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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. No one played this one, but I am no quitter. Here was this week's encounter: Smoky Mountains Christmas Suggest by Jose Set Up- Place one 30mm Lorna Marker in the center of the table. Players should then flip a card and take turns placing 30mm Orphan Markers on the table. No Orphan Marker should be placed within 8” of any deployment zone and not within 6” of any other Orphan Marker. There will be seven Orphan Markers placed in total. After the last Orphan Marker is placed, the other player will place a 30mm Witch Marker on the centerline within 3” of the table edge. All Markers are Ht 2 (Ht 1 for Orphan Markers), Blocking, and Impassible. Specials- All models gain the following Ability, “She’s an angel: This model may discard a card if within LOS of the Lorna Marker to make a 1 / 2 / 3 Healing flip.” Any model within 1” of an Orphan Marker may (1) Interact with it to move it 6”. After all models have activated, the Witch Marker will move 6” towards the closest Orphan Marker. If the Witch Marker is within 1” of the Orphan Marker, remove it from the table. If the Witch Marker is not within a 1” of an Orphan Marker and within 6” of any other model, that model gains Poison +2 and Slow conditions. If neither of the above condition at met, the Witch Marker will push 4” towards the closest Orphan Marker. Victory- At the end of the encounter, players gain 1VP for each Orphan Marker within their Deployment zone. You may gain up to 4VP from this .
  2. I think I have truly seen everything now. Wyrd is scaling models to fit the base they come with?! It is truly a Christmas miracle. If only this "technology" was around about 2 or 3 years ago.
  3. Interesting. Some time ago I wanted to try WM but a comic derailed my interests; also interesting that I found it after all these years. Because that is still true of War Machine/ Hordes.
  4. Mordhiem, Necromunda, and Blood Bowl all start off very balanced, but the campaign rules quickly spin that out of control.
  5. So sad I am missing it. It was a blast last year. I am going to try and make it more to event next year. I would not plan on the old group showing up though. Can't wait until we can have a co-op event with the new community.
  6. The University got a lot to bad press, but I thought it was pretty good. It includes 2 encounters and 1 solo encounter. It was before the time of TTB, but they did make a Penny Dreadful based on them earlier this year which was pretty good. I really liked the rules as it give us the basic NPC rules, which I think are pretty good. I have used them for many an encounter. I have not had a chance to read the Crossroad 7 booklet yet, but I feel it will be pretty cool also. I am hoping to see more Encounter box sets like this for more factions, but with the count of models released getting smaller, it seem unlikely. Since book 3 only had about 5 new models per faction, it would have been awesome to see them come out in a story encounter set with some extra rules for the campaign.
  7. I loved this game from the start, and have followed the kickstarter from day one. I never could get the $155 to back it and get the main game and now that it is out and the price tag is $300, I will never play it. Not that I would have been able to get in any games anyways, without a good gaming group. Guess it is better to not have it then to have it and never play it. Glad you love it so much! I do feel the price tag is going to keep anyone outside the kickstarter from ever getting this.
  8. Yup, I remember those. I tried them out and they were pretty fun, to be honest.
  9. -laughs- Oh no, I would never call for someone else to do something like this, I got the creative skills to handle it. I more wanted to see how many ripples it caused when I tossed the idea into a pond. As a die hard fan of skirmish games, from Mordheim, Necromunda, Confrontation, Warlord, and Chainmail (see who remembers that one), multi player games have always been the rules set that came out shortly after the game was release. When you are playing with a group of minis that small, there is always feeling of getting in a 4 man free for all to see who is best. There is also times (and I suffer from this the most) when there is an odd man out, thus the 3 way. Going to put the old noodle to this one and see what happens.
  10. So we got a campaign setting for malifaux. I thing I feel we need next is a good set of multi player rules. Not the team rules that we already have, but 3 way and 4 man free for alls! I already know all the nay sayer will be here talking about the game being too balanced and no way you could do rules like that, but I feel we could pull them off. 5 new multi player strategies and 6 new multi player schemes. All skirmish games need multi player rules. And I mean more than what was in the Strategies and Scheme deck.
