking good too
  12. The board looks really good, except the soulstone veins. Maybe it's because the color is like that of the foam, but it looks... unfinished to me. Like you tried cutting into the board to make a rivulet. But that's just, like, my opinion man . Otherwise, looking good!
  13. Nicely done! Love the flower on the Guild Guard - did you sculpt it or is it a premade piece from somewhere?
  14. Steampunk robot time! (Uploaded as attachments, because photobucket isn't working. Again.)
  15. The remains of a boat stuck in the swamp Mangroves
  16. Thanks sock! As said earlier, I revised the way I paint the leather coats, and the new method looks much better - and more beaten up. The red is kind of my theme colour for the Guild - I try to incorporate it on most models nowadays. Continuing with the Guild minions, an Austringer. My second try to paint denim, and I like the outcome more than on the male Guild Guard. (Also, if you're wondering why one of the birds legs looks weird, it's because I lost the original one while cutting it from the sprue and had to resculpt it)
  17. Looking good! The dark roofs work better Imho - the light one looks somewhat unfinished...
  18. Thanks Butch! I painted her hair twice, and the second try you see here I really like Now, some random mooks and minions for my Guild:
  19. The deck of cards is interesting. The minimalist design is absolutely not my cup of tea, but it's very well done.
  20. Amazing stuff. I am in awe that you made the windows out of foam too. That is insane! But in a good way
  21. And back to our regularly scheduled programming The second box I got for Malifaux and the one I'm most happy with (also, they kick ass on the playing field for me ) Francisco got the gun from a Death Marshal, as his profile says it's supposed to be a Peacebringer too, and a blade from a Reaper set instead of his... machete?
  22. Nicely done! Only nitpick: On the Insidious Madness, some green stuff or similar would've been good to blend the parts together.
  23. Looking good! What are the red-pinkish lines?
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