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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. You never cease to amaze - I really like your forgeworld chaos model. Just wondering - personal opinion - do you find it difficult to bring out the details on Wyrd plastic models too? You can tell that there is a considerable difference between your wyrd and non-wyrd stuff as far as detail goes. I find I have to use a lot of wash/glaze techniques or paint the details back in myself when it comes to wyrd plastics and I don't particularly enjoy painting them, tbh. Just wondering what you think.
  2. Leveticus, Jack Daw, Colette, Ramos, and to a lesser degree Zoraida (she's boring to play). Other than that I have no intention of ever playing any other non-gremlin master though I also like Seamus, Doug, Nico, and Collodi - though only aesthetically. I like almost every Gremlin master cepts Mah Tucket (awesome looking models though!) and Ulix. I'm so sick of seeing Dreamer crews all the time I no longer like him - seems like everybody has that magical little shit.
  3. One thing I forgot to mention in my original post. Regardless of what is coming out for Malifaux this Gen Con - you can be damn sure Malifaux will be taking a backseat to The Other Side... seeing as how its a new game and will (should) be pushed very hard... so don't get your hopes up as far as Maifaux is concerned.
  4. I'll throw my hat in for this one... I'd like to see the factions get fleshed out more by ditching this silly "dual faction" stuff and actually having new unique masters. If you don't want that (because people will be upset that they can't play their master in the faction they want to or whatever) then I will reiterate my hypothesis of master-rotation that I see in the future. As in, some masters leave or get killed and other masters (brand new or henchmen getting "upgraded" - I'm looking at you Rusty Alyce). That's probably an M3E kind of thing that won't be for a while, though. It would be a good way of neutering OP masters (Cassandra takes Colette's place, kinda deal) and ditching boring ones or the ones that are just simply the least popular. You could always play your old masters in a "legacy" version, or what have you. Since I am pretty sure we are a long ways from that still I think I'll just say that M2E Book 4 will be a boatload of fluff and some new models - what else can really be done? New faction?... we already have a faction that just feels wholly niche, gimmicky, and mostly unnecessary (10T - yeah, I said it) - so I don't see that happening either. It will be interesting to see what will be done with the game - I don't see much growth - just fleshing out and rotation. What I don't want to see happening is this "leveling" where factions start filling in the blanks with models based on what they are missing. Factions should have specific strengths and weaknesses. Neverborn getting dogs and guns is an example of this - I see it less as "balance" and more of "lets just make every faction the same cepts aesthetics."
  5. Update Time! "Joss Gets His Man-Card Reissued and Bah-Bah-Bah-Base in Your Face!" It's been a little while longer than I expected but I have been busy with many non-geek related ventures as well as hobby not related to Malifaux. So Wyrd, let's have a little talk about mah boi Joss, mkay? What's the deal with his lame faux-but-not-really-faux-hawk?... makes him looks like a jock in some preppy alternative party frat house. Oh, and what's the deal with his axe?... it appears that he shops in the toddler's power tool section at the Malifaux local Home Depo. And that's all I have to say about that... oh, and... Fix't! Pictured is one re-masculated Joss... post getting his man-card back. Not pictured is one very sad Dwarf Slayer who just became slightly less badass. I decided to give him a Beothuk look on account of his Native American background. I was going to tattoo him up something fierce but I felt he already had a lot going on and besides Native Americans are not renowned for any kind of tattooing or scarification - and few even used warpaint, contrary to popular belief. I was thinking of doing some traditional Mayan designs too but I didn't want to be one of those silly people who mix cultures in ignorance... like all those Viking miniatures with 21st century "modernized tribal tattooing." I also decided to give him a "corrupted look" since... well... I tend to corrupt everything I touch so I guess that's how my armies end up looking. His axe is quite a bit more menacing now and is a whole lot more thunderous. Any model that comes with his very own "Fist-o!" deserves a badass treatment, imo. I was using this fella at Gen Con but he wasn't done yet, so that made me sad - finally finished though and ready to lead many-a HH games in the future. ------------------------------------ In other news... since all this forums fixing, and re-fixing, and re-re-fixing is going one, I lost quite a few posts including