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Everything posted by Brewmaster

  1. I'm using the "Justin" Young Lacroix with some mods, and a greenstuffed beard for mine
  2. The Fated player always flips. The way to look at it: The Fated player flips to attack the Non-Fated Characters defenses The Fated player flips to defend against the Non-Fated Characters attack The Fated player flips for damage if any.
  3. By buying the 2nd Edition Malifaux models, you'll also get cards with their stats and info, so you can (with itty bitty tweaks) totally run those models in Through the Breach straight out of the box.
  4. Do we have to reset the counter if a Wyrd Employee says "Brewmaster?"
  5. ... Do I dare hope? The deciding factor for me in jumping into Malifaux 2nd edition, RENDERED?! Nathan... I hope you realize you're responsible for me getting my hopes up.
  6. Correct. The player casting the spell flips from the communal fate deck, checks to see how the two steps I mentioned are going, then has the option to cheat from their hand.
  7. 1) As a Fatemaster, when figuring Derived Aspects, I would say you have an Evade of 0 which is better than -3 Speed. 2) Page 212, Armor will drop your Df. 3) Zeeblee's got it.
  8. Shadowopal's got it. When casting a spell, you have two numbers you have to look at (if there's a resist): 1) Did I cover the TN to cast the spell? 2) How did I compare to my opponents resistances?
  9. For the first question, the big advantage for the PCs is that their final duel totals can change wildly. The Fatemaster's numbers don't change, and the Fated characters have a deck of cards, and a twist deck. If you assume a moderately statted character (2 Aspect, 3 skill), they can handle challenging TNs. It's also worth noting the extraneous modifiers that players can get through creative roleplay. For the second bit, players don't HAVE to get those skills, or Aspects to get optimized defenses. One of the benefits of how this systems works is that it's not completely centered on "Dungeon Crawl Destroy All Monsters". Players are encouraged to build to a character concept, and the system allows for that by not being completely centered on COMBAT combat.
  10. Good on you for giving Gremraida a shot! She's got a learning curve, but can be a rewarding master to play. Waldegeists are THE carry-over from Neverborn that I like. Having moveable terrain means that I can keep otherwise squishable Gremlins alive a little longer. The fact that they can also handle their own in melee is just gravy. Hiring shenanigans aside, I love my army having a couple of Groots running around in it
  11. Using the models as a guide: Guild/M&SU is a solid "Authority VS Union" story to work with. Having the players work their way up through the ranks to become full fledged members of the Freikorps or another Bounty Hunting team (ala the Viks) would be an option. If they're interested in some intrigue, they could be a part of an infiltration team for the Ten Thunders. Beyond that, the big sandboxes available to play in are Victorian England, Mystical Swamp, Wild West Town, Mountain Mining Camp, and The Railroad. Deadlands factions could be adapted easy-ish given the time frame when the Second Breach exists (just imagine one of the rail barons is now a high up in the Guild).
  12. I'm not aware of any random generators currently, but with a little bit of elbow grease, archetypes you enjoy from the other systems could be carried over to this one. Using the Random Run Generator from Shadowrun 5e for example: Datasteal requires a LITTLE rewording, but I could easily see a Guild flavored or a Freikorps flavored campaign using those options. (If you're running a Guild party, then Datasteal becomes "I've been informed that the M&SU has been developing new automatons. See what they're up to.") Other than the Employer table, the other options are vague enough that you can adapt them easily.
  13. Important notes: Young Lacroix can use Attack Actions on the upgrade. The attack action says "when this is used, discard it".
  14. And when you're ready for the higher end of the learning curve, the last suggestion I'd make is the Zoraida box, followed by some waldegeists. She's tougher than S'omer to learn, but really rewarding in the (good) game-bending she can do.
  15. Two Chronicles ago was the starter adventure to get you used to the system, last chronicle was an adventure I wrote that could be used as a starting point.
  16. So... It's been a half year, and it's finally time to drop what I've been holding onto for a bit. I've fast forwarded the game a bit, and ran the players through an ongoing challenge for sealing the 3rd seal. The game picks up in a backwater town near the edge of the bayou where they believe seal 4/13 is. After some incredibly bad cajun accents... You love em, I love em... Gremlins. Highlights of the fight include a hardcore gun-kata fight between Amelia and the 'fancy' Gremlin who felt it necessary to shout BLAM BLAM BLAM when firing his pistols, Aaron backhanding an exploding piglet out of the Gemini Bar they were in, and the Gremlin Taxidermist detonating his Dead Man's Switch. The players also know there's a Ht 3 creature and a "Fancy Gun" leader wandering around. With 7 sessions to go, this should be interesting
  17. So I checked my mail yesterday, and I got a gift from Aaron... A Dreamer box with the invoice saying "prize support, so FREE!" Dream(er)s really DO come true!
  18. So, I always enjoy messing with the narrative of the story. Throw in the major plot drop I've got for this session, and you have a little episode I'd like to call "Obviously not Edge of Tomorrow, cause that would be cheating." You guys remember way back up the thread where the crew had to deal with a framing? The framer was trying to bring his dead fiancee back to life, and due to December's involvement and a little help from the players, there's a crazy ice lady wandering around with the well frozen head of her fiancee. As the players wrapped up the fight with Temujin, I introduced Arlan, he goes wandering off, then one of the players freezes into a statue and explodes outward to reveal crazy ice lady. This was the first Master level threat I threw at the group, and they did good! And as a few of the players were dying... We reset to the one player refreezing into a statue, and the players remembered the previous fight happening. Meanwhile, Warren's inside the Mayor's Office trying to seal the 2nd sigil the groups found to deal with the December nonsense. 3 Resets in, Aaron finally runs inside to check on what's going on, and finds Warren caught in a severe magic storm created by trying to shut down the sigil. Warren gave Aaron the message "Stop me from touching the sigil". 4th reset, The group goes about handling Winifred by putting her into a medically induced coma since as long as she isn't consious, the Fiancee doesn't breakthrough, and the group saves Warren from touching the sigil. And now for the big plot: As Warren helps keep Winifred from turning, it's discovered that the Sigils only react to Tyrants. The only reason Warren wouldn't want to touch the sigil is... anyone anyone? Warren is a minimum 1/8th Tyrant. And Natalie was the one who sent him there.
  19. Of the models, the Skeeters are some of my favorites. They're irritating as crap, they give me extra uses of S'omers 0s if I need em. Arguably top totem for me. Lovely Assistant provides a SOLID utility for a Wong, and I totally killed a model with a Red Joker Assistant once, so she gets middle of the pack for me. Old Cranky is a useful utility totem, but honestly he's a little boring. Bottom because he's not my playstyle.
  20. I do TOO exist! *crying arm flail run out of the thread*
  21. http://wyrd-games.net/community/gallery/album/339-pigs-in-hats/ Super simple conversion, but it makes me laugh a LOT.
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