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Everything posted by Requirement

  1. Reenforcing him is the best option. It sucks that he is a death marshal... no issue command from Lucy. The gauntlet has been thrown. Looks like someone has to travel 3 hours... also I will be playing a pre-errata dreamer crew. Edit: I'll probably just lose anyway.
  2. I could be wrong, but I don't see why it wouldn't stack, as Finish The Job and Crit Strike aren't the same ability. This would actually be a good buff for the Exorcist. Anyone can feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
  3. Their sculpts are really two of my favorite. As to thoughts, let's see: The Exorcist is good when he does his thing. In the games I have played with him so far he suffers from being slow... so slow... and a little bit of the "Samael effect," in that, once your opponent knows he can wreck non-living models, they go after him. On the bright side though, like I said, he can wreck non-living models. Both weapons being magical is really useful and his melee weapon ignores HtW and Armor AND gets a to damage against non-living (that includes constructs. Take that Arachnid Swarm)... if you can get him there. All in all, a solid 6 stone model. The Witchling Handler is awesome. I have only had the chance to field her twice as I just got her last week but in both games she performed better than I expected. She adds a finesse that the Guild has been lacking in. She is a 7 stone force multiplier. Hit someone with the greatsword? They lose all suits associated with their Ca (and recieve to cast during it's next activation! on a trigger) That's a power too great to overlook. Her damage track isn't too shabby on either her sword or her pistol (there is a non-auto crit strike on her pistol.) She really benefits from being with a bunch of Stalkers, which has the obvious downside of bunching you up, but the buffs she gives and receives from being near the Stalkers are worth it. She has the ability to wreck crews that rely on casting, adding a little touch of Sonnia to any crew she is in. Hope that helps at all. I've been pretty happy with both models so far since I play against a fair amount of Rezzers and Arcanists. ---------- Post added at 01:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 PM ---------- VIKS ARE BROKEN ERRATA! ERRATA! I NEED ERRATA TO EVERY MODEL THAT BEATS ME! You Viktoria running cheater.
  4. That's the way I remember it playing out. Since "Everyone starts simultaneously but ends at different times" is kind of the breakdown of the companion chain now, Nino dies. Personally I like it this way as it makes more sense with "simultaneously" written in there. Also, by this ruling, I believe the Drill Sergeant (damn hard word to spell) companioned with Hoffman allows his aura to go off as long as he activates first. I don't think it would be of any use if after Hoffman activated the aura got shut down...
  5. You are lucky, no denying that fact. And as an unemployed nerd, I spend enough time on the forums to have read once or twice that she smeared you with the Viks (this happens to me, too, almost every time I play against them.) That is luckily what has happened with me. I got aSonnia, who costs enough I should have just bought the Hoffman box, the Exorcist, and the Witchling Handler. The last two are solid grabs.
  6. I am in the same budget boat. Trying to move in with the girlfriend and be a grown-up is the worst thing for my toys habit. The kicker is I can't convince her to play so I can't even trick her into buying the models I want. Seriously, I haven't bought a cuddle gun in months. On topic though, play Hoffman. Play him because my budget doesn't let me buy him yet and he is who I want to play.
  7. You can NEVER go wrong with Austringers. The range and cb are amazing AND they don't need line of sight. The Watcher is an awesome objective grabber. Super fast (7in walk) with fly. He adds in a fun little bit of deck control as well. My personal new crush, the Witchling Handler. Runs perfectly in a Sonnia crew and adds in a new level of synergy and finesse with the Witchling Stalkers. She's a little on the slow side herself, but gets it done when needed with a decent melee combat and a ranged option. A totem is also a good grab. I like the Drill Sergent myself. He has a few good boosts to other guardsmen around him(Austringers) or to the melee of whichever model he is linked to. In terms of the next BOX to buy, I really like Lucius. He's got a few tricks up his belt, especially when paired up with the Guildguard and Elite Division as he is supposed to be. I'd tell you to get any of the three single models. Not going to run you too many dollars and well worth it.
  8. I have been looking for that post for about 2 weeks! The example used was Nino with poison and Abuela trying to heal him in a companion chain. I have gotten in so many fights over companion. This Kirai trick... that will have to be remembered for the future... and everyone says the Guild isn't tricky.
  9. That's my problem! I just tried to make my old fate deck jealous by using a different one in front of it.
  10. Your brilliance is untouched, Ratty. You made what I was trying to say sound smart and thought out.
  11. Right. Now if only someone could fix the whole "fate cards hate me" situation.
  12. You've sold me on those paints... now just to get my hands on some. Beautiful job!
  13. Beautifully done. I look forward to seeing more.
  14. I whole heartedly second this. The dark colors are annoyingly good.
  15. Generally pretty good. With my minis, especially masters/unique models, I put in the extra time to shade and highlight separately, instead of just doing a big wash. There are tons of really good fabrics tutorials out there though.
  16. I'll send you some for that beer. Hahaha
  17. My group ranges from a guy that ordered custom made resin bases to a guy who just puts them on the black plastic bases and says "deal with it." I personally like to have nice bases that can compliment the model. I have started to custom make bases but most the time I just cheat and buy resin bases from a company like micro arts studio. Cheap enough for the presentation and really, it ends up being like $15 bucks to base a malifaux crew.
  18. I know I'm off topic now but isn't it so refreshing to play with these types of people? Every once in a while my faith in humanity is slightly restored.
  19. and in reference to triggers (I am thinking in particular of Ryle's trigger that let's him perform another damage flip) they play out as a separate attack, being affected by armor separately from the initial damage total. So it plays out as such: Red joker + second flip - armor = wds taken followed by a new instance of flipping trigger damage flip - armor = wds taken I just point this out because my group has messed this up so many times and really struggled to get our heads around it for some reason. Also, always keep in mind that wds and dmg aren't the same.
  20. They come with the rock outcropping and the stick that make them fly. I'm pretty sure they are not a full base insert. Word to the wise, silurids win games. My buddy takes all silurids and frequently wins based on speed alone. They may not be the most durable models around, but he typically has schemes done turn 2, turn 3 at the latest and really the silurids aren't too bad in combat.
  21. I have to say, I like the scrap counter so much more washed. It looks more professional or something, not sure. I do see that the words are a little hard to read though.
  22. I am right there with this comment. Those are the best looking guild hounds I have seen.
  23. In all seriousness though, my buddy and I had a long talk about this a few months back. I would be stoked to have an app for a tablet/iphone/computer to keep around the game table. I'm not even sure if it would replace anything for me (I am notoriously set in my ways; even with laminated cards, I keep everything written on a piece of paper) but I would still shell out my hard earned cash for the app. If it included a copy of the rulebook, I can see easily paying $15 bucks and it would provide a platform for containing eratta withing the rulebook in a digital medium without the hassle of a re-print every few years.
  24. Hahaha. To each their own? I personally think heaving bosoms, thigh-high boots, and pants that would sell in most stores as a thong to be the most tasteful thing you can find... at least passable for casual Fridays at the office.
  25. Which brings up a good question, has anyone had luck with non-modeling-specific paints? I grabbed a couple bottles at the arts & crafts store last time I was there but haven't actually tried them yet.
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