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Everything posted by Clockwork_Fish

  1. Clearly, this thread was ahead of its time and died too young, its genius unappreciated. GW's renewed, if somewhat bizarrely scatterebrained interest in skirmish games (Necromunda is fun but haphazardly constructed and Kill Team seems to be directly competing with it), will never become their focus. But it shows that skirmish games are becoming more of a staple in tabletop gaming. In my area, Infinity is probably the healthiest gaming community after Age of Sigmar.
  2. While the missing masters is a big shakeup, I'm also wondering about their entourages. If Collodi goes, what happens to the rest of his puppets? Are they gone too, or are they now 'unaffiliated' or something? What about Mortimer? Will Barbaros still be under the Nephilim keyword or will he tell Nekima to shove it and get himself fitted for a gunbelt and a sombrero? 😈 Also, I'd love to see them tweak the app to be a bit more streamlined. If the idea is to make the rules and cards freely available, you may as well bow to the inevitable and spruce the app up a bit. Will I have to pay for the 3e cards if I've already paid to unlock the 2e ones?
  3. Lilith! Nooooooo! 😧 In seriousness, the way they word it, it sounds like the legacy masters are at the tourney organizer’s discretion. Unless your local Henchman has a stick up his butt this probably won’t be a problem. Also, Collodi’s mysterious fate aside, all the milk carton masters can come back. Lilith and Ramos are in prison, and Nico got his spirit sucked into a soul stone. He’s a necromancer, he’ll figure it out. 😃
  4. These make me want to go completely hog wild (or I guess pony wild) on colour schemes. The the brightest, most painfully neon paints I can find. My LGS will think I've gone crazy. On the subject of the tone and theme of Malifaux, it's always been a bit eclectic. Just about every faction has had its goofy models, and for the most part people haven't complained. Never heard anyone complain about Teddy not fitting the game's aesthetic, or that Colette's crew was too cheery looking on the tabletop. Heck, I painted the original metal showgirls' outfits pink. Bright pink, to burn away the darkness. 😈
  5. How about a hydra? Poison and regeneration in one package.😃 I’d like to see some Colette love. Maybe a ‘street performer’ who distracts enemies with pushes and conditions. Or a lion tamer who works like a beast-equivalent to the Domador.
  6. Thematically they might be for Guardsmen or Journalists. Nellie doesn’t really need another way to farm evidence, mind you, but who knows. Certainly wouldn’t turn away more help for everyone’s favourite EIC.
  7. I’m throwing Blessed of December out there as a dark horse contender. Df 6 with Hard to Wound and Eat Your Fill. Armour her up and so long as there’s fleshy morsels around she’ll do pretty well. With Leap, she can get to the easiest targets.
  8. I like using Orderlies as scheme runners but admit to having never even tried to heal with them. Mounted Guardsmen are great for Nellie, who often crams her crew full of exactly the sort of model he likes ferrying around. I’d put Heartsbane pretty high on the list. On paper she looks good but in practice she’s a card sucking vampire who wishes she could use soul stones. Sometimes the cards are working for you and she shuts down something important. But it’s not reliable.
  9. Good idea! I had a similar thought about a bird house I saw at Michael’s that looked like a log cabin. Speaking of which, in the jewelry section you can get tiny gears and clock faces. Might work for the windows to turn it into an abandoned clock tower.
