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Everything posted by easily_mused

  1. easily_mused

    Eliminated, Round Two

    Sorry for the fuzzy ipad pic. But I figured I would seek some advice since I was eliminated. I loved the base initially, but once the cape was done it just all blended... I toned down the base some but still. Something's just not right. IDK if I should change to a black or clear base. Or use more blue and purple on the cloak..
  2. So you are my new opponent? :::Takes deep breath to start smack talk:::.. yeah I got nothing. Yours was actually one of my favorites that used miners. Good luck.
  3. The chest with the Jester at the ticket area has the gold, you can even see some of it on top with the stones, and the chest has gold details. I dont know if it was lighting or wash but my gold that looks gold when I look at it and painted with metalic paints is brown in the photos. Admittidly I did not go for a "here is the inside of the chest" angle because nothing else looked good in that shot. To think, I was worried "Jester +Chest = Fool's Gold" was too literal take on theme.
  4. Thanks guys! I think Commenting on my own now wraps that part up Good luck to all. Just FYI....Edited for scores: Theme (2/2/2) Tec (1/3/3) Overall (3/5/5) total 26
  5. I guess I got to up my painting skills to get early acess to the cool toys
  6. easily_mused


    Bards have there uses, slick blood effects, will help that be pushed out of the other adventures way.
  7. A dark pic is better than no pic!
  8. That's a bad hangover! Really like your drunk.
  9. easily_mused

    Behind me....right?

    Worth the pic, nice hat colors and water details
  10. For some reason I thought of "deal or no deal". Choose your box wisely little fool!
  11. But I think this is a better pic
  12. this shows the color transition on the tentacles nicely.
  13. Looks like a hostage situation.
  14. Nicely done! I bet he looses some fingers :
  15. Nice variation to the metal.
  16. Needs to turn on his torch to find it
  17. He is in disguise, all dressed in red.
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