a review of Coolminiornot's basing system by Micro Arts Studio. Instead of remaking a thread (too lazy) about them, I figured I'd just post up some of the before-after pics of these awesome bases. I really can't say enough about these bases - they have a crisp professional look to them and are probably the best on the market right now, overall (still does not beat the old bases by Basix from Poland - as far as detail and sculpt goes, though). Besides, I'm sure people would rather see the product not just read "its awesome - buy it." Enjoy: Bases for my Union Miners and Crooked Men - having separate rings and inserts is pretty much the best thing ever. Start-to-Finish of a base that will be featured in this thread at a later date: Finally, here are my Union Miners and Crooked Men that were part of Iron Painter 2015 - finally on bases after waiting patiently for this kickstarter to arrive: Love 'em. This is my favorite hobby product since flock tufts first came out. ------------------------------ Okay, serious mode now. It has come to my attention that this thread is just not explicit or edgy enough... for my own personal tastes, really. Time to step that up. You know how all those touchy-feely people are always looking for the deeper meaning or the hidden motifs in movies, books, and other media? Well, it just so happens that I am fairly certain that I have found the hidden theme of The Malifaux Universe! One that has a considerable amount of reference as well as being repeatedly brought up time and time again - breaching on an almost excessive degree. As such, we shall begin exploring this topic with my next post in which I shall dive into the deepest darkest theme in all of Malifaux: Lechery! (No, seriously... and also, yeeeeeeeaaaaaay!) Don't believe me? Stay tuned. Until then, I shall wet your fiendish appetite for the abundance of lecherous activity within Malifaux with some pics of my "current" Levy crew (soon to be completely re-vamped and updated with the plastic box): "The Steam-Pimp Nec-Ho-Mancer and his Firey Bitches": As a bonus - let me introduce you to two of the Steam-Pimp's trusty bruisers: On the left we have "The Incredible Hulking Vagina Dentata" and on the right we have "The Circumcisionator." Hope you don't owe this guy any money: -------------------------------------- As a preview for next week's discusion on, what is clearly one of the most important issues in the Malifaux fluff, I have... some more bases! But what could they be for and how do they relate to jailbait? 'Til next time!
  6. With any "style-heavy" master your best bet is some kind of middle ground - if you go too tormented heavy then you have a lot of synergy but very little backbone. Outcasts have access to some of the strongest models in the game - I never thought to bring A&D with Daw but that actually works quite good (feels more like a crutch than actual "good model selection" though). Nurses are always a good choice - but lately I have found Librarians to be more solid overall and in general (at the suggestion of Valhallan42). There are solid builds using all/most tormented too, though - its hard to say. One thing for certain - I really don't feel the need to Torment my non-Tormented models. I have tormented Ama and played non-tormented Ama and don't really feel like it gives me much in the end. If I have extra AP/nothing to do - okay, fine - but I won't gun for it. Much like A&D with/without Scramble - its nice to have it but if I don't, most of the time I don't really notice. I should probably mention I have no experience fielding the Crossroads models... and although I'll paint them up for a display they ain't never getting fielded with JD - I'll have Helldorado models for proxy, instead. Playing a crew with the spirit of vengeance and a bunch of friggin' musicians crosses my "to dumb/lame for me" line... he should be raising the sinners straight out of hell damnit! Not to mention we have an air guitaring Jack Daw groupee for a Master... fuuuuuuuuu... but I digress. Words can't describe my complete disappointment with Jack Daw's aesthetics. >8( Well, actually they could but then my post would get deleted... what were we talking about again? >8)
  7. I must have missed this post the first time reading through the thread - I agree completely with all these points. Especially the paralyzed bit - that was one of the points I was originally going to mention but forgot - If a model is paralyzed it shouldn't be able to do a damn thing no matter what. ---------- I don't actually mind Papa-in-the-Box - or Anything-in-the-Box, for that matter. Death Marshals can be dealt with rather easily and I find it interesting that the pinebox can be used as an offensive trick - not just defensive or denial, or whatever. I find Papa to be much more dangerous in the hands of an obey-heavy or movement heavy crew anyway - like Zoraida or JD. The fear of and necessary catering towards of Papa is almost as good as the suicide bomb end result.
