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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. I could see Envy taking the place as your gun platform in a standard "all-comers" Levy build. Right now its all theoryfaux anyway - I'll be interested to hear what the podcasts have to say about the actual playability of the models. Those Insidious Madnesses are amazing looking and I'll just be glad to paint them. I would like to see less Dreamer... that would be cool. :/ Then again - I kind of would like to proxy the Changeling as the Dreamer because... well obviously... dreamer is a hella boring model and the Changeling fits the bill and outclasses him in appearence. Bring on the conversions.
  2. I've only ever tried using the Wyrd customer service once - my Lady J box was crushed and 3 of the models had broken parts. This was months and months ago - maybe like 5-6. Never got a response so I didn't bother trying again - I can deal with it but one of my Death Marshals has a chunk of flame missing and the Judge's hand and leg are almost broke off and he's missing a finger which really sucks. Kinda peeved about that... pics below - maybe I'll get better response on the forums? /threadhijack
  3. Maybe he just comes from a religious family. Hmmm... well now I'm wondering what his last name would be.
  4. Yup - those are fish boobs. I don't have much to say about these - Gupps are plain and boring and Momma is pretty detailed looking but I don't really like the look and pose of it - looks awkward. Pretty easy to pass these up plus they aren't very good models for gameplay either, iirc. Fish boobs are cool, though.
  5. Uh oh - better fix that up Wyrd. Don't want to be culturally ignorant, afterall. @RarerMonsters - Sounds more like convenient excuses than genuine reasons. The smiley face bottle cannot be unseen, either. Damnit.
  6. Bottom line for me is that the only PVC goods I've liked so far are the CMoN base system so I'm keeping my expectations low for this one and hope to be pleasently surprised. And yes - I am a sucker and bought this thing for Black Friday. ------- I'm still waiting for Levy's real name to be revealed - Leveticus seems like an alias. Much like I'm waiting for Von Schtook to come in as a new master and for Marcus to become dual faction arcan-resser. Just thought I'd slip all that other random good stuff in while I was at it.
  7. Oh yeah - all over this. As a big fan of the original Drunken Master I can say that I am most pleased with these. I'll never play them - but I definently want to paint them. I like all three sculpts. Can't wait for these.
  8. I saw your dreamer in the Rotten Harvest - immediately knew it was you and remember thinking that it reminded me of "some crazy Akira anime kinda shit going on here" - haha! Awesome stuff - always interested to see what you put out - mostly because its so different from what you typically see.
  9. Glad to see Whirler come out on top of the competition. Always love what you put out.
  10. Soooo... after a couple months... and this post getting bumped... I looked at the render again and I think I actually like it. I'll just texture it myself a bit if I feel the need. Weird. Must be because Black Friday is so close.
  11. /facepalm Take a step back for a sec and really appreciate the subject matter in the Malifaux universe. Honestly, I'm often disappointed that Malifaux models aren't (far) MORE explicit, myself. Bring on the conversions. Oh... and gimme that Changeling! ---------------------- I think Omenbringer's post about how LE stuff has a certain negative/positive view about it is interesting... even though I think of it in exactly the opposite way (and see the post as mostly complaining/don't agree with a damn thing he said ). I'm kinda wondering how everyone else actually thinks of these Limited Edition models. I like my limited edition garbage! Specifically because I have it and most other people dont/aren't able to reasonably acquire it. I'm not sure why, but when I see "special/limited edition"... its pretty much an auto-buy even if I don't like the damn thing (like Dufresne... she'll just keep the tray warm). Is it elitest - impressive - neat - just a marketing scheme that I got sucked into? Tell me you aren't going to be envious of that Barbaros when you are sporting the much smaller and far less desirable "stock" version. Annnnnnnnd that's how they get you, and you will shell out 300$ and get it... or you won't and you'll have to deal with it. And... well... these are the harsh realities.
  12. Aionus as PVC made me grimace a bit - absolute worst material for miniatures - unless its something huge like the Reaper Krakken or Old God, then its justifiable. Otherwise - the sale is good enough for me. I intentionally held out on buying a bunch of stuff I wanted at Gen Con - only buying the really important stuff - knowing that this sale was coming. Otherwise, I might be griping about the price points too - but I've got a list of stuff I want that would push me well over 300$. Shitty deals for those who don't, though. Can't wait for Barbaros.
  13. Levy for Master. A&D for other model. I feel no real need to explain this post further...
  14. Pretty not so good in most regards. His pose does give off a bit of a commanding presence but he is "leaning" (or not so leaning) unnaturally on the sword too. Can't stop looking at the dumb curl at te tip of his beard. That's one big hand cannon he's got going on, though. Take that back Math - this looks far worse than a WWX sculpt. And besides - Skinny Santa here has no rivets on his outfit nor metal plates unrealistically attached to his clothing. Get real. >8)
  15. Votes are in... ... and now that they are - I'm looking at the trend in votes - some no brainers but others I am surprised about - seems like a lot of bias coupled with little consideration. A couple of points - I'll maybe be nice and not reveal anything... - What is it with this community and your fixation for Dreamer crew? >8( Hard to argue when the entry is as good as the glowing dreamer (that is freaking awesome!) but seriously - at least I don't see any lime green or hot pink anywhere. - Spiraling Cadaver sticks out like a sore thumb... a really pretty and very impressive sore thumb. - Surprised at the lack of dioramas - If i was going to do an entry... it would have been a diorama. Sadface. Overall - was definently hoping for more entries... but as a non-entrant I guess that shits on me.
