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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. Uh oh... sorry for a bit of thread rez buuuut... Since we have a Hans... how about a Frans? Melee master with two big ass fist weapons who From the Shadows. +attack @ MI7 but only a 1/2/3 dmg track with built in trigger to attack again without triggers (like he's machine gun punching). He'd have a big boost to df/wp while engaged and targeted by another model. "This one's next!": +attack for Hans if Frans is within 1" of enemy. He'd hold'em and big brother Hans would explod'em. Just had a thought and figured I'd share!
  2. There is actually an 8th faction in the game I didn't know about until Adepticon - its called "Leveticus" - pretty cool you should check it out.
  3. After seeing some of the Outlaw minis in person at Adepticon I need that voodoo snake lady for a Zoraida. I like my young Zoraida but that one is much more voodoo and I'm all about the voodoo. >8)
  4. I sure hope someone got a pic of the spritely young ninja gremlin gent running around, one of my favorite people I met at Adepticon.
  5. Yeah that was just kind of a consideration... I like the nightmare because its pretty - that one looks functional.
  6. You are a stand up fellah and a great opponent. My Howard is still weeping. Didn't get a chance to say thanks for everything before I left but you really helped get my game back on track before masters. Hope to see you next year!... now where did I put those watchers? >8)
  7. 20hr marathon of Blind Guardian and Hammerfall on my way to Adepticon! I'm feeling righteous 8D
  8. I was really hoping to see a lot more voodoo stuff in this game so I'm actually a lot happier with this then I thought I'd be when I heard that they will be a "band" - i was dreading more cheeky comedy but this is great. I like the Baron Samedi going on
  9. Wowza... some really good stuff there. At first I was like "i'm so glad i got a nightmare whiskey golem" but then thought "this one looks so much easier to transport. >8) Molly and Ironsides looks soooo good and those riders are great. Austringers are particularly sweet too. Weird how absolutely everything in collodi's crew is considerably more interesting than he is. He just might be the most boring model in the game - gonna have to do something about that - already have one boring collodi - time for some conversion!
  10. Creation 7 would make a good DE if the new Plastic DE wasn't so damn good. And like I said - The Boxer as Ironsides? 'nuff said. You should probably try looking into Hell Dorado for possible proxies as well if you're interested. Quetzalcoatl fires Cojo big time and I have a feeling I will be using a lot of the Hell Dorado demons instead of the Wyrd models for the sins - I'm not big on the whole "band" thing and I think the cheeky comedy is getting a bit to pervasive in the game. Hell Dorado Gluttony is amaaaaaazing CMoN is having a Hell Dorado liquidation right now so they are super cheap while supplies last... just a suggestion
  11. I'm loving the WWX stuff for proxies. I'll never play the game but I will buy the sh*t out of those minis I'm especially impressed with their Legendary and Native American minis. The steampunk Daniel Day-Lewis will be my permanent Ironsides proxy >8)
  12. Mars Volta - Deloused in the Comatorium All albums really, but mostly that. Painting music for Adepticon prep. >8)
  13. Also, my favorite use of this upgrade is a Freikorps heavy Tara list with Hannah - combos well with Void Wretches and I'm not big on the whole tara-sling tactic so this is a great alternative. I don't like freikorpsmann as scheme runners so using the wretches is like best of both worlds. This upgrade is broken as hell in henchman led games. >8)
  14. JD is great for you then - flip the game around and play anticipating your opponent's game and work towards denial - like I've said before JD's game is more about VP denial then about VP accumulation. I feel strongly that with JD you are working at all times to prevent your opponent from scoring and winning the game 1-0 not 10-9. Add to that his ability to win without killing and do great at the schemes that tend not to be chosen in competitive games (distract and spring the trap + being more than capable at any schemey strat/scheme composition) and you definently have a master that comes at the opponent sideways. Not saying Tara isn't that kind of master but nurse... er, JD is just considerably more solid.
  15. Those are perfect. I am definently one of the ones being lured toward Trixie, that's for sure. Awesome stuff. Not the slightest complaint.
  16. JD all the way. I don't like the new crew art... at all (the guilty would make cool terrain pieces lol) but this crew is so technical... you might get really really frustrated with JD though - word of warning. If you are not a finesse player I'd skip him. ---- I honestly think Tara is one of the five worst masters in the game. Not the worst, but close Flame on!
  17. A&D all the way - eats other scheme runners too and you have extra activations to burn plus card advantage like crazy - if you need more schemey stuff I'd take miners and thats about it otherwise you're better off selecting a scheme oriented master, honestly. Kadeton/Hateful Darkblack - Have you guys found scramble to really be that good or is that just more of a suggestion? I've never been in a position to need extra movement with something like Ashes and even then burning a scrap on the board is better than two stones - seems like a waste - let me know what you think. That's damn expensive too.
  18. MasterDisaster hits it pretty good but I'd suggest some other points to draw your attention towards - its really the only group that can clump up and not suffer the consequences of that formation - Freikorps armor is one helluva thing. Also as a generic framework for how to approach the list - Hannah takes centerstage in a more or less tight arrowhead formation and you literally board you opponent by walking through them - hopefully the hits land on hannah since she will be closest and biggest and scariest but your opponent will have to move around that busty lady to get to the others and with that much healing hannah has no problem hitting the melee. Now go harass your friends with it - if you've played 7th Edition Fantasy you'd know about ChosenStar... well, this is HannahStar. Burn the Oathkeeper for your heals and still be able to furious cast... wowza. Love that Taelor build! I was looking into Taelor a bit too because I wanted a bunch of female henchman crews and that sounds great.
