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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Seems fair to me and I believe two of my games were Hench led 35SS games as they were tournament practice. Just 50SS now for me now though! Hoping I can make it three from three against Zoraida this week though my VP difference isn't too high.
  2. If they're the first three games of the month then they should count as much as I hate to hand the dirty Guild three victories!
  3. Ah yes, my bad! Always forget which ones have in built in and which don't!
  4. His Weak damage is 2, 3 if you get Critical Strike. Franc is good but he is not an auto-include at all. The in Ml is nice but then you can just shoot him or wait until the start of the next turn and hit him whilst it's not up. With only Df5 and 8Wd he goes down easily even with his upgrade giving him HtK (which is pretty much an auto-include(!) upgrade making him a 9SS model). He's solid no doubt but not auto-include and the more I've played with my Guild the more I find The Judge being a better option. Same with Austringers and auto-include. They're probably auto-include for certain schemes (and maybe Squatters Rights strat) but I've played without them plenty of times and usually prefer a Pathfinder. I've yet to play with the Lone Marshal but I've played against him quite a few times and he is very solid for all the reasons listed above. There are no auto-includes in most lists but Marshal is very good at certain schemes and generally a good all around choice.
  5. Can we know?! would really help me make final decision on my Master!
  6. I really like the Valedictorian. Although her damage spread isn't that impressive for a 10SS model unless you hit the trigger she does have Flurry and a 3" engagement range means she can usually hold things down that can't just hit her back easily. With Unnerving Aura (and Necrotic Preparation if you want to be really mean) she can keep things in place and do consistent damage to them with Ml6 and if you want to do some real damage you can burn a SS for the
  7. Got my second game in against my nemesis Pandora yesterday and am happy to report I pulled out a 9-5 victory. That makes me two for two this month I'll be playing my third game of the month next week against Neverborn Zoraida.
  8. As the title suggests I'm after the plastic Rogue Necromancy is anybody happened to pick one up during the Easter sale and now doesn't have a use for it/hasn't got time/was an impulse purchase etc. etc. I'm UK based and looking to pay a reasonable amount for it seeing as it'll get a release soon but the delay has thwarted my nefarious plans!
  9. No room for Killjoy? Or will you do a separate section for mercs? As Unded he can be horrible with Nicodem (though I've yet to try this myself!). Might want to clarify the Graveyard Spirit thing as it just says 'with the beatstick giving it armour 4' but that's obviously just Izamu. Also, Necroumpunks get Leap and 3AP if Nico gives them Fast as Leap is a (0) Liking the work tough. An interesting read and some good ideas.
  10. Nurses are only Wk4 so 12" dose range and you need to be within 6" to accomplice. But I agree it's not too hard to keep them up.
  11. I finally got a Nurse to pump Seamus up with meds so he could bitch slap a Vik of Blood! Didn't manage to kill her though because of some poor cards (shame because I'd just killed her sister with the Flintlock - Decaying Aura is gross!).
  12. You'll probably get some straightforward matchups then which will make the game easier to learn.
  13. Any idea what your opponent is going to be running? Proxying is always a good idea while you get a feel for the game. Another quick word on summoning and starting - often people like to play smaller games to begin with (usually 25-35SS) but summoners become quite unbalanced at this level and you only really want to play them in 50SS. Your opponent is going to get the wrong idea of how powerful summoners are and is likely to be frustrated in smaller games! It tends to pay to have a lot of options in the faction anyway, especially as it allows you to branch out into different Masters and have the right tools for the job, but Nico loves his choices! Check out the summoning cards here too. They're useful to use in game but also gives you a handy list of everything that Nico can summon which can help with prioritising purchases!
  14. And some Mindless Zombies for Nico:
  15. Update time! First up I painted Bishop:
  16. True. Though you also couldn't declare a charge if you were engaged. Could have been clearer though.
  17. To be more specific as long as you can make a charge in a straight line between model A and model B then you can ignore model C because you did not begin the activation in their engagement so they can't take a disengaging strike as LuciousMcCabe has referenced.
  18. And Hannah is on a pretty large base that can easily stand on that marker ...
  19. Well it was never resolved there either as both sides are convinced their interpretation is correct! Hence hoping it would be in the FAQ.
  20. The way I read Patzer's response is that Blasts are an effect and as Pandora doesn't use the printed effects they don't get added. Which is the opposite to what you claimed.
  21. Here is the need for clarification! I agree with Patzer but I think Myyra makes a good case too.
  22. I was hoping we'd get a clarification on whether Pandora uses opposing Blasts when using Self-Harm. It's still a debated topic in my gaming group (and on the forum here).
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