  16. Holy crap - that's a good point. Yeah, I'm really not liking, what I believe to be, the inevitability of these dudes. I mean, how many killjoys do you see at conventions that still have their chain (and at full length... - you know who you are).
  17. Sheeeeeeeeeeeee-it. It's sad because I was actually going to do that, too. In like a "Obvious Omnicarbivore, Is Obvious" fashion, no less. Well now I'm bummed out... :/
  18. For some reason I expected the roosters themselves to be a bit goofier - they look pretty generic or statuesque. Not saying I don't like them though - I think they are still great. SOLD
  19. Ooo - interesting thread... 1: For Jack Daw to get a Nightmare Edition box that doesn't suck (my only wish, really). 2: For Marcus to be dually Arcanist/Resser and look like Baron Samedi in a Special Edition model. Cum get'da voodo. 3: For all of the masters to have a more commanding presence in the way they look on the table top. 50% of the masters are boring as hell and many minions look far more badass or intense than the masters do. To be fair - the new masters as of late are getting increasingly more interesting (Kaeris) but there still are boring, simple, uninspiring ones too (Ironsides). If your minions look scarier than you do, you should probably pick your shit up, as it were.
  20. Definently noticed this, as well. Since my desire to actually play the game started dying I've just been coming here for the Monday previews and miniature showcase. The new Wyrd events that pop up every once in a while keep me checking in, as well - can't wait to see Rotten Harvest pics. I should be updating my paintig thread with the stuff I've done but I've been too busy as of late. Annnnnnd that's about it. There's just nothing going on here, really.
  21. I look forward to voting - even though I didn't contribute this time around. The funny thing about not posting WIP or letting people know that you painted it is that there are many people on the forum where I can just look at it and know from the style that it was them who painted it... or even just from how they took the photo, honestly. SC, Omni, Mario, among others. You can't hide from me. Can't wait to see the entries
  22. Glazes for the win. My method of painting is glaze heavy to the max. I usually paint 2-3 similar models at the same time. I think glazes are the best - you can do a lot with them (layering or even using glaze and washes for effects) and I always begin the glazing with a base coat that will be my "brightest" highlight and glaze to darkest then add a bunch of effects (blood, rust, weathering, battle damage - whatever looks appropriate and makes it a little more busy and interesting). I'd rather have a busy model than a simple one and working from bright to dark is great because I never want my models to be too pretty or too bright. Sometimes I do have to bring the highlight back up because I make it too dark but I tend to go one or two ones downs from "typical" - trying to stay away from a cartoony look. Blanchitsu was a major influence on me when I first started to actually give a shit about painting - creepy dark scary ugly stuff with lots of personality. I like to think that my stuff is a more mainstream take on Blanche's work and more conservative or choosey on the effects side. Dark and nasty all the way. Pretty is for elves. >8) ------------- Good find on the comparison. Blending might be faster but I'm too stubborn to change my ways. I've never tried a wet palette before... hmmmmmm... didn't think much about it honestly - but if dgraz says so it must be good. I think I'll look into it .
  23. FYI, this discussion is now a discussion on the new SE models not the Wyrd Chronicles issue. Mr. Stanley - I too see where you are coming from, and I gots no problem with that. >8) Honestly, I think its all those years of batch painting static, basic or "simple" miniatures - I've gotten to the point that if it doesn't make me excited immediately - I just don't care enough. Having said that, I'd probably get the stupid pewpy chick doctor model anyway and just be really pouty about it a place her at the back of the tray because I am a completionist and "Special Edition" might as well be "Instant Buy" for my dumb brain. >8(
  24. That Barbaros is as good as it gets - 100% satisfied - I looked at the pic, raised my eyebrow and did a mental "Awwwwwwwwfckyaaaaa!" Go ahead and try to dislike it. Getting sick of seeing the purpley-blue color scheme throughout the Neverborn range... booooooring. Easily rectified when I get my hands on it, though. >8) Dufresne and Frank are both boring as hell - and that chick will never hit the table with the original metal Doug in existence. Never. Also - getting sick of this female/male alt fad going on right now. The more it is done the less "special" it is. Keep it to the Miss models. If I really want a female [insert model here], I can proxy. Having said that, I can't say that the female Firestarter isn't right on the money too... couldn't be happier with the art. And yes, I am listening to The Prodigy right now because of that pic. .... I am convinced that I like/dislike exactly half of what Wyrd produces. But half is good enough for me. This also tells me that they are probably trying to appeal to a larger audience too, so I get that. Why people want boring static models is beyond me, though. I'll read the stories on my flight next week. Thanks for the Halloween spirit, Wyrd. Finally, with all these special editions I'm really hoping that the first non-gremlin Easter Special Edition is Luther next year... otherwise this will come out to play: I want my big bunny! You've been warned. >8)
  25. Fair enough. I definently wouldn't want to replace my Iron Painter, if that were the case.
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