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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. I be Working on the Dreamer more to follow when i gets more time
  2. Well climbing is not a condition, So it would never get a +1. And from what I see if the building can be climbed up in 2 walk actions then it's allowed. But we don't allow Spiderman hanging on a cliff face or building shooting at things. Now if it's a terraclips ladder where a model can fit on it then ladder shooting is fine. But talk with your group and see what you come up with.
  3. *Quietly and sneakily lowers marcus's wounds by 3* *walks away whistling*
  4. His avatar let's you hire all 4
  5. ...I am the one who said magical Burt.... so confused. I was referring to the post that said this Attack ignores the TArGETs armor. Not this Attack ignores armor. Which you both so diligently pointed out to me. I can't find any attack the only specifies ignoring the targets armor just that they ignore armor in general. So I say again I am in the firm camp that blasts from an attack that ignore armor also ignore armor.
  6. Find me an instance where it says it ignores the targets armor. From what I can find attacks say. "This attack ignores armor."
  7. He is taking the ca action. With its stat. Hoffman has an ability (empower) that increases his ca when taking the action But the child does not. But ot yes you keep what ever suits are built in.
  8. Usually that's for applying conditions. But if the models attack actions ignore armor then the blasts which are generated would also.
  9. Magical Burt. Shooting his pepper box. But I would say yes also to ignoring things.
  10. I point you to the actions causing actions call out box. You do declare that "free" action.
  11. To make that 1 no action you care declaring an Attack action. So eat all the damage. Personally I would penance first then go locomotive crazy. That way I am not dying. So case b
  12. ....Uhh which model is taking an action? The model with focus. So it can be obeyed to burn focus for its 1 action.
  13. So I stopped being lazy and got my hotspot up and running again. What this means I can vassal my heart out while over the road. What this also means is that my schedule for anything is up in the air. Driving is not a 9-5 job. Its what ever needs to done till it is done job. On that note in 5 hours I am free rest of the night.
  14. Sure does. Now the real question is why don't you think they could?
  15. Pretty sure the mindless zombie would proceed in lighting itself on fire. Which then would cause a chain reaction or mindless torches shambling around.
  16. Don't forget the mech rider can shit them out. So makes Arcanist much more fun. 2 ap to kill this gamin that is now going to do objectives. Waste your ap cause next turn there Wil be more. All the gamin.
  17. You just quoted what it is with what you want it to be.... it says he is not killed. So no markers or assassinate.
  18. Or void wretchs. Lots of void wretchs to kill him while he is buried.
  19. You NEVER TAKE Assassinate against Levi. Max points you can gain is 2 and that is only if you kill all his waifs and him. Levi never is killed or sacrificed. Only buried. And buried models at the end of the game count as killed. So 3 points since it did not happen before turn 3.
  20. The action fails. So no waking. Tbh I think the rules say you can't actually cast the spell or some jazz it's under summoning.
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