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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. This has saved me from a game before too. Between the Emberling and Luna, they are the most useful totems for the faction.
  2. I would consider bringing Chiaki next time as well. Her ability to transfer her "Chi" condition comes up more often than some might think. And if you ever manage to give Sensei Yu "Chi" from the Soul Porter's attacks, he's just that much better. I've yet to try Misdirection on Yan Lo, since I usually take Recalled Training with him, but if you're using Hunpo Assault a lot, I imagine Misdirection would be better used.
  3. Well, considering I was allowed to play it, I'm sure he didn't see a problem with it. Granted I did win this HH, but I wasn't the only person who brought a 3 model crew either. I can see why they want 4 models to a crew, to prevent bringing 2-3 powerful models and using upgrades to bolster them strictly. But then if everyone does it, is it really unbalanced? I am pretty sure that is the idea. So you don't take a 4 ss smoe and then a 13 ss big guy with upgrade. It does force better balance, in a way. I wouldn't call it "better balance" necessarily though. Since again, if all players have the same crew building privileges, no one is at any kind of disadvantage. That said, I would say that players with more experience, as well as access to the more "powerful" models, would be at a more distinct advantage in this case. I wouldn't want to participate in this type of HH unless I had a well versed understanding of the game. To keep things interesting though, I would encourage players to make more thematic crews, since HH tend to be a less serious platform (though that is dependent entirely on the crowd you game with), and see what people come up with. I think a "Freikorps" themed HH crew would be fun to play and watch. Something about Hannah, a Strongarm Suit, and a Librarian rushing into combat just makes me a little excited.
  4. Btw, playing "Stake a Claim" on Corner Deployment is the hardest set up for that strategy. All models are traveling the furthest distance possible, and unless you have assistance with moving up faster, scoring that first point on Turn 2 is extremely difficult. Also, I thought I had mentioned this on Saturday, but the errata for Emissary's Conflux of Thunder upgrade for Misaki gaining AP per model killed was changed so that she can only gain 1 additional AP per turn, regardless of how many models she killed in a single turn. If this had been prior to the errata, she'd have been far more ridiculous(ly broken). *lol*
  5. Well, since I'm pretty certain that I was the person you played (Hi Dave, it's Ben!), I'd like to reiterate a couple of things I noticed during the game. First off, if you're looking for 10 ss models to fill in, I know the Emissary is exactly 10 ss, and from what I've seen, it can tarpit models pretty well with it's ability to create hazardous terrain. Coupled by that it affects models within 3" of it, it makes a fast moving crew coming towards you think twice about how to maneuver around it. In my experience playing against the Dreamer, my opponents spend at least 1 AP moving him up the board. By doing so, it would increase the range of your summoning, and give your models less space to have to travel. In just about every game, the Dreamer has walked, summoned 2 things on Turn 1, and "Tucked In" to bring Waking down to 1. That way, they're set up for summoning 3 things on Turn 2, and bringing out Chompy. Positioning with the Dreamer is important early on, since you're trying to place models where they are situationally most useful. In strategies like "Stake a Claim" and "Reconnoiter" where you need to have models further up the board quickly, moving the Dreamer at least once early on in the game is important to get that positioning, and with this Wk 7 and Incorporeal, it'd imagine that it's pretty easy for him. If you had moved him further up on Turn 1, and then summoned a couple of things, you probably would've had more room to expand your bubble of models, and not force them to crowd around too much, as we saw what had happened to the 2 Alps, Stitched Together, and Lelitu when they were within a single blast marker of each other. Granted, I too was very fortunate. If you hadn't flipped the BJ on your attack to paralyze the Emissary, it would've forced me to change tactics. I'd have had to use Recalled Training on Misaki that same turn, just to be able to clear that many models on a single attack, which could've spared Chompy an additional turn too. I thought your strategy with the Silurids was spot on. They kept you in the game for Strategy points, being able to place claim markers almost every turn. And had you managed to paralyze my Emissary, you most certainly would've gotten 1 VP for the Strategy on turn 2, since I wouldn't have had been able to use Misaki to place a claim marker that very same turn. Who knows from that point how the game could've ended. I agree that Coppelius wasn't a huge contributor to your list, but that may have been more situational, since you had him moving towards a corner that I was actively trying to avoid early on. Pound for pound, if he's going up against a Minion of mine, he'll win the foot race against them. He's a very popular model to summon in game, gauging from my experiences playing against Dreamer. Even if you don't get the right triggers to negate "slow" for the first turn, he's still very fast. Then combine that with "Lead Nightmare", he can move up quicker than some would think. I'd continue with what you've been doing, with the small modifications to Dreamer, and see how that goes for you. Maybe try the Emissary as well? Hope that helps!
