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Everything posted by Durza

  1. The action is once per turn and only during its activation. So it's one per turn per wisp and has to be different models for each action.
  2. Are you logging in with your username or email? I think logging in with email causes that.
  3. Lazarus will be better, you drop a scheme for every enemy model hit.
  4. They have a (1) action that copies a (2) action from another friendly neverborn, no restrictions on copying from masters.
  5. On a positive flip you pick the card you want to use, more cards means more chance of a low card being flipped.
  6. Zoraida seems like she would do well with him, obey to focus and move him into position and then him getting off a lobotomy could be good. Lilith can tangle shadows him around. He's a fast beatstick so really anything that can move him around and anything that can give him positive flips for the massive damage on lobotomy are great, but he's still good by himself.
  7. It's the same one, it isn't killed and buries instead of dying, so it keeps any upgrades it has attached.
  8. I'd say yes, just to be safe, it's what I'll be doing.
  9. Trick question, no such thing.
  10. You arent already planning for %100 ramen?
  11. I'd say it was just something that slipped through testing, The conflux of Hoff only added construct late in the testing and I didn't see anything about this combo until after the book had been out for a while. I never got around to trying the combo, it seems powerful but it's broadcast pretty hard. As to Hoffmans competitive viability, I won a tournament last year using him for half my games.
  12. When it went from free to $50 didn't Wyrd say they were willing to host the content on the Wyrd site? I'd be fine if they were still ok with that. If it does need to move though I'd be willing to chip in.
  13. This might actually get me to try Mccabe again.
  14. The problem with that is Levi buries himself, the enemy might kill him but it's his own ability that buries him.
  15. And dropping Levi past half wounds, or getting him buried without the opponents help is on whoever is playing him, his sac himself to summon a waif isn't his only (0) action. And now channel is once per turn getting him to half wounds is over 2 turns, if you take something to heal him you arent giving up wounds without your opponents help.
  16. Playing Ramos and summoning is guaranteed points in hunting party, what's the difference between it happening turn 1 or 2 or gaving it happen with minimal effort by turn 3 or 4? The final result is the same, you've given up 3 points. You would have to try to not earn points from hunting party if Ramos is being played the way he is supposed to; spamming spiders. And if Ramos isn't spamming spiders for you to kill and is say throwing electrical fire around instead, that's as different a play style as not burying dreamer or healing Levi instead of just letting him die and burying him, which now that channel is once per turn should be easier to keep him alive.
  17. Trick answer, the book could already be in print for all we know.
  18. No, she's maybe a bit lower on the power scale than some of the other neverborn masters but she is still perfectly viable.
  19. I'd say Rafkin is too squishy for decaying aura, with it on he becomes a priority target.
  20. How is one scheme that isn't even going to show up all that often removing him from competitive? This cuddle changes levi from dealing 12 damage a turn to 8, he isn't nuking nearly everything in the game down in one turn, hes just nuking down most things, and if he's in melee he's fully capable of doing 16 damage. There was playtesting and a lot of thought put into the cuddle, how about some games with him post cuddle before declaring he is now useless.
  21. Levi got nowhere near the same amount of polish the other crews got, he was rewritten several times over the course of the beta, and I'm pretty sure by the end of it people were still saying he was over the top, but they needed to finalize the rules to print so that was what we got.
  22. Pushes are centre to centre unless otherwise specified. Tannens leave it it to luck only works on cards that have the suit on them, adding a suit another way doesn't make leave it to luck kick in. As a note, the red joker counts as whatever suit you declare, so if you declare it as a mask it counts as being a value of 16, and if you declare tome it would count as 12 if the model using it is within the aura.
  23. Still waiting on a box of Leveticus wearing the Hollow Waif dresses so when i sac a waif to summon him I can put down Levi with the corresponding dress.
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