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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. The only one I don't really like is Adeodatos. The rest are like a cool mix of Insidious Nightmares and Darkened. Stalking Portals look awesome.
  2. I can't get over how much I love the Stormrisen. Evil Mermaid is awesome.
  3. Did you guys misspell 'Alpha' in the video?
  4. The Stormrisen is utterly amazing. Love that sculpt.
  5. Gibbering Hordes for me still. Cult of the Burning Man is a very close second.
  6. I'm guessing no factions will make a direct crossover. Keeping the factions different is another way to keep the games separate. While it's fun to think of squads of Mounted Guard charging and shooting at a group of Mature Nephilim, it's also a great way to cannibalise your own sales by appealing too much to your other games playerbase.
  7. Does it really matter what sound they make when they eat you? They're still going to eat you.
  8. I think the biggest reason a TO might disallow it is if you do use one as a Montressor proxy. Having both on the table would get confusing. Going with just one, I don't hink many TO's would have an issue.
  9. I'll be using one as a Jack Daw Emmisary proxy with opponents permission, because it's kinda perfect for that.
  10. The OP said nothing about online discounts, just that the store owner was concerned about Wyrds early release policy. So not sure where that came from.
  11. I think the main issue with pre-release stuff since Shifting Loyalties is there's just not that much new stuff to begin with. If they pre-release two sets out of four to six new sets that a faction is getting, that's about a third of sales an FLGS might get going instead direct to Wyrd in these sales. Compare to waves one and two where there was so much more getting released, pre releasing the same amount of stuff still meant much more was coming through. Personally, I think the biggest offender in these sales are the limit rewards. $300us to get all 4 of this years and last years LE models would get you a whole faction. That's a lot of sales not going to an FLGS. $100us for a Miss model isn't so bad, since the last two Gencons that's been just about covered by the Nightmare crew. But Gencon is particularly troublesome with that $300us bracket, sicne it encourages a purchase so large it would probably take you a whole year to get through it without additional purchases from a store. Though don't think there's so many individual takers on that to impact a stores sales. However, I'd remind them of the monthly promotions. Getting Miss Terious for free with a Zipp crew is a nice incentive, even if all you might do with it is onsell it to absorb some of the cost. I know that in months where there has been a freebie given out for spending $60 at your FLGS, I've spent that $60. Mostly because it would cost more than that after exchange and shipping to grab the model on eBay, so might as well grab some more Malifaux stuff. For example, my Gremlins had been languishing. When they announced the alternate Francisco as a reward, I grabbed quite a bit for Gremlins. Then a bit more, and ended up nearly qualifying for two (if only they would allow that). If the store manager is feeling it, maybe let him know to remind people. It doesn't take long to just have a look at the promotions page to see what's going, and when regular Malifaux gamers come through, just remind them of what's going on. It's really win-win. He reminds them of a promotion, and they might buy a bunch of stuff. They get a free miniature out of it, but generally it's a miniature they wouldn't be able to buy outside of these sales anyway, so at least it's generation sales for him.
  12. I mostly find it amusing they forgot to change the 'Box Contents - 3 Swine Cursed' part.
  13. I got lucky. Someone was selling one on eBbay for $110au, which is the lowest I've seen it go for after exchange rates. Then my fiance bought me a whole sealed TTB gamers room pledge for Christmas which I found for $520au. Included another Santana (and Hannah).
  14. Haven't seen Santana available during sales for a long time. If there's alt Barbaros available when I get home, I'll buy him. Can't afford much else this sale.
  15. I figured this was part of the reasoning behind The Other Side. Lets than scale down the releases for Malifaux (the half a dozen models per faction we're getting in new books can't really sustain a year of releases by themselves, but are not a bad quantity to be adding to the game once a year) and concentrate on The Other Side, which will need quite a lot of releases to bring factions up.
  16. Other Tormented models to consider: The Drowned. These are melee Tormented, with a couple of tricks. One is Undercurrent, which pulls an enemy towards the closest hazardous terrain. This combos with Jakuuna, who has a hazardous terrain aura. Crooked Men. Make you scheme markers damaging to touch. Good if you're expecting people to flip them in base to base contact. Dead Outlaws (Black Friday early release). Ranged Sh Tormented models. Something Jack has usually lacked without taking non-Tormented models to cover the gap.
