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Everything posted by Poltron

  1. 1) Damage only occurs when you move (in/out/inside) an hazardous terrain. So only 3 damage until he moves again. 2) Not sure you can place markers on models (If I remember right they use the terrain placement rule which states you got to place it within 1" of a model.) Hope it help and I'm waiting for a more elaborate answer too
  2. He's still one of the best shooting construct for a Ramos's crew, can heal even when Ramos manifests and is one of the only minion that can use the scraps that Ramos dropped when he died. Need more scavengers! I'm getting one for sure
  3. Yep, gunfighter changes the attack (and icon) to a melee attack when in melee range. So no bulletproof against it.
  4. With no intention to remove the manliness of this duel between two great robot lovers, I'm going to give my 2 cents as a Ramos player (and fan) Ramos still have access to one of the best armor piercing crew around (Ramos, gunsmith, LSPA, SS miner, Rusty, etc) so the Protect chain effectiveness can be reduced quite quickly. With a peacekeeper, Toolkit and a guardian following the Hoff, you're talking about a lot of SS that can only be in one place at a time, and you can't move too fast because the guardian has to keep up with the rest to be an effective protect chain. On some strategies it can be easy to predict where Hoff is heading and wait for him with an anti-armor apocalypse of doom. I agree on Watcher vs SA for speed, but if the SA is sitting on top of an objective, Watcher won't be able to remove it from there without help (most objectives can't be interact while in melee and are also on the other side of the board) and that help will be easy to see coming, again because of the cost of a Protect chain and its limited field of action and activations. If I had to pick 1 strategy where I would put all my money on Ramos, it would be shared Claim jump for sure. Some will hold greater challenges, but I'm sure it wouldn't be impossible, after all, it's Ramos we're talking about! Gentlemans, proceed! Poltron
  5. You got it spot on for all your examples. Nice diagrams by the way!
  6. With the models you already have, Ramos would be a good choice, however he's in the same category of slow masters (until he manifests into a big spider). In my opinion, Avatar Ramos is one of the best avatar in the game, and the best in the arcanist's branch. You change into a big beatstick that can cover a lot of ground in a turn and summon nice constructs. Snowstorm is a great choice, but depending on point size, you may not field him that often. He's really great for Raspy though, it gives you a graverobber to keep corpse counter on the table for when you manifest, and he can ensure that Raspy uses her precious AP on casting instead of walking, while keeping enemies away. Depending on your budget, there's Marcus for a different feel, but you need a lot of models from other factions to fully use his crew's potential. His avatar isn't a must to start with. Colette is also in her own world, using mostly showgirls. I didn't see her in action a lot, so I'll let other comment on her.
  7. If you only want a melee model instead of Johan, grab a Large Spider Arachnid. For 5SS, you'll have more attacks, ignoring armor and giving you 3 scrap counters when it dies. Johan would still be wonderful against enemies weak to magical attacks though. Joss could be replaced by another Large Spider, and with the SS you save, you could grab a mechanical rider instead of the gunsmith, who is one of the rare construct that can shoot. You could also put 2 gamins instead, Ice gamin with Ramos can be particulary durable for 4SS. If you plan on summoning a lot, I strongly suggests taking a look at the Mobile Toolkit, he can make sure you summon a spider and creation each turn. Else with your current setup, you'll need a lot of Tomes in your hand each turn to Reactivate + summon twice. Hope it helps! Poltron
  8. Yeah you must use scrap that's on the battlefield, can't use one that Hoff or MT's holding.
  9. Kaeris has a nasty Immolate spell against WP too, in the 3/5/6 Dg range, and has Use soulstone. Should be easy to bring it to a straight flip for Severe. Avatar Ramos can bring Watchers on the table, so that could be a good choice too.
  10. Maybe grab a graverobber on the table, wendigo, acolyte or any other you can think of, so that when she manifests, you'll have corpse counters ready on the table. You may still have some trouble with activation orders with the Effigy. Having a Ikyrio in your face turn 2, with no Companion ability, means that you need to activate Raspy first to remove the threat, so no +AP that turn. A not so rare event against fast crew. It's still a strong choice, but even Essence of power may helps you to get those precious Severe easier and is normally well worth the 2SS. (Altough with that many molemens, using them as blast generator and cheating down to ensure a Severe won't affect them that much with +4 armor.) Also, Arcane Reservoir doesn't stack, unfortunately. But you lose it when you avatar, so may be another good point to take the Effigy. My brother used the "Myranda->Raptor->Change Rasputina to beast->Furious casting" combo, and while situational, it's devastating being on the receiving end of 6 December's Curse a turn. Ok enough for now, good luck with your crew building! Poltron
  11. Would his ability stack over 2 turns? It says "next activation", so you could use it 2 turns in a row, once after the leader activated, then once before it activate, granting him 2 of the same category of "special" AP for channeling/(2) spells? In our group we still play it as an additional AP that can Channel/(2), but it's true that's it not that black and white.