  8. What I don't see is a button so I can change from mobile to "classic" site whenever I want to... which makes me sad.
  9. As an owner of the metal doxies - I feel no need to get them... though they are nice they fall into that "practically the same" category and I suspect they will be less/shallower detailed and, not to mention, probably not a single piece. Plus, The metal one pulling her head off looks better/more "dead." They are still nice models, though.
  10. Said about a 7ss model. Balance! A 7ss model with a crumbly Df value that eats up his wounds to do his main trick! So yes. Balanced! From what I've been told/reading - there are many interesting ways around that, though. -------- There are so many henchmen that I like - more because of the way they look than function. So Judge, Captain, Phillip, Cassandra, Sidir. Toshiro, Alyce and Frank are great models but I think they don't look that good. My absolute favorite henchman overall is Trixiebelle, by far - she looks great and is amazing. You best believe that, although I'm no gremlin, I'd still be lured towards that purdy lady.
  11. zFiend - A lot of your ideas are pretty legitimate - I can also tell that you inserted a few in there that actually sound more like you just have a grudge against those particular combos, hehe. We all have our rage triggers, I guess. --------- On a similar train of thought - I've been wondering more and more about "auto-takes" lately, as well. Of course, auto-takes don't have to be ones that are alway always taken no-matter-freaking-what but rather ones that are taken a disproportionately large amount of the time. So I'm talking like Lenny, Slop Hauler, Trixie, Frank (both regular and lil' versions, as it were), Austringers, Trappers, Diamonds and Rust (... er, A&D), blah blah blah... Coming from an MtG background, I'm used to using only a fraction of the cards put out every year so I think I've been conditioned into not caring really - I'm not even sure I'd consider taking auto-takes cheesy - just competitive really. Besides, the best thing about mini games is that I have no problem having models I'll never use sitting in my tray adding aesthetics to my crew as a whole - its great that you can actually buy something you care about because it looks awesome even if its shite, in game. I've only been thinking about it because sometimes I hear people talking about "Oh, its THAT list again ." And if you are one of those unfortunate people who has a boring master (about 50% of those reading this, I'd imagine) - well, that's why we invented proxy-ing. --------- Also - holy fuuuuuuuuuu - I didn't even know about the Colette-Myranda interaction. I didn't even really get it at first until I looked into it somemore. That is amazing! You best believe I'll be abusing the hell out of that post-switch from outcasts next year. Thanks!
  12. The Molly Sentiment / Fetid - I misrepresented my view on her in my original post. The reason she was third and then I transitioned into "cheesey but fair" is because I think Molly is one of those cases. However, I also think its an goofy unintuitive bavkwards way to go about it. Give her an ability to straight up drop scheme markers - cool, no prob. Think about the situation as if you were in the game though - here you have a crazy undead jailbait chick who spawns a scary undead thing in your face... which does "nothing" and immediately dies... and then she "Step 5: PROFIT!" wins the game. Uh... okay? Math - Oh, I'm still here. Just because I think its gamey BS doesn't mean I won't use it every chance I get!