  17. I can, because it's my other main game. Infinity. Corvus Belli have gone through several scale transitions. First edition was exaggerated 28mm. The first half or so of second edition was non-exaggerated 28mm with exaggerated guns. The second half of second edition was non-exaggerated 28mm with non-exaggerated guns. Third edition saw a shift to 30mm. Even amongst this, there's been scale mistakes. One of the army starter packs smaller than anything else from the late second edition period it was done in, and third edition which came quickly afterwards was much bigger (to the point where those models could pass for children). Some units have changed scale, multiple times through successive releases, so you can't make a full team of that unit without scale differences unless you do a lot of converting. And two of those changes were after the scale shift with third edition. One of their TAG models is so out of scale the visible pilot arms look like children's arms. Corvus Belli are really bad with scale. They don't offer to fix anything, and don't even acknowledge that it's an issue.
  18. Tha'ts what I get posting while stressed out at work.
  19. It also allows her to create new Terror Tots, which is what makes the combo on her useful.
  20. I grew up playing GW games with my brother. I started when I was, I think, 9 with Titan Legions. Eventually we moved over to 40k, and played that for about 12 years. We met many people who played at high school, with one of those becoming a good friend and my most regular opponent. Eventually I started studying, and got a full time job, and it all sort of just dropped due to other priorities. One day walking to work something triggered the memory of playing 40k and I decided to load the GW website up at work and have a look at who things had changed. I was blown away by all the new stuff - especially Tyranids which I always like as an army but disliked the models. The new stuff was great. So I dragged my brother and friend back into it, and we played 40k again for about 6 years. We got in at the tail end of 5th edition. We played 6th edition happily enough. 7th editions quick release and massive changes didn't go down well with us. By that time we'd already mostly moved over to Infinity. We'd grown tired of the poor balance and insane Australian prices GW charged, having been tipped over the edge by their embargo stopping UK retailers shipping to the southern hemisphere. There ended up being a priority of only buying what was good, and generally we liked the models that were 'bad'. So we went looking for another game and wound up finding Infinity, a skirmish game, so fewer models. The balance was fantastic, which meant we didn't have to make the choice of buying a bad model or a pretty model. That took over as the primary game. I don't think we've even played 40k in a few years, let alone bought anything for it. However, I kind of wanted a fantasy fix. Swords and magic and blackpowder guns. I remembered Malifaux from when we originally went looking for another game but settled on Infinity. Enough time had passed that it was into M2E. I loved the new plastics, and spent time cajoling my friend and brother into it. My brother grabbed a crew pretty quickly, and for a time it was just the two of us, getting the odd game in when we didn't feel like playing Infinity. It all ramped up at the start of the year when an FLGS ran a slow grow, and I was determined to have a fully painted crew by the end of it. After that, I was only really thinking about Malifaux, and Infinity had fallen aside. I expanded my Neverborn to include every option I'd ever wanted for Lilith, Pandora, the Dreamer. I got the pre release of Titania. I've been working away on my Gremlins. I've put together a Malifaux table and I'm planning a second. Now, I've finally managed to get my friend into it. He's bought the Hired Swrds set and a few extras and is eyeing Hamelin. Now, Infinity and Malifaux share an uneasy alliance. When we decide it's a gaming weekend, it's a toss up between the two. Lately Malifaux has been winning, mostly because it's more relaxed. I don't feel as mentally drained after playing a game and often feel like having a second game, which is really rare with Infinity.
  21. Nekima with Rapid Growth and The True Mother is actually fairly common. It turns her into a Growth missile. She's got the means to create Terror Tots and the means to further Grow them. It's a nice way to get that package on the board when you don't want to make it the focus of your playstyle. It also works particularly well on Nekima since Rapid Growth requires you to do killing, and that's basically all Nekima does. So she can go off and kill while birthing and growing simply as a result of her killing she's already doing, while the rest of your crew goes about the schemes and strategy.
  22. I don't think the rest of the crew is that bad, but that one is just absurd. Thanks for that though, I'll be fixing her like that. She made me apprehensive about buying the kit in the first place actually.
  23. As much as I'd love to see a stage between Young and Mature, more Barbaros sized, honestly there's more than enough Nephilim. You can already play pure Nephilim if you wanted to and just about every niche is covered aside from something tanky, but that's not Neverborns way. Also changes to the Grow paths would need a Rapid Growth update and would affect the Black Blood Shamans, so it's unlikely. Woe, Mimics, Swampfiend, definitely Fae, even Nightmares could do with fleshing out before before we got more Nephilim. Even like you pointed out some unique monster type stuff like the horned rider in the Righteous Mans story. Though a giant horned rider sounds like a pretty cool Fae. Nephilim though, they feel 'finished'. Especially after the starter.
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