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Everything posted by retnab

  1. IIRC, Thrace and Binh are only available to Dual Commander and Tyrant pledgers. For the book, yes (so that people who only want one book can get credit, backerkit assumes you only want one and gives you the option of taking the second).
  2. Hey all! So I'm done week 2 now (it was delayed a week because the store was closed on our usual games night, grr Family Day) and it went pretty well overall. The weekly event was the one with the Depleted that you can kill for bonus scrip, which was nice! First game was a draw, where my opponent took out my Rail Worker and Carlos (both of the models who had injuries last game) and they both got new injuries (Carlos got Not Quite Right and the Rail Worker got Swamp Hex, boo) but I finished my Bounty (I got a Welding Torch for my trouble) and I got my Gunsmith the Fan The Hammer skill. Game 2 was a win for me but I had a few more injuries: Carlos got Unfocused and the Soulstone Miner got A Wayward Adventure, which isn't too bad I suppose. I did sadly end the week with only 8 scrip so I can't get a Master next week... not sure what to spend my scrip on, does anyone have any suggestions? My crew is really beefy, and I'm still looking at leaning into either Kaeris or Mei Feng as my Master when I can actually afford one of them. I'm currently thinking about grabbing Johanna and either Bleeding Edge Tech (since I have 3 Construct Minions) or Well Rehearsed (I would have 5 Living models including Johanna, and it would give her more mobility with False Claim), what do you all think?
  3. Welcome to Malifaux That seems like a good start, just a few things I'd change. Make sure the Steam Arachnid box you get is the one with 6 models in it, there's one for 3 as well but it's less bang for your buck. You can only have 1 Mobile Toolkit, so I wouldn't grab two of them. Also December Acolytes are good, but they don't do a lot for Ramos besides just being good guns so maybe consider swapping those out for Sue (he gives you more card draw which Ramos loves).
  4. Looks great! What's the height of the new base?
  5. Updated, everyone now gets a free single Fireteam unit (formerly known as Champions)
  6. Which is exactly something I like to do, especially with the Arcane Effigy to Companion into it
  7. That's because there is no ruling on that in the FAQ and no information about it in the rulebook. Nothing says that abilities and actions on upgrades count as being on the models card. Only Sandeep can summon in his Gamins, or use his other actions on upgrades.
  8. So how's that going to work with the late stretch goals? I'm guessing we'll just find out what tier we've reached once the backerkit's finished?
  9. It's a , so she benefits as well (and it would be super weird if it was the other way, lol)
  10. Unless you're taking the Visions upgrade, then you can bop any threats on the head and give them Paralysis (as long as you can get above min damage). Can't take damage if they can't attack you
  11. Glad to hear things are getting sorted out. In case it still is of any use, I just wanted to note that my order (Jan 31 2017: Colette, Ironsides, Union Miner C, GG2017 strats/schemes) arrived and all the cards, as far as I can tell, are the correct and up to date editions.
  12. Sounds like a good plan, thanks! I don't use my Soulstone Miner enough so I'm happy to get it on the board again, and that should leave me with an extra 2 scrip going into next week.
  13. So just an update to this, I just played through my first week's games and I did pretty darn good overall! As was suggested all of the 's in my list were very helpful in getting damage across. End of week 1 Carlos got built in 's to his Ml actions (Off-Hand Fighting) but became Shaken, and my Rail Worker became Wanted. I picked up the Hit List Bounty after game 1 and got a kill on my target (Mech Rider) so I'm halfway through to getting that finished as well! I finished up with an extra 5 scrip to play with, and am torn on what to add on to my crew now. I'm thinking either of adding in the Arcane Emissary and adding in the upgrade in week 3, or getting Practiced Productions for Carlos and picking up a 5-8ss model (Firestarter maybe?). Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  14. If you get two tough targets where they can't be pushed, Mei Feng's Tiger Claws with Tremors trigger can keep alternating attacks between them until she misses or one dies off 1 AP.
  15. Yeah that's probably the biggest change from 40k and Warmahordes and I LOVE it! Being able to know your opponent's faction, all the details about what the focus of the match is, and THEN each making your list means you don't get stuck in list chicken or that awful feeling that your set lists are a bad matchup nearly to the same degree.