  12. Just to chip in: I think we all understand that the probability shouldn't change over an infinity of play. Same deck, same cards, same chance for that first flip. In college I've programmed a infinite coin flip that always went 50/50 Head/Tail over the course of 18+ earth's lifespan. However, that coin flip could be Head for 10K years before switching to Tail. If I die before I see the Tail's flip, I'll think it's 100% Head instead of 50/50. For the card's mecanic: Turn 2, I flip a Red joker on Initiative. I can guess that my opponent will/should be more careless turn 2, knowing that I don't have it in hand/deck anymore. It's not the same 20%/80% that I had, for that turn only mind you. Of course after the turn 3' shuffle, we kind of reset those same probabilities to what they were. (minus what's in our hand of course) Same for H2W2, if near the end of the turn, couple of important activations left (always the best for last right?), you saw me flip before all my 10+ on a attempt to wound and a weak card always popped to mess with them, you can feel safer about those last actions. You'll know, for example that your 13 will go through no matter what against similar stats, because you saw my big cards go through the drain. So not that much alien, maybe more closer to earth in fact. Oh and the Red joker wasn't used as part of the Joker's debate hehe!
  13. Hum, so what if a model with slow activates, loses 1 AP, attack with melee expert, and gains slow as a result? Would he loses the remaining AP? Same situation, no melee expert: He uses his second AP to attack and gains slow but has no AP left to lose, would he gains slow on the next activation instead?
  14. He doesn't need it, but with the student, aRamos could use Fast to create 2 Scrap then use Hasty Assembly all in one activation and with 0 Scrap to begin with. If by chance you would have more Scrap on you, on your second activation you could still manage to summon 1 more, or gather 2 more Scrap for the next turn. This is a very static way of playing him of course, and dangerous by been at only 1 wound all the time. But like I said, don't try this at home! For experienced users only
  15. He discards Burnout and any other "effect" on him. The Reactivate part is already done so you only lose the second effect of the spell by manifesting. Try it the other way around, Rusty Factory Inc. Reactivate Ramos every turn instead, he could avatar first activation turn 2 and then start pumping 5SS minions each turn. Throw in a Student with Kaeris and that's 2 minions a turn! Can't wait for the Warden! (Warning: Do not do this at home!) Hope it helps!
  16. If only Wyrd had the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... Gotta read that again, thanks for the reminder bashamer!
  17. If it doesn't say "another model" you're good to target yourself with it. You have LOS on yourself, plump or not
  18. It's good though if you want to avatar, you lose Arcane Reservoir when she manifests. But the Essence normally help you avatar faster due to the positive flip, so it all come down to preference, quality vs quantity
  19. Yup, already read those errata. They only talk about Push that Place models though, however in the rulebook some Push effects seems to not ignore severe terrain. I'm just wondering when you take this penalty into account. Zoraida's pulse, Steamborg's push, Snowstorm etc all seems like Push that would suffer from Severe penalty, but then again, reading both paragraphs in the rulebook I'm not so sure. Also from the Errata: Directly toward / away from something move as far as the effect requires in a straightline. Models will stop this move if they come into contact with other intervening models or terrain they could not move through or over. If you must climb because of a Push but can't climb enough to pass over the terrain/obstacle, are you closer to the target than at the start of your movement, been that we normally don't count vertical distance between model to be closer/farther? If not, then you could choose not to climb right? Thanks for your inputs!
  20. Hi all! After reading the rules for Push and Push effect in the rule manual, it's state that from certains Push you dont get any terrain severe penalty, and from other Push effect you do. What differenciate the 2 types of Push, when would you get the Severe penalty? Also, can a model climb as part of a Push? Snowstorm pushing Rasputina 2" on a climbable wall, would she need to climb it? Thanks for your help!
  21. As much as I can fit, as long as it looks like a fair battlefield. Terrain can really be game-changer, not enough you're hurt against ranged; too much without a couple of streets/corridors and then melee dominates. I favor a lot of small terrain (sometimes only 32mm round) and a couple of bigger one. I would even say that some balances issues with models can be directly associated with how much terrains was on the board, and which type. I would love to have some premade maps by the designers (with their terrain rule in mind), so that in league/tourneys everyone plays within the same parameter. (Altough been able to select a crew based on the battlefield is also part of the game.)
  22. It's a spirit, but like EternalVoid said, 1 wound normally send it to breaking point, which means next activation it blows right where it is, for 2 damage instead of 3 + it's "wound when touched". You normally have a chance to make it happen, except if he "outactivates" you. The range of his pulse is 2", so no worry if you attack from 3". He also only has Bash to disengage your key model from fleeing and if he wants to blow up, can only move 4", for a 6" threat range, and that's only on the second turn he's on the table. Let him die alone from his own wounds if you can. Of course if he can summon it right in your group, then none of this really applies, you will be hurt, but by killing it yourself you still minimise the damage. It also means that Ramos is 6" away from your force, with his big bad 2 Defense. A very vulnerable position against any melee crews.
  23. Haha sure is! I can see both sides of your ideas as valid. Thanks for your input. In fact I played it with a merge of your two ideas. If anyone can point me to a rule, errata, etc that could make it crystal clear, me and my favorite opponent (me) would love that!
  24. A little bump to page 1! Anyone can help me with this? I'm sure it will happen again in a near future and would love to know how it must be played correctly. Thanks in advance!
  25. Edit: Ninja'ed by the boss! You can find them on Ratty's underground lab: http://malifaux.nezumi.me.uk/ Have fun!
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