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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Search for Tannen and dreamer. Or dreamer summoning or summoning teddy or any combination of the above. If you haven't seen it the Faq which is located in the download section has some clarity on other issues that might come up in your gaming group. And it is also the place to find official rulings on things. It is bi monthly and the next one comes out shortly.
  2. Lol He was being Facetious. i think he understands that the joker is not all the suits. i believe it was the comment of the OP that said mask cards have masks therefore only they can benefit. then the Ausplosions comment of the RJ in an Arcane deck has all the symbols lol. which then the clues us all in that he is being funny. which i did laugh so it worked.
  3. People shoot back so he wanted his turn killing a minion or peon or enforcer that was shot previously. The other minions I hope can shoot back or move out of los or a myriad of other different things. You as the fm control the tempo if your group is happy to hack and slash then feel free to do so. But if he is dragging the story by one shotting key people then make fate fickle.
  4. my post was what i did in my first game as a Toon. i was the mad bomber of malifaux. but to stop someone from doing this let them know the guild has Stalkers and will find you you have to sleep some point in time they dont. also i was waiting for the black joker to flip after i lit the dynamite to see if i would have any legs or be quite dead after the explosion. but gaming the system is one thing but the FM can take great discretion or be like Sonnia was walking buy as you teleported she has "scent" of what your magic looks and feels like (all casters have a unique flare to their spells). As the FM you can easily turn the tables on someone who wants to get out of hand.
  5. Red Joker says immediately choose the suit when it is flipped and that is what it counts as."The Red Joker has a value of 14 and a wild suit. When the Red Joker is flipped or played, the owning player must immediately announce which suit the Red Joker will be during the Action." (Leave it to Luck) Until the end of the Turn, models within 6 treat any cards which they flip or play as having +2 value, and any cards which they flip or play as having -2 value. So it would be affected by Leave it to luck. so i flip or play the red joker and choose so now i have played or flipped a and leave it to luck effects the action. Also welcome back to the forum. some minor changes 1: there is no Rules marshal and any thing Justin or any other Admin/moderator says is purely their opinion and is not rules 2: Its a Rules Discussion and people have to think to answer you. 3: Saying the forums opinions don't matter and only the Word of Law will ever satisfy you wont make you any friends but i chaulk that up to not knowing statement 1: 4: also on the intent it is clearly affected since in previous forums Justin has commented on the Red joker being affected mainly for summoning Teddy with the dreamer which is a thing.
  6. Fat fingers no proofReading 5am in the morning and super tired. Thankfully I was not. Now I will clean it up. Wow that is a mess.
  7. What's wrong with magic? Is it grossly overpowered to freely teleport 30yards all the time at no cost to your self, when all you need is a 3-4 (av 6-7) in non dramatic time. It's my favorite past time. Bamf I just robbed your store, bamf more Robberys. Fire ball raise damage by +6 tn, plus the increase range by 4-6 puts the tn at 16-18 which sure if it hits does what 5/6/8? Most minions and enforcers can take that on the chin right? I only need 3 of 13 cards Heck I might even flip it. Being a dabbler is fun. Or my fan favorite teleporting a lit stick of dynamite next to my enemies. Since I am not trying to teleport it into their pockets no resist. But I think it's completely unfair some times. For instance, I light this bundle of dynamite that can blow a hole in MT Rushmore. Next ap I teleport the bundle of dynamite just above the targets head. FM what happens to him.
  8. Well before he moves he must succeed on disengaging from the enemy. But if he fails one or both his Walk action fails and he does not move as per the rulebook.
  9. If he knew he wanted mancha and was going to hedge his bet on him I would ha e taken Trixxiebelle in a heart beat. Need to win that initiative she does that then mancha does what he wants. So player error is not the scenarios fault.
  10. The obeyed model is not activating. But for eat your fill it doesn't need to. You killed a model heal all wounds. If this was your activation end it now. If not continue.
  11. All pushes are direct straight lines when pushing in relation to another object.
  12. so i have been using the Samurai recently with favor of jigoku (take no damage during there activation) and i am finding it really really good. giving him fast via wandering river upgrade shooting 3 times at 14" with a +++ to hit and tracking back and forth hitting more models and going back to the original. i have in one action shot 5 different models and burned through my deck (BJ was in my hand) then more shots afterwards. a modest profile of 2/3/4 is what keeps this some what honest but sheesh it does some work. how have the other upgrades faired?
  13. Burying a model is not killing it so if it unburied and away from deployment zone you get points. But otherwise it's like saying hey ashes and dust you died and then reformed you are the same model. Also what if I had murder protege on ashes and he died and reformed do I in gain points now since the model is not dead?
  14. You do know if I kill your bodyguard and you resummon it with yan lo I have denied you bodyguard cause the summoned model is not the model you declared bodyguard on.
  15. So what we have here is a Failure to communicate. Either the model does not move and the charge action fails ( which is impossible since the action could not be taken in the first place) or the model moves. Question is which way. Personally i think it should be towards Sidir and call it good enough not make any attacks since the models are not engaged. But it is also Equally viable to move the *charging* model in any direction you want since you ignore los and range so the action is complete. Or the Sidir player can not be penguin and just fufill the spirt of the rule of taking it on the chin. solves this problem. But with out a doubt this needs a faq.
  16. I would not mind. If anything I could listen to it while thinking of more lists to play.
  17. Spawn mother? Cause why not. Gets you gupps good for reconnoiter
  18. What if make them suffer is in the scheme pool and I don't take any minions or peons. Or murder protege is there Also and I take ashes knowing full well o am going to kill him my self. That's 6 points I can't get back. Cleary the game is broken.
  19. except for hamelin though right? cause he needs to be immune to cursed objects cause hey he is cursed. or how bout being distracted he does not need that he is solely focused on winning the Tyrant game.
  20. yeah they not care for condtions its amazing. all these book 2 things that make book one seem obsolete right? right ? Wrong. adapt and overcome
  21. Hypoking why you get a like for repeating what I said. Psh I call bs lol.
  22. Assassinate is a poor choice against them also. Much poorer v levy ofc but dreamer can hide buried Also.
  23. If the mcmourning used Injection then yes the chiwahahaa can drop a scheme marker but if he used Governors authority. he could not.
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