  13. Recently, Justin posted a really good question in a thread about the easiest and hardest schemes in Malifaux (this one: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/topic/110133-what-are-the-easiest-and-hardest-schemes-to-achieve/ ). A lot of the talk was about some of the mid range difficulty schemes and how some masters can achieve specific schemes far easier than others. I was brainstorming about that when I started thinking about all the dumb interactions I've witnessed that are less "gotcha" or "surprise" and more "that's just plain stupid - why is that even in the game." I know, I know... consider this the customary nod to the whole "we aren't in beta anymore" thing - haha, I beat you to it. This is more of a "FAQ this for me plzthx" kind of thing. In case you're not sure what I am really getting at, I will give you a couple of personal examples of what I think the worst interactions in the game are that, imo, should not exist: 1) Companion'ing Yourself - A model being able to companion itself is ridiculous and can lead to a lot of stupidly easy situations. The emphasis here is not that the player just happened to make a solid strategic decision that worked out and more on the whole "ezmode 3VP in the bank." So yeah, that silly McCabe dog BS? Not fun - just dumb. Not to mention that whole dogs4daiz build reminds me of that annoying W/U Sword Birds deck in MtG a coupla blocks ago. Dogs with swords is pretty lame - oh, well. If you don't think this is a dumb interaction - try looking up "companion" in the dictionary. Moving on... 2) Austringers - in general... just kidding. But seriously, that part about being able to order a trap to plant a scheme marker seems like an unintentional loophole - not a super sweet combo. 3) Molly's Drowned Scheme Marker BS - Having a model come "into play" for a split second only to "die" and drop a free scheme marker feels like cheesey gamey BS to me. The kind of thing that makes you roll your eyes and go "oh, this is the kind of game we are going to play is it?" Bring on the loophole rules lawyering. Unfortunately, there are a lot of just plain unfun cheesey stuff you can do in this game - like hiring a bunch of rats for out activating your opponent Rathnard style. Its effective, but honestly, pretty lame. Stuff like that has legitimacy to it though because of the style of play associated with the combo - ie. A large focus of Hamelin's strategy. So even though the rats thing is kind of lame - I can appreciate where its coming from. This is not a "let's fix this game, guys" thread. This is just a discussion to see what people feel are legitimate interactions and what is cheesey gamey BS and what is just plain "the developers probably just didn't see that coming." Thoughts?
  14. ... or... wait for it... play Neverborm Lucius for double win?
  15. Oh, I know exactly what's going down. I envision that Marcus gets his voodoo on and goes all Baron Samedi and turns Arcanist/Rezzer. He's practically there already so its not even a stretch and fits the fluff perfectly because of his relationship with Doug and niece. Arcans need a rezzer too! It's BRILLIANT! ......... Holy shit - I just realized what the Nightmare boxset for 2016 should be! Nightmare Marcus with everything being dead. I really hope an Arcanist wins Nythera now. Actually, you know what - screw it... I can make Marcus Nightmare myself. I don't need you! But seriously... Marcus goes Arcanizzer, gets a top hat, and wears skull facepaint. Its happening whether you like it or not. Looks like its time for me to gets to work, eh zFiend? -------- You guys are all wrong about Von Schtook too. In my mind, him and Leveticus have a relationship like Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci had - Schtook is Fulci and he ends up spending his whole life absorbed in trying to surpass his rival Leveticus (Argento) but never quite getting out of second place and into the limelight. I've put some "serious" thought into expanding the NPC Schtook character (which you will see in the coming months if you check out my hobby thread from time to time;) ). Schtook is definently a straight rezzer though. Rezzer to the bone. Great thread, btw.
  16. Wondering if there is post-count-nazism going on now. Hmmm... If there is - could just remove post count all together - zFiend might be sad though. Some count / some don't seems like a silly half measure. I do recall reading something about some posts not counting in another thread though. --------- Good first impressions. I was pretty damn happy with the starter altogether. I remember being told by some peeps that bought the starter at Gen Con that the cards were plastic - they certainly aren't and was let down by that - oh well, I don't like guild or neverborn anyway. Coming from GeeDubs background I'm surprised you liked the detail. I find the Wyrd plastics to be very plain and the details shallow. It gives you a lot of potential for utilizing painting effects but overall kinda sucks for your average gamer. Wyrd seems to be experimenting with model "options" lately so stay tuned to see what happens there. Options are great - hard to do conversions without bits, afterall. My wyrd conversions have been getting WWX and WFB treatments as of late. The guild model designs look great - the neverborns look... not great. The scion of black blood is probably the worst model I've seen for a looooong time. And by probably I mean definently. And definently as in it is definently not getting built/painted ever. The tape measures were better than I expected and overall the box is way more than I expected for 60-65$ or whatever it was.
