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Everything posted by SpectreEliteGaming

  1. Very creepy - is there a bit of a story here? I'm not seeing the "gold" part of the theme.
  2. @Linus - I love critique! Don't hold back, I can take it! Those Crooked Men have to match the paint scheme for my M2E Daw crew - that's why they are painted differently. @Xyallindra - Thank you for noticing! I tend to (for whatever reason) put waaaay too much effort into terrain. When I paint I don't consider models and terrain to be any different so I put the equal amount of effort into both. I loved that chest and felt that I really had to do it justice. Thanks for all the comments - and critique away please! >8)
  3. Late entry... but very nice presentation. The confusion surrounding the hand-in date should help your case. Late entry is better than DNF anyday.
  4. At least you entered it still! Keep them coming all the way up to R5!
  5. I'm really loving the mimics.
  6. Got what he deserved, I take it?
  7. Copycat as a leprechaun... one of those things you just have no choice but to do. Good idea for OSL.
  8. Bonus points if you make all your entries Tarot Cards!!!
  9. Not sure I understand the theme here.
  10. Unique entry. Great play on the idea.
  11. I like that you included a good description to explain your model and the chest really draws your attention in - good contrast!
  12. That's a lot of gold. The dragon sticks out well from it.
  13. SpectreEliteGaming


    I see what you did there. In hindsight I'm surprised that more people didn't include soulstone in their entry seeing as how in Malifaux SS is gold.
  14. The mini definitely stands out - the gold is a bit bland.
  15. I think I get what's going on here.
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