  6. Well, considering I was allowed to play it, I'm sure he didn't see a problem with it. Granted I did win this HH, but I wasn't the only person who brought a 3 model crew either. I can see why they want 4 models to a crew, to prevent bringing 2-3 powerful models and using upgrades to bolster them strictly. But then if everyone does it, is it really unbalanced?
  7. Your list doesn't have 4 models. Is that a requirement for most Henchman Hardcore matches? The one I last participated in never stipulated otherwise, so I just presumed that it was how Henchman Hardcores were popularly played. Last time I played, I brought Ama No Zako, Bishop, and Hans.
  8. Sloth wouldn't be bad to bring along. Makes decent use of your low cards, and has a pretty reliable way of healing your models in the same process. And if you happen to have Chiaki as well, you can in theory heal a model without needing to suffer from Slow each turn.
  9. My first game against Sonnia was with Shenlong. Both of us were relatively inexperienced with our Masters, but I believe my list synergy worked better than his. Between Sensei Yu and Shenlong, I was able to send Kang, Izamu, and the Lone Swordsman 5" up the board (with a couple of them "Fast") before they needed to activate. He made the unfortunate mistake of bringing Sonnia out into the open (via Papa Loco's "Hermanos de Armas") without any support. Took my chance at that point to charge with Kang and The Lone Swordsman, and assassinated her before she got a chance to activate. That all said, I'm sure if he were more familiar with Sonnia, or had even seen Shenlong once before, he'd probably have a better idea of how my crew worked. Granted I had equal experience in facing Sonnia, but in this particular case, I believe it was my experience with my crew that was superior to his experience with his that made the difference. So if you're planning on bringing Sonnia against a faction that you feel would give her a rough time (ie - Outcasts), be prepared with the proper back up. Francisco and Sidir are great Henchmen that can matchup well with most of the Guild masters. The Emissary is also a great choice, but then I also personally like Sonnia's Avatar model the best out of her faction.
  10. ^ This. Pay even closer attention if she's got Tally Sheet in addition to I Pay Better too. That said, I've been meaning to try this list for a Henchman Hardcore. Sidir (Leader) - Promises - By Your Side Francisco - Wade In - Dampening Field Santiago - Hair Trigger Idea is for Francisco to go first and give El Mayor to Sidir, walk up a little and use Finesse. Discourages charge attacks, and if he's shot at, Sidir can jump in front and take the hit instead. And since he's now Df 7 on a 40mm base, he can probably soak the attack or two, while blocking line of sight to Francisco for the remainder of that activation, leaving him in prime position to use his Machine Gun. Santiago is there because, well, it's Santiago. Hopefully he won't have to shoot into Sidir's engagements but even if he ends up charging into combat, he's a tough guy to take down. Use Dampening Field during a crucial moment when their Leader is close to dead.
  11. I've used Kang in non-Reckoning games before, and he's actually worked out pretty well. Most recently, I played him in a Reconnoiter game, which I had won 9-4 against Levi. Granted, Make Them Suffer was also on the board, of which Kang earned me 2 of the 3 points for (the first point coming when he didn't have any Minions or Peons on the board for one turn). Most of my opponents that I've faced with Kang have a difficult time avoiding him, be they an Arcanist or Ressurrectionist Master. It was also in this game that I got to use the Mechanized Porkchop with Mei Feng as well. He unfortunately died very early (Lazarus flipped RJ on it's first hit against him), but if not for him, Mei Feng wouldn't have been able to engage his Lazarus and Coryphee that same turn. Looking forward to trying Sparks eventually.
  12. Boxing a Rider... Now that's something I didn't think of trying yet... It's the only good thing to come out of them removing the Ca from the attacks and making them Sh and Ml respectively. Normal death marshals are at a from stubborn but not the emmissary Actually Stubborn only affects enemy models. So if you're doing it to your own guy, it's cool. Well kind of the whole idea was to prevent immortal enemy riders from scoring on bodyguard. Not sure why I would want prevent my own bodyguard from scoring. Oh, you were referring to enemy models, I see. Uh, well even if that is the case, Stubborn would still affect the Emissary, since the box is an Attack Action. Not hard to get around, granted though.
  13. Any chance you're around that Sunday, Ray? Something came up on Saturday, and I may not make it that day.
  14. Boxing a Rider... Now that's something I didn't think of trying yet... It's the only good thing to come out of them removing the Ca from the attacks and making them Sh and Ml respectively. Normal death marshals are at a from stubborn but not the emmissary Actually Stubborn only affects enemy models. So if you're doing it to your own guy, it's cool.