  17. That's weird - what exactly are those little tags supposed to be? Definently looks better without them. /shrug
  18. I started putting or at the end of certain paragraphs because I've had too many people accuse me as being aggressive. The internets suck when it comes to conversation because you can't interpret tone or body language - not everyone has difficulty in this regard - but once in a while certain people get misinterpreted. I think Aaron might be one of them - I've seen quite a few posts that seemed very sarcastic but it was so consistent post to post I figured its just his personality. Give him a break. ------ I can't help but stare at the two metal sprue tags Omni left on his lamp post near the top. I might be wrong but I don't think they are supposed to be there... and I can't stop looking. Great model overall - your base really sells the character and it didn't take much to make it look good. I was interested to see your actual method. I've always highlighted in half measures (just lightening up the base color by a couple tones) - I do this to achieve shading and a highlight but still keep it dark and natural overall. How do you make your models look so purdy with such a jump in colors (all the way up to white with your red)? Whenever people do this I always think its too much of a jump and too much highlight but most everyone else really likes that look. You seem to be able to make the shift look less pronounced when you highlight than most I've seen - despite layering with such different colors. Could just be the pics - I might have to see it irl to really see if its different than others who paint in a similar style. Thoughts? Great issue overall, I'll check the fluff later - Another good article by Rathnard. ---------- I set up an account with Drivethru without a second thought - its free content - get over yourselves guys. The Chronicles are awesome and I hope they keep coming.
  19. If either of the 2016 models end up being 10T I shall be disappointed. Otherwise, I'm happy with anything else, so I feel like statistics are on my side. When was the last time we got some cool rezzer stuff? Please please please make a Nightmare Jack Daw boxset. For the love of God. ------ I have to travel 2 hours to get a game and 6 hours to get consistent weekly games - so I shall be cheering on the gremlins/arcanists/outcasts players from the sidelines... GL!!! ------ Is there any good clear art/renders of Kythera/Nythera out there? I've seen some pics but they are always very shapeless and shadowy. Just interested in what the spidery leg thingies look like up close - rusty steampunky metal with moss and other stuff growing on it - or is it some kind of "bio-tech" half metal half living organism? Any help would be great - gimme that fluff! The clearest pic I've seen is the one in the 1.5 rule book and that doesnt show much at all but does give you the impression of bio-tech. Same with the ruins in the background of the Nythera promo - doesn't show much. Fluff creator thoughts on this? Please and thanks.
  20. Thanks, zFiend! I'd have to agree - super simple silly little robot guys would be better than the weird creatures they got going on - they don't look very Metal Gamin-y to me. Also, I'm trying to make a painting thread with an edge - give it some special personality, or what have you - with interesting little tidbits and asides so its not just "look at my stuff." Thanks for noticing. If Malifaux continues to grow, its going to need to have a "hard-side" to it (like MtG had mistings) - and I'm hoping to help facilitate that with some explicitness and more mature themed bantering. The "Malifaux's Most Wanted" podcast is another example - those guys are great! I'm not sure how explicit is too explicit but after I get my major project done with - I have a Cooper boxset to paint up and... oh ho ho... you better believe Lola is getting some extra special attention. ---------- I do often wonder what this community would consider to be "too explicit." Thoughts - anyone?
