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Everything posted by Cleezy

  1. Just stumbled across this and as I am starting to incorporate Dade into lists is this correct? Would the debt add an additional damage to the damage caused from discarding a marker/card? Thanks in advance.
  2. Happy June 1st Wyrdo's, A new month and a new opportunity for demos down at Harlequins Preston. Availability is still the same as in the original post. Please get in touch. I have a demo on Monday and on Wednesday so pop down for a chat and I can get you scheduled in. Cheers, Carl AKA Cleezy
  3. Make sure to take Nino and a good few family members, with a decent line of sight you will make it so that your opponent cannot pick up the heads the things you kill drop. Papa to some extent could help here as people wont want him getting in close and exploding. The nephilim is great for mobility, it is almost an auto include in my Dita lists.
  4. Papa is a great model and can be really useful if you keep him safe while Perdita is at optimum range then when things get him close let him go and blow up. With Obey from Perdita and Abuela's 0 action you can get passed his 4" WK quite well to position him ready for the boom. I just built up my Nellie crew over the weekend so looking forward to trying Dita with the reporters
  5. I have used Perdita quite a lot but with varying success, GG17 isn't easy for her and her 'family' crew but certain schemes she does great and she is definitely competitive. Depending on the schemes/strategy usually dictates if I will take Nino or not, his ability is really nice to blocking the enemy to make interact actions near the rest of the family. Perdita I will always take trick shooting and then sometimes the passes duels/gives out +2WP (opponent depending) or at times vengeance bullet (usually if I am trying to eliminate the leader or quick murder). She isn't fragile but her wounds soon drop without the DF/WP boost, however in most instances she should be out of the danger zone (good range and free moves make this happen). Franc a lot of people see as 'just' a meat shield but he is also a good beater and I always find there is a point in the game where he can happily be sacrificed if he takes out an opponents key model. Papa has uses but has to be handled well since he can no longer be boxed. Abuela I really like, the 0 push speeds her up and the 0 she has for an extra action is really tasty too. I generally find in a family based crew Franc is an auto take, then Abuela is usually in the crew (unless I feel Santi will be more worthwhile) then I take either Papa or Nino (very rarely both) and then fill out the crew accordingly based on schemes/strat. Filling out is often Pistolero/Austringer/Brutal/Enslaved nephilim. Santi although is often criticised (and isn't amazing) does have opportunities to shine, a decent scheme runner that is difficult to put down (decent wounds and hard to kill) and he can usually out damage other scheme runners. His shoot into combat is situational but sometimes handy and if using Nino he can widen the no interact action range. Hope that helps a little
  6. Great thread, thanks for sharing your experiences. I am just looking to start playing McCabe more frequently so it is really intriguing (and enlightening) to see others uses and experiences with him but also varying crews. I was thinking of going along similar lines with Dade and a host of dogs. But I am going to see how much work I can get out of some of the other models. Interesting to see the Judge being used, any reason particular you are taking him? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi all, I recently picked up a brewmaster foil/UV card from a tourney and would preferably trade it as he is a master I have no intention of playing. Ideally I would like to trade him for Sonnia Criid, Jakob Lynch or Shenlong but I am open to all trade offers as somebody somewhere will want one. The card is still in its original packaging, I am based in the UK. Cheers, Carl
  8. Good afternoon all, I am now the henchman for Preston (and it's surrounding areas) and will happily host an introduction/demo game to any new or returning players. The location is at Harlequins (www.harlequins-games.co.uk) and the days I am available for the games are Monday and Wednesday from 6pm until 10pm. Feel free to contact me via the forum or on Twitter (@Thecleez) or via email (carl7lee@hotmail.com) and lastly through the Harlequins/Red Steel Preston or A Wyrd Place Facebook groups/pages, as much notice as possible is appreciated however I can in most instances make those days always. During the demo I will run through a small sized game with either one or two players that will show you various mechanics of the game and also show you some models from the range produced by Wyrd (I have 10 different masters across 4 factions) so I can show a good cross section of the range. I also have all of the current books available for perusal and will happily answer any questions to the fullest of my knowledge. Thanks for reading and hopefully see you son. Carl AKA Cleezy
  9. Cleezy

    All sold

    How much are you looking for cash wise? UK based
  10. Encounters have been generated. Round 1 Standard deployment Guard the stash Claim jump Eliminate the leadership Accusation Set up Inspection Round 2 Flank deployment Extraction Claim jump Recover evidence Leave your mark Hunting party Mark for death Round 3 Corner deployment Headhunter Claim jump Dig their graves Leave your mark A quick murder Last stand
  11. Still no interest in selling the Criid? Could even trade for guilders?
  12. Cheers for the heads up, amended to include a little more info
  13. Hi all, Just pushing a little event I have put together, it is short notice but it is in a bid to get a little bit more Malifaux in Liverpool. Follow this link https://www.facebook.com/events/198752543961909/ to the event on facebook. Basically a small relaxed tournament format to help some of the guys in the area who are returning to the game (or reasonably new to it) but also helping others who want to get a bunch of games in one day or who want to try a few things out. The event will be fixed faction, 50ss games and no painting requirement. 3 rounds over the course of the day. The full event schedule can be seen on the Facebook event page. The venue is just play games in Liverpool, super close to the Moorfields train station and also close to Liverpool Lime street station, there is also plenty of parking near the venue. The price is £6 and that is to purely cover the space at the venue. Any questions just ask, hopefully see some of you soon. It is an 8 player event, currently 5 places are taken leaving 6, 7 and 8. 6) 7) 8) Cheers, Carl
  14. What are you after for trade? I collect guild, 10T and outcasts but have very little available to trade. Ideally I would happily pay cash
  15. Is the Criid still available? Would you ship to the UK?
  16. Hey Taffeh, I paid my entry on Wednesday, Carl Lee. Looking forward to this. Looks like a good prize pool too. Cheers Carl
  17. Cheers for running the event, was a good day despite my woeful performances. Thanks to my opponents for making the games enjoyable and thanks to McCabe for making me realise I need a lot more practice with him. Look forward to the next one
  18. Great event, definitely will make a return next year. Thanks for running it and thanks to everyone who I played. I had a top day and learned so much.
  19. Cheers for running it Dan, was a fun day and another good learning opportunity. My first guilder
  20. Hmmm... Love two of the three Pistolero's, the one with the sword is a little disappointing. Really like the brothers and the fermented monks, not quite sure on the guild sergeants. Quite torn on what to pick up now, think it may be monks/brothers/pistoleros and the handlers. Will see how I feel on the sergeants when I come to purchase.
  21. Great list of goodies to buy, I am quite new to Malifaux and dropped $300 for Black Friday and will likely spend another $100 at least (possibly even 200) as the easter list has a lot of things I want to add to my collection. For sure I will be adding the handlers, guild sergeants, 10T brothers and monks, the bad ink fate deck and the pistolero's plus a McCabe box and maybe some others to fill out the order. Keep up the great work Wyrd peeps
  22. Could you send me a pick of the guild deck? Is it the fate deck from starter set? Ta
  23. Miss Terious now acquired also. Cheers
  24. Brief update I have Santana Ortega but still after Miss Terious. As well as cash I have Dr. Dufresne. Cheers
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