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Everything posted by Lewkas

  1. I already own all the frozen heart models and some in multiples and my main priority for Gencon is getting the Raspy box. I love the Ice Golem sculpt and is it just me or does he look like a really bad ass Doomsday?
  2. Ok so I thought I would add my bit in here as I am primarily a Raspy player. So far with M2E I have found myself categorizing my list into 3 different play styles. The first involves taking the Shattered Mirror upgrade along with plenty of Frozen Heart Minions and the Essence of Power. This build basically revolves around Ice Mirroring her spells and trying to do as much damage as possible. The second build is based around the Paralyse and Slow conditions. I will generally take Armor of December along with 1 or 2 December's Acolytes, Wendigo and pretty much try to dish out slow and Paralyse as much as possible to try and prevent the opponent from completing objectives. With this build I will get Raspy up into the thick of it as the Armor of December upgrade gives me the ability to push out of melee if I take a hit (so long as the opposing model doesn't have a 3” ml range). The third build is an elite group which would generally be Wendigo, Ice Golem, Joss and a Metal Gamin. I would take this list when you are doing something like Turf War and you need to able to take a good beating while dishing out some big damage. Once again I would give Raspy Armor of December and basically you just use her to buff the other models with December's Touch and have the Metal Gamin give the Golem Df6. This way you end up with Joss and Golem both with Df6 and Armor 4 which makes them very hard to make a dent on. All of this depends on whether you can win initiative of course. I would also give Joss the Imbued Energies upgrade as you can discard it to walk and then use the remaining 2 AP to do a Pneumatic Fist attack and hopefully pull off the Paralyse trigger with a Crow. The other upgrades/minions I use depend on the strategy and schemes but anything with scheme markers always means I will take a couple of Molemen. These little guys are great for dropping markers and are very survivable. One thing I will say is don’t be afraid to get Raspy out there. In 1.5 her place was generally at the back of the board behind cover but there is a lot more to her now and she is really fun to play.
  3. I feel the same way. Much more serious pose with a look that says I am going to freeze you ass off and feed it to my cat.
  4. Very well done and the Death Marshall looks awesome.
  5. That Whiskey Golem looks sweet!
  6. Lewkas

    M2E Marcus

    Good write up Dgraz. I'm hoping to get this crew at Gencon.
  7. Something special means that they will be totally OP and everyone will be playing arcanists because we will dominate every tournament until there is an errata. On a serious note though I am really excited to see what they do. After seeing what they did worth the brewmaster, I am sure they will be very special indeed.
  8. Lewkas

    Lynch 2.0

    Thanks for the input guys. I can't wait to see rules for Graves, Tannen and Depleted. I like hat M2e let's you run fluffy lists that don't stop being competitive. Borzag - love the Graves, Tannen analogy.
  9. Lewkas

    Lynch 2.0

    So what have people been running with Lynch as NB in 2.0? I didn't get around to running him during the public beta and am looking at getting a game or 2 in with him this week.
  10. I love M2E. Just played a 1.5 tournament after playtesting for months I now realise how much more streamlined the new rule set is.
  11. Do plan on making an Arcanist deck. Like Arctic Pangolin I also would stroke it every night. Is it possible to get one with additional RJs and no BJs?
  12. I just picked up Ramos as I don't think the new art looks any better than what is currently out. I will definitely be picking up Marcus and Collette in plastic though.
  13. It seems to me that the other faction sub forums are all active with people playing M2E so I wouldn't say it is like a ghost town. Even during and before the public beta it seemed that Arcanists are down on popularity. I'm all for M2E and I wouldn't consider these forums strictly 1.5. Are there any Arcanists players out there that will be switching to other factions for M2E and if so what are your reasons? I think the M2E changes are awesome and that the book 1 arcanist masters have really been brought up to speed with the other book releases. As far as I am concerned it is an exciting time to be an Arcanist.
  14. Before posting this I noticed that no one had posted in here for over 20 days. I also just played at the Australian GT and was the only Arcanist. Are we no longer popular?
  15. I agree with the above. Snow Storm is awesome but you only play him against some crews (mainly guild). Metal Gamin are awesome and even more so in m2e so don't be afraid to invest in some of those. I particularly like running a fire and ice list with Raspy, Kaeris and 2 EoP which gives heaps of board control (1xice pillars and 2xflame walls each turn). I then choose minions depending on who I'm up against by definitely take something that can give out some burning otherwise you have to work hard to deal damage with Kaeris. I'm actually reall said she will be a master and I will lose the ability to run this list in m2e.
  16. I dont play Marcus but I don't think I've played against a Marcus crew without a Jackalope. A lot of people swear by Silurids and companion chaining 3 of them can be tough for a defender to deal with. With M2E around the corner though it will be hard to tell how we'll these models will work together until we see some rules.
  17. Here's hoping the Ice Golem stops being a 9ss paper weight
  18. Very very true. The way I see it is if you can win with Raspy you can win with anyone.
  19. Hang in there Anzimal. As Dgraz said M2E is just around the corner and all the interviews I have listened to on podcasts indicate that this will be balanced master to master. I usually play a lot of Raspy and I also have tasted a lot of defeat. You have Snow Storm which is awesome but he is expensive and you need to learn which crews to use him against (non magical or ranged ie Perdita) and when to just take other minions. He also has a lot of tricks to him so take the time to read the stat card and try to think out of the box. A particular favourite of mine is to use Freeze Heart to give an enemy Frozen Heart and then use Decembers Command to push them into base contact. You have now used your two 0 AP to get an enemy model within 4" into base contact and now you can use your remaining AP to Flurry. He also brings heaps of movement to Raspy's crew which is handy when trying to get your crew to a better position. Another model I use all the time is a Moleman. These guys are the best 3ss models in the game. You can boost their armor up really high and then use them as targets for Decembers Curse. Cheat their defense down so you get severe damage and they will take 1 wound and allow you to do 2 blasts doing 4 wounds each. This is the best way to beat Pandora without having to keep doing willpower duels. They also have Blindsight so you can give them Frozen Heart and then Ice Mirror through them. This allows you to see into any auras that block Los. They are also great for sitting on objectives. Also do not be afraid to attack your own models. They are expendable and getting those blast templates off is worth it. When I started I really got caught up in trying to kill the opponent but this is not how you win. Just focus on your strategy/schemes and try and prevent your opponent from achieving theirs where possible. You can still win and not have a model left on the table. Just hang in there because once you do start winning you will feel a real sense of achievement. Remember that even though Raspy is listed as a starter master she can be very difficult to make competitive.
  20. Sidir looks awesome and the blue on the wastrel is a nice touch.
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