  16. Nope, that happens when the backerkit comes out. Right now we're just saying what we're going to put our money towards
  17. I played 40k through 3rd and 5th (SM and 'nids), and I played Warmahordes for about 3 years (Retribution and Cyriss), but after having played Malifaux I've just had no interest in getting back into those games. Malifaux is definitely more complex overall, but it feels more balanced and well crafted than either of those games IMO (Mk3 included). Rasputina does really suffer when you're up against anti-casters, but spell slinging isn't your only option. You can use her to put out Ice Pillars and give your models bonus Armor if hitting the opponent doesn't look very possible (but don't forget you can spend an AP to Focus if the anti-casting is giving you 's). Also you can take models like the Ice Golem, Blessed of December, and Snow Storm to bring some thematic melee beaters, and the December Acolyte is one of the most points effective shooters in the faction.
  18. That's definitely part of why I've stopped playing GW and PP's systems. Between the alternating activations, the card mechanics (which are way better in my opinion between the guarantee that you're not going to roll snake eyes every other roll and the ability to cheat higher when it really matters), and the fact that you can play games in non-aggressive ways, with scheme heavy crews like what Colette can do. Overall it just feels much better than a lot of what else is out there.
  19. I think I'd take something like: Ironsides (Arcane Reservoir, Iron Determination, Warding Runes), 7ss Cassandra (Practiced Production, Warding Runes) 3x Oxfordians (all the Wards, all Temporary Shielding) Shastar Vidiya Guard (Well Rehearsed) Performer Union Miner The Guard could easily be swapped out for Johan and a 4ss model, probably Arcane Effigy, or Lust (Well Rehearsed) if you feel like you need more healing or enemy positioning control. The Performer can Recover Evidence easily enough with Don't Mind Me and pull people away from the Turf Marker, the Union Miner can Dig Their Graves, the Blood Mage gives Ironsides and Cassandra immunity to Tail 'Em and Accusation (with the Guard ready to block the Blood Mage from dying with Well Rehearsed). Practiced Production and the Union Miner can make Claim Jump effortless, and Ironsides can Accuse models and refuse to let them leave with her Ml 7 against Disengaging Strikes.
  20. I don't know about other stores in my area but I'm currently the only local Cult player at my LGS out of the backers. But every local meta's going to be different in what people find most appealing.
  21. I definitely agree with adding the Ice Gamin and the Silent One, the December Acolyte is nice but the others add utility to a list that doesn't need much more punch than it already has. If you're not 100% on the Blessed, I've had very good success at tournaments with my list of Snow Storm, Ice Golem, Ice Gamin, and Silent One. Snow being able to pull the Ice Golem up lets you ignore his poor Sp stat and with the Ice Gamin nearby it's going to wreck face - especially with the Silent One in the back healing up as needed.
  22. No for Ramos' summoning (since it declares a model by name), yes for the Brass Arachnid's Reactivate. If you're doing that, it would be best to have the Arachnid go first and give itself 's and give something Reactivate, then Lazarus give it Reactivate, then Arachnid Reactivates and makes two more models Reactivate. That's a lot of extra actions!
  23. Cool combo, I hadn't considered Lazarus with Mei/Sparks. Don't forget that Sparks and the Mobile Toolkit can make any non-Construct model get Armor +1, Fast, and one of the Toolkit's bonuses as well! Giving Envy or Lazarus to damage and Fast is some scary stuff, at the cost of a Scrap Marker, two 6's (one a ), and a discarded card.
  24. That is one thing I really like about the Squads, even looking at the mostly melee units they're not all the same - The Warped can teleport themselves and enemies around, The Broken can do some card draw and deck cycling for bonus effects on their abilities, and Twisted Horrors are a melee/ranged hybrid with a deck cycling focus. The ECB Black Ops are going to be a unit I really want to try out. Between them not having a melee attack without going to Glory and them being the most expensive hire in faction, they're giving up a fair bit for a very flexible deployment, amazingly strong guns (seriously, Strength 7 against a decked out Titan or Strength 6 and Accurate against a decked out Commander sounds great), and the potential of doing random Strength 4 hits against your opponent's entire army if placed correctly and you can find those 's in your deck. Though, the biggest thing I'm concerned about is that if one of the ECB Black Ops goes through a Portal, as written I'm pretty sure the entire Squad would get sucked through as well whether you want it to or not and even if one Fireteam's on the other end of the map. I'm very interested in seeing how they actually do in game.
  25. Awesome, thanks all! Do you think the Union Miner as my only scheme runner / support model will be enough, or should I drop one of the tanky minions to help out there?
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