  10. Made some progress. Peeled it off the base board because that wasn't working for me. Added a few layers of paint to it, again using crap paint from the Dollar Store which actually worked okay. Covered everything in a watered down brown paint, then it's been successive layers of dry brushing. One more dry brush and maybe touch up the wood bits, maybe with some grey. My only gripe with the Pollyfilla is that it dries on like plaster, and I'm a bit worried it'll crumb if someone were to pick at it. Still, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
  11. So I wanted to try my hands at terrain making and didn't want to spend much cash doing so. I got the idea to make a mud brick / adobe building using mostly stuff I found at the dollar store or lying around the house. I figure if you're living in the badlands and there's giant things flying around with acid for blood, you might want more than a few planks of wood between you and all the Bad Things. I grabbed some foam board and some small wooden 'planks' that I found in the craft section. The planks got glued into a big box, then the foam was glued over top. I peeled the paper off the foam in places and scored brick into it. The wooden beams were made with bits of balsa I had lying around. Then I basically slathered the whole thing in textured polyfilla. It's normally used to repair damage to textured walls or ceilings but I layered it on like a damn cake. Took about 16 hours to dry, and I only had to touch up one corner a bit. The doors and windows will be done up with craft sticks. The board it's glued onto was originally a clip board ($1.25) which I pried the clip off of. I'm going to put a little porch on one side and a wooden staircase on the other side so as to fill the base up. All told I'm out $20 Canadian, so not bad. Comments or criticism welcome!
  12. I think what people need to remember about forums and other social media is that your posts are not freedom of speech but rather the virtual manifestation of your use of a service provided for free by a private company. You agree to abide by forum rules when you set up your account. Think of your posts less as your opinions and more of a dress code you abide to at a country club. Internet arguments can get so toxic and polarized that a bit of moderation is necessary. Not only is it better for maintaining a constructive environment where people can get the answers to their gameplay questions but it's more inviting for new players. I'm a comic book fan, and I can tell you, if I was a new reader wading into even some of the mainstream comic book websites, like Comicbook Resources' forum, I'd be turned off by the toxicity. I've seen people harassed and basically shamed off of forums just because they didn't like Wonder Woman in the same way as "real" fans. It's insane. This forum is like a trip to Maui by comparison. They should sell little cocktails with umbrellas in them.
  13. I vote Mei Feng (don't have Lynch, so can't comment). While her trigger-salad attacks and her synergy with other models can seem confusing at first, I feel that it helps new players learn about an important part of the game without being too daunting in the same way as Shenlong or McCabe. There's something to be said for not oversimplifying things for new players. I remember when I started playing the Batman Miniatures game, and being cautioned about playing a Joker crew. He's easy as you please to pick up, because he basically ignores a core game mechanic (allocating action counters and being stuck with them for the rest of the turn). But it can ruin you for other crews if you get too used to it.
  14. Ooh, I like this guy. Mei Feng just found a new friend to play with. Pulse burning about then send Mei in scratch everyone up.
  15. I'm curious how she does against summoners, who often gorge on stones for suits. Has anyone tried this?
  16. One advantage Neverborn have is that a lot of their models don’t count as ‘living’ so they don’t drop any corpse markers themselves. If you pressure the summon engine early they can struggle for corpses later. If you want to try using Lazarus for this, give Lucius a go, since he can use What Lackeys are For to get him up there turn 1. Tuco can be helpful if you have cards for the trigger on his gun; if you’re lucky you can bog down his Belles or Kentauroi and slow the whole engine down.
  17. I would think Levi would be good in Supply Wagon because of cheap constructs on larger bases. As a Guild player I’m pretty fond of Hunters for that job.
  18. This isn’t so much a criticism as a question, but I’m always leery of enterable buildings in Malifaux. They end up ignored a lot of the time. Am I just doing it wrong?
  19. I’m a fan of Knight Models’ Batman Miniatures Game, which recently switched from metal to resin. The debate over that has been sort of déjà vu for me. Like some cosmic gaming constant that we’ll argue till the sun dies. Love Bob Ross and his happy little pig. On the subject of the Victorias, and this is in general ... who’s the Tank Girl fan in the office? I really want to get those alts, chop the head of the bunny-suited Ash Vic, and replace it with a kangaroo’s.
  20. I’ve always loved Kade with Lilith. His damage is bananas and he does well hidden away behind Lilith’s trees. The points reduction just makes him better.
  21. And hey, there’s Benny and Ferdinand too😃
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