  21. Are people really that picky at measuring, though? Lots of times I'll say "I'm going to put my model here - but really I'm there" or a lot of the time I'll just approximate 1-2-3" or whatever and say "I'm this many inches away" if I think that it distance won't have any factor. I'd flip shit if someone tried putting their model on top of mine - if need be I'd simply put it next to the model and say "for all intents and purposes - we are within range" and be done with it. I'm more concerned with things like cover and blocking or what have you - and in Fantasy/AoS they will be even smaller considerations. This was even the case at Adepticon - "I'm within 1" of hard cover" is better than pulling out that little ruler contraption everytime. Even then you'd be susceptible to a rules lawyer anyway. A better rule would be to house rule in "If the distance is outside of +/- 1/4 inch - it is still in range" - because of shrapnel effect if you want to get fluffy or what have you. My concern with measuring is only because my hellcannon is converted inside of a slaughterbrute - which makes it twice the size. I'm also pretty happy with the ruleset honestly - some people say that it is simple but simple is easy to get into. A game like Malifaux, for example, has waaaaaaaay too much stuff going on and can be (is) overly complicated. I remember playing a couple games of M1E and just said "screw it - too much stuff to read on too many different things" - its like playing a blind game everytime you play a new master. It's like just starting WoW for the first time and everyone is already lvl 80 on 5 alts. Not to mention that you are going to suck with every new master you play until 3-5 games or more are played. M2E is streamlined but man is there ever still a ton of stuff going on. Your "average gamer" will be overwhelmed and become dismissive of it pretty quick. It takes a special kind of person to play a game like Malifaux. It will definently keep you interested but its not very appealing for new people - especially when you are losing to stuff you just didn't know about (the "gotcha" situation) - that gets old fast. A steep learning curve is just as unfacilitating as a low one. I'm more than willing to actually give the game a real chance before bashing the hell out of it on theory alone. At the very least, it is a potential option if I'm feeling lazy and just want to have a good time.
  22. What is this "upgrading" from resin to plastic nonsense? I've always felt plastic was company's answer to making the hobby accessible to "your average" hobbyist. Plastic models are my least favorite to work with and I only prefer them for converting purposes. I never saw no side by sides from KD but I saw the plastics on display at Gen Con in person and can say I definently don't think they look as good. Especially the giant undead vulture thing and that goofy lion king with the penis tail thing - huge difference in depth and detail - they looked less like actual miniatures and more like Descent game pieces. SC - The only army I still own is Big Hats and now finishing off with filling out my FW Legion of Az. I had a WoC and VC army too but those got sold. I only have to rebase my big hats and I'm more than willing to do so - Big Hat CDs on 20mm squares looks stupid - there might as well not be a base (big bums). I doubt I'll ever play Fantasy again, anyway and I take looks over function every time. Having the new FW CDs on 30mm rounds is going to be sooooo puuuuuurdy.... .... and no, Loveless, they will finally be able to actually fit comfortably on a base for once. I've mocked up an Infernal Guard unit on the new CMoN chaos bases and it looks sharp as hell. From your attitude, I'm guessing you're one of those snotty elf players. The fact that AoS allows for any kind of bases you want - and it doesn't matter what size - opens up the books to any kind of creative crazy ridiculous basing you can muster (my characters will be getting the royal treatment - I assure you). Plus, Warmachines have always looked like crap on bases - baseless all the way for the big'uns.