  19. Achievement Unlocked? ----- I would have definently kept the metal daw - the concept art for the new Daw crew was pretty lackluster I felt. I want the Guilty - but only because I think they will make awesome terrain pieces and the new JD will only look good air guitaring in a Band build post book 3
  20. What you're missing is 10ss. From a purely competitive perspective I would never ever take a non-summoning master in most any game less than 50ss.This leads to skewed gameplay and nigh-unplayable masters (specifically relevant to finesse masters where every piece is important).
  21. AKA Bring Out cha' Henchmen! Recently I've been playing quite a bit of 35SS Henchmen led dust ups. I really like this format and think you guys should check it out more if you haven't for a couple of reasons - it facilitates 3-4 player and story mode games much better - more people = more time and story mode is usually an unfamiliar setup which requires a bit of time to prep - and it also makes standard games much faster while still retaining the feel of a real Malifaux game (unlike Hardcore which feels very different) - so basically a down and dirty quick game. The lads and I can get 2 dust ups in after work as opposed to 3/4-1 full scrap. What I'm looking for are particularly broken ass powerful builds - cheesier the better. We don't take it seriously and it usually turns into a battle for the cheesiest list. Two of my favorite lists (and possibly some of the most powerful) both (unsurprisingly) come from Outcasts: Rusty Alyce and Hannah > Alyce the Desolate - Don't mess with crazy. Alyce - 4SS Desolate Soul From Aether Desolation Engine Ashes and Dust Abomination Not much to say here - this is generic domination incarnated. Two big beaters and you still have 6 activations @35 stones to start. Rusty and DE is a combo to behold. Everyone makes Aboms and a 2 Activation swing @35ss is super effective. ------- Hannah Schmanna Big Fat Banana - When Books Can Kick Your Ass. Hannah - 5SS - Pay Better - Survivalist Librarian - Oathkeeper (x3 - lawlz) annnnnnnnnnd one more librarian. Ever wanted to have no chance of winning at all? This list is broken as fuuuuuuuuu. Enjoy getting tabled every time all the time. Use for close and flank deployment - swap in Trapper x2 for Standard or Corner if needed. I'd love to hear what other ridiculousness you devious chaps can come up with or just experiences with the format. Huggy with Illuminatedx2 + Stitchedx3 anyone?
  22. Perhaps I just tend to run crews that want to be close to you? Go ahead and lure me - I dare you! > Six Belles seems like a really gimped list - having two luring models is way more than enough for me at anytime. But yeah I'm on the skill train for the most part - utilizing combinations in their most optimal opportunities is what people see as OP. What's really happening is you have one or more players far beyond the level of experience or skill of the others and they just dominate the scene. Tournaments are going to be a much different situation. If you play to win there are just some crews you really aren't going to want to take (ex. anything with a hard counter or which can easily be countered through cautious gameplay).
  23. zFiend - Daw requires excellent knowledge and ability in pretty much all aspects of the game and more than any other master - you really have to know what your opponent's crew can do and how to counter it. IMO you need significantly more catering to be effective as well - he is the most finesse oriented master in the game from what I can tell, bar none. I would never run JD in a strat that he isn't particulrly strong at and I rarely run JD unless I know exactly what master my opponent will play. Your core crew is literally: JD Guiltyx2 Nurse (maybe LL but I've been moving much more towards the Malifaux Child lately as I run particularly strong discard builds and find no cheating redundant - Child to JD is like Student to Viks - anyone can use it but JD uses it best) Anything else in your crew will probably change considerably depending on matchup. Actually, I would have to say that JD might be the Outcast answer to Gremlins - he is really fast so he can keep up with them and bringing a crew heavy on the fear duels to exploit their typically low WP is super effective. Go fear heavy and bring Ama No Zako and you'll have the upperhand. If you are playing a "summoner" strat like Recon or Interference or even Turf War to some extent, the JD answer to that problem is to not play JD and play Levy instead Also, I would put alot of emphasis on reactive gameplay - you want to counter your opponent - so if you're a particualrly aggressive player JD won't be for you. You want to completely limit your opponent's options and (this is the important part that most people forget) bait them with what you want them to do (ex. locking a crew down except for the killy master, which is strange except that you rushed the master with a crooked or drowned for an easy spring trap with last whisper). I probably should have just PM'd you this - sorry for the offtopic - if you want more info like typical crew builds for particular matchups or an assortment of cheesy tactics PM me. HatefulDarkblack is fond of Daw and he knows alot too, TL;DR: Remember: Step One: Torment and Curse Everything (EVERYTHING!) Step Two: Discard Opponent's Hand Step Three: Scheme Markers and Assorted Scheme Marker Tomfoolery. Step Four: ??? Step Five: PROFIT!
  24. I've always felt that it is the certain combinations of models one can take that really lend to the broken feel. Illuminated and stitched on close deployment or nurses with... everything in... any situation. Considering the models in a vacuum they are all reasonably balanced within the typical power scale one would expect. I'm not sure Belle spam is even that good? Anyone have any facerollingly easy games with this strat?
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