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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. The markers are friendly or enemy based on who placed them moving them does not change this. Also no you can stack them if desired.
  2. Ratty.....you live.....where we're you hiding?
  3. Vassal anyone free now till about 2-5am eastern
  4. Vassal anyone? Free all night. From now till like 2-4am eastern
  5. Ted any one but him. You see how hateful and black he is? Oh the horror.
  6. I don't comprehend how an pseudo +2 has any effect on the game. If I am sh5 with a to df5 I have a good shot of hitting since more cards. How some one sees sh5 is sh7 vs df5 is beyond me. If I am sh5 vs df7 and I flip the red joker to their 13 well my ephemeral +2 doesn't mean anything since its not applied to the actual number. So trying to give a a static number I don't understand when that static number does not apply to...well anything. A or a change with every flip and every game. So it is quite indefinable. I see how you guys are working with averages of what it statistically should be. I get that. But in my personal opinion which I hope I offend no one. Has no place in a game with so many variables at any given time.
  7. Sadly the players audio was super low. Also why did barboros take 6(5) falling damage. He fell from a ht6 to a ht3. Difference of 3. So he should have taken 3(2) damage. But I didn't mind watching the game.
  8. I can honestly say I have no idea what I am looking at. I know it's graph. I see it has numbers. But how does it correlate to malifaux? How does shoot 5 become pseudo shoot 3? Take the lowest card add it to 5 you can't cheat, they can lol. Just knowing you can't cheat will be at the forefront of the players mind. Not supreme technobabble. Hmm yes your in cover so my 5 is really like 3 so when trying to shoot your df 5 I am going to need a card 2 higher than you to tie. But I can't cheat. And you can. This is how people think when playing this game? You can keep it. I will make a decision based on target priority cards in hand a general knowledge of what has been flipped and if that model can score me any ap or if it's pot shooting. Why is it 400? Why is there a 400? I am intrigued. But don't expect me to comprehend right away.
  9. Sends to a play list and couldn't find part 1 I guess. Or the beginning
  10. Arcane radiance won't come into in effect till after the attack and any triggers (offensive and defensive ) are resolved. So short answer. No gamin.
  11. Out activate her force her to walk forward suck up one hit launches viks down her throat. This is turn 1. Turn 2 win int and crush face. Or lose int suck up hits burn stones and survive. Then kill. You are going to take losses. Come to terms with that. But 3 ronin? Ehhh? Also Nix with hollow.
  12. If you have 1 or 2 ap and a legal target you must charge. If nothing is in range you can do what ever that little piggy desires. Much like killjoy if he can't charge a legal target gets to do his own thing.
  13. All that to me equates to guild guard suck at shooting. Why do they suck well they have a sh of 4. Most things have df 5. So already lower chance of hitting. So with them my target priority is to shoot at things with pure luck maybe I will hit foci do great. If I don't pot shots are pot shots for a reason. @math yes math is integral part of this game. I understand that. And yes I will shoot into hard cover if I have a . Since now I am on a straight and can cheat it. Not because it gives me an ephemeral number that doesn't apply. If I don't have that then I can focus if the target is priority. Or flip cards. And hope for the best. Which sometime pays unforseen dividends. @Jack daw I smile all the time with rifleman. What ? I have seen way to often flip low and miss consistently. Also ca9 to anything means I have good chance to hit. But as you said simple math. I don't go well the probability of me flipping xyz to hit them is this... since I am +3-5 on any card. Which is huge. Simple. Making it into mathematical formulas which don't intrinsically effect what your doing seems like an exercise in futility. Lol. So at the original poster. Need a tanky model that has built in to attack and generally damage. Hits like a truck in melee and has some movement shenanigans and a heal. And this complements your crew take Ryle. But if you a more accurate gun that will suffer from cover can take an upgrade to take hits has a decent melee but not super tanky. Take sidir if he complements your crew in a way you like. Don't take one or the other cause of magic numbers !! Yu-Gi-Oh that shit and believe in the heart of the cards. (That show/card game is terribad but it did leave it's Mark.) Also learn target priority positioning and sacrifice. Deploying poorly will cost you the game more often then cards.
  14. Izamu used an ability that sacrifices himself. The enemy crew did not kill or sacrifice Izamu. Karina did not do anything except turn killed into sacrifice. So if an enemy Crew killed something and she turned it into sacrifice. She did not sacrifice anything. The enemy crew did.
  15. But that's like giving you the answer to your home work. If you don't come to it yourself then you have not learned anything. As soon as you read model x and see how it applies to model y you will have an "Aha" moment. Then you will see other interactions. Most combos don't need an explanation. When Joss kills something it drops scrap. Ramos uses scrap to make spiders. Now he has 2 scrap to make spiders turn 1 and turn 2 with out needing more scrap. Some people like killing their own spiders for 2 scrap markers. Some people like using electrical creations. So if you don't know why something works asking is fine. We don't mind answering. But coming to the conclusion yourself is much more rewarding. The above example of joss and Ramos is to show how much typing it would take to explain when the interactions are simple. Cheers and feel free to ask.
  16. Well hitting her and not missing is the first step. 10 wounds is not much. Also simple df duels will ruin her day. Then we have blasts. So yes while mobile she needs to win to move.
  17. And you brainiacs take all this into account before choosing what you are going to do? How long are your games lol. I see something I want to attack I flip cards and hope for the best. This seems to win me games. So why yes I will never really want to comprehend mathhammer Or mathifaux I just sling dice (or used to) and flip cards. My strength lies in positioning sacrifice and profit. So to me the value of a is: Mitigating cover, flipping more cards for higher ones or burning two out of my deck. The only numerical value I see is what's flipped.
  18. Good cards on the negative flip since Sammy was holding that upgrade. poor Sonnia. Good watch.
  19. How Many models did the mech rider summon? After he was engaged by Sammy and or stalkers lol.
  20. Now the root of the question is why do you think they would be unable too? But yes they can.
  21. http://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/55717-elvis-is-everywhere/ Found Elvis. I remember seeing a whole bayou band awhile back.
  22. Not dance together....the other one Lol. Dance Partner. That one.
  23. Sheesh here I am believing in the heart of the cards. If I flip two deuces then I added +2 to my value my tiny little mind does not comprehend well my Sh 5 is sorta like shoot 7 since I have a . To me it's shoot 5 that has a better chance at flipping higher cards. Or mitigates cover. Damn technobabble Personally the I like better than +2 stat. Mitigating cover is amazing. Being sh7 is fine but burning a stone to be put on negative to damage (generally speaking. Yeah not worth it. Specially when damage profile is 2/3/5. Also ryle is tankier and hits harder when engaged. So there is that.
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