  23. SC - Ah, yes - Kingdom Death - I forgot about them. Hold onto your resins though! I was talking to the creator at Gen Con and he says they are going the route of plastics for the actual game and bye-bye to resin cepts those limited releases... and they aren't as nice looking. Nice to see a fellow Mierce fan too. That Chimera is out of this woooooorld! Also, if you really think most FW sculpts are just average - I'm guessing you haven't seen a fully assembled Chaos Dwarf Pain Train in person. -----> My next year's major project! That whole army is awesome looking even without their big hats. -------- To remain on topic - I must admit that AoS has revitalized my interest - but only because now I get to put them on 30mm round bases! I thought that they were killing off a majority of the races at first but actually they just lumped them together - that's the only thing I was really worried about. If I couldn't play dwarfs I just wouldn't play the game - I know that sounds dumb and doesn't make sense but that's how I feel - as stubborn as it sounds... ... stubborn as a dwarf even? >8) Measuring from any part of the model could be interesting with all my conversions... :/
  24. Update Time! "Awww... Rats! and a Teddy, too!" Just some random crap I've been working on... I'm trying to get all my half-done / done-but-without-a-base / primed-and-in-queue models done to make room for finishing up my major yearly project right away here. Not gonna lie, most of what I've been doing for the last month is non-Wyrd related so here's what I've got for you.... I needed a fourth Metal Gamin (okay fine, I don't but I feel better having it... just in case) so I used a random advertisement model for a gaming company I picked up at Gen Con! (oh, look - not Wyrd, whoops!) Meet Tin-Head Smiley Face w/ Friends. I wouldn't trust that little fucker, if I were you ( ... just look at that smile). Unfortunately, I still haven't gotten around to building a light box so you can't see that his "eyes" blend from white through yellow to orange - just looks like straight yellow... blah. --------------------------------- Next up we have a bunch of repainted rats. Gotta love them metals - best thing about them is repaint/resale potential and when it comes to buying models online you have no problem picking up old metals (80's/90's GW Chaos Dwarves, woo hoo) because you can strip them and repaint with ease. Alternatively, I would never ever buy a used plastic or resin model - no deals. Here we have proof that, even though I shouldn't care that much about such insignificant "characters," I, never-the-less, put effort into making them match up to my "premium tabletop" quality: I just can't bring myself to rush a project no matter how small or unimportant. Personally, I think it was a tremendous waste of time, but at least I sleep better at night. Also, these pics seem to have turned out much better - no idea what I did that was different. Also, I've been drinking a lot of Monster Hogs in prep for tonight's painting bender (I'm in night-shift mode right now, so I'm going with it) - so yeaaaaay for Monster and Schwartzhog! (like a Jagbomb but more asskicking). I try to paint in sessions of 6-12 hours (or more) if I can help it. When I get into a groove I don't want to stop. -------------------- Okay, fine - that was a boring update so let me show you something I did quite a while ago. I remember seeing dgraz's article about painting the Cerberus and his awesome Cojo - and I was like "Hey! I'm crazy and paint stroke by stroke fur too!" The difference was that my fur is quite a bit smaller and I used an array of 8 different colors layering them on top of each other so that even the white had a little random brown hairs in it and the brown had some black and what have you. I started darkest to lightest and did two layers - the first layer of fur was long hair the second was short hair starting right back at the beginning of my color choices (a mm or two, at most). Then I would axe out certain colors when moving to a higher surface to achieve shadow. It was long and drawn out (because I did it for three different colors - the white, tan, and dark brown sections) and not remotely worth it: Also, check'r tartan elbow patch - that was my first attempt at the design. I seem to have a knack for micro-painting, sharp straight lines, and attention to small detail in replicating images (I got "accused" of Lil' Nate's shirt being some kind of Wyrd decal/transfer - to which I responded with the appropriate degree of raised-eyebrow-swift-dismissal...ness). Unfortunately, I found out that your average painting judge at your average gaming event doesn't give a shit about micro painting and small detail and rarely looks closer than a glance at arm's length. This leads to me to often losing to crews like what I like to call those dirty pervasive "Bubblegum Dreamer" crews - you know what I mean - even when they are objectively just not painted that well. Humans seem to love that bright colored saturated BS and I've lost twice to a similar painted crew in tourneys (not counting getting ousted in IP 2015 by Omnicarbivore's Dreamer - but that's okay because I actually deserved to have lost to it ) and I am getting real sick of seeing that same damn crew all the time. Someone really needs to reinvent the Dreamer crew (don't worry, it will be me - out of spite). /rant 'Til next time... ... and next time will almost certainly involve a "Steam-Pimp Nec-ho-mancer and his Flamin' Bitches."
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