  15. Boxing a Rider... Now that's something I didn't think of trying yet...
  16. I find running the Emissary AND a Death Marshal to be pretty redundant, personally. I mean, seriously, how many people do you need to protect inside the box? Using the examples mentioned, that's Papa and/or Francisco boxed up, for the sake of mimicking or protecting models from harm. Not even including upgrades, that's 15 ss of models not seeing the field regularly. With the Emissary it makes much more sense, since the boxed model comes out after it's activation, so at the very least, it's a "delivery system" for the model, and regardless of who you're carrying, they're going to help make short work of whoever the Emissary is close to. But having 2 models that can box people, with one who can hold someone indefinitely through the game, is a bit much.
  17. As I would interpret and play this as well. I haven't used it with Sonnia yet, but will probably soon.
  18. Wow, really? When I tried to buy Aionus, he was marked sold out too. And now you're saying it's not? Any chance I could still add it to my order after having made it already?
  19. Part of understanding the strategy with Mei Feng is that she's not the type of Master to send after singular targets. She's the Master you send after groups of Minions and Peons primarily, while the rest of your crew runs schemes, and your other dedicated Beatsticks go after your enemy's larger targets. For me, that model is Kang most of the time. Mei Feng (Ml 6 and 2/4/5 damage spread) is good, but if you want something dead quicker, you send Kang (Ml 7 and 3/4/6 damage spread). That said, I always make a point to go after a group of models with Mei Feng, so someone can be a legal target for Misdirection. Not usually that hard early on, and with her Rail Walking, it's not hard to engage her in combat on Turn 1. Worst case scenario, and when there aren't any enemy targets to redirect to, I try to have a Metal Gamin (or something else cheap and resilient) that she can redirect to. Better my 4 ss minion get hit than her, at least. Having a full cache helps as well. That said, Misdirection is a lot harder to play around than you might realize. Part of the trick is also having the right models supporting her, and prioritizing the rest of your crew's attacks. She's strong enough to hold her own against a few Minions, while you send Kang after their bigger targets. If an experienced Mei Feng player finds himself against a dedicated beatstick, they'll usually have someone close by to help. For me, it's usually Kang, or a Thunder Archer within range of Blot the Sky. As for upgrade slots, I find that the 3 are plenty. My staple upgrades are Vapormancy, Misdirection, and either Price of Progress or Seismic Claws. If "Make Them Suffer" is on the board, I would take Price of Progress, and go Minion Hunting. If not, then it's Seismic Claw. Recalled Training is nice, but with the amount of Burning your crew should be giving out, it's mitigated considerably. Most of my attacks lead off with "Scalding Breath", which apply Burning after getting hit, and at Ca 7 vs Df, you're usually hitting. Follow up with Tiger Claw, and then depending on my other upgrades, I could trigger happy go all out against who I'm fighting, or kill something outright and draw a card.
  20. Are we sure that the ability only allows 1 Wd max per AP? The ability reads "After damaging an enemy model with an attack action, this model heals 1 damage." I would imagine that with each model that's damaged, she could gain that many Wds back, no? Or am I misreading this? Not saying that the Purifying Flame tactic doesn't work (since it seems to be popular already), but I just think that it's a lot more situational than most would think. I would imagine that having the Effigy give her "Fear Not the Sword" and then "Accomplicing" Sonnia to act and then attack would come up more frequently than using her to attack the Purifying Flame.
  21. I was going to say, if you have "Addict", why not take more models with Brilliance that can make more use of it. I would also consider bringing 1 or 2 Depleted. For 4 ss, they're amazing tarpit models (Hard to Wound, Hard to Kill, 8 Wds). Granted, they're insignificant, but they tie up models very well, and give out Brilliance to everything within 2". With a Beckoner close in range, they'll be hanging onto Brilliance every turn so long as she's close enough and stays alive.
  22. +1 for Von Schill and Hannah. Hannah is an amazing Henchman, that happens to also be a merc. Granted her bread and butter are when she's running with the other Freikorps members of the faction (Tally Sheet and I Pay Better work great together, btw!), as an out of faction Henchman, she's still great. Someone else mentioned Lazarus too, who's got a solid long ranged and high damage gun. Bring her along with Hannah, and now you have 2 models that can (0) action self heal.
  23. I would prefer using the Brutal Effigy tactic over hitting your own Purifying Flame, personally.
  24. I don't know if it was just people joking on the forums, but from what I saw reading around in the past, it doesn't have a time. The quote I heard was that they don't have a declared time for the sale to start so there is no huge queue of excited people waiting to log in all at the same time and bust the online shop's server.. Which sounds like a fairly reasonable explanation, but it could also be a joke But all things considered, they are pretty good about giving out information, so if we haven't seen it here or the other nice threads they have put up about the sale, perhaps they really don't tell a time for it to start. I'm sure if they do though, any of us who come around frequently will have no issue hearing of it It's not a joke. It's how Wyrd has dealt with the starting times of their sales for the past two years. So unless otherwise stated, I'm going to just presume the sale starts at midnight on Friday morning then.
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