  11. Pretty much that list. Each offers a little something new, but I feel the all seem to be a little heavy on the tactics of the game.This master does this and this master does that, ok if you are into only that. You don't get the same extra chat like Lost Boys and Malifools used to have. There just doesn't seem to be many podcast that add a little in about the hobby of the game. Cheated Fates is pretty with that feel of the extras.
  12. As promised, I said I would post up the story encounter used each day of my achievement league, and here you go. Enjoy Scrooged Suggested by Jon Set up: Normal Special Rules: At the end of the First Turn, your Leader gains the following Ability: “Visited: If this model is in play during the Upkeep phase, you may score VP from the Spirited special rules. If this model is not in play at the end of the turn, return it to play at the start of the next turn in your deployment zone with half damage.” At the start of each turn, a new Spirited special rule will come into play. *Turn Two Spirited special rule: ‘A sloppy taxied past” After all models have activated, the First player may place a Scheme marker into play anywhere on the table. The second player may then do the same. If the scheme marker is in line of sight of a model with the Visited Ability, gain 1 VP. *Turn Three Spirited special rule: “ A painful pixied present” All model, but models with the Visited Ability, deal +1 damage on all Attack Actions for this turn. If a model with the Visited Ability dealt at least 2 damage to an enemy model or suffered at least 2 damage from an enemy model, gain 1 VP. *Turn Four Spirited special rule: “A grim dark future” If at least one enemy model is killed or sacrificed this turn, gain 1 VP. At the start of the next turn, place a copy of one of the models killed or sacrificed this turn into its controller’s deployment zone, the controller may pick the model. *Turn Five Spirited special rule: “Put a little love in your heart” Any damage dealt by a model with the Visited Ability heals that much damage instead for this turn. If at least one enemy model is healed at least 3 damage by a model with the Visited Ability, gain 1VP. Victory: The player that scores the most VP, wins the encounter.
  13. The achievements start tonight! How will things start out? Be sure to check here later to see the story encounter used in tonight's league.
  14. Well, considering I was allowed to play it, I'm sure he didn't see a problem with it. Granted I did win this HH, but I wasn't the only person who brought a 3 model crew either. I can see why they want 4 models to a crew, to prevent bringing 2-3 powerful models and using upgrades to bolster them strictly. But then if everyone does it, is it really unbalanced? I am pretty sure that is the idea. So you don't take a 4 ss smoe and then a 13 ss big guy with upgrade. It does force better balance, in a way.
  15. Next week, it all gets started. Join the Facebook event page and see the story encounter for the week the Wednesday before! I will also be posting the story encounters here for anyone interested.
  16. My newest community goes like this: Lilith, The Viks, Leveticus, Somer, Yan Lo, and Seamus. That is about all at the moment, add in Lynch, which I play. But the community is still new, like two months.
  17. It really depends on your TO. The official rules state you do need four models, no more, no less. But your TO can change that. Should ask them about the rules before hand.
  18. Back in the beta, they were at one time, gremlin gurls or something like that. But some people have problems with everything and they were changed to Bushwhackers. I imagine the first idea was to make them girly like Trixie, but changed to the rough and tumble Bushwhackers. But to the question, yes, they are all girls, or ladies, or femlins, or something.
  19. Link to the first event day. Sign up and get a sneak peek of the Story Encounter for that day. https://www.facebook.com/events/488945151278622/
  20. It is that time of the year again. Time for get togethers with family, large fancy dinners, gifts, and MALIFAUX!! Join the holiday fun at the Game Shoppe for the Season's Beatings Achievement League. There will be holiday themed story encounters every Monday in December as you play to earn achievement points. Encounters can played at any soul stone level and all are welcomed to join. At the end of it all, the player with the most achievement points will win a special model of their choice. But what would the holidays be without the act of giving? Not only does the player with the most points win a model of choice, but they will also pick another player in the league to win a special model also! It will be great times for all! Be sure to join our Facebook page if you want to be in the event for all the latest info! Where? Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th St Omaha, NE 68116 (402) 991-8699 When? Mondays December 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th Time? Games can start at 6pm and run until 9pm Cost? Nothing! Happy Holidays!
  21. I signed up. Should put some warning on buying something from the Black Friday sale, might push you past the Dec 31st receive date. That happened to me last year.
  22. I am shocked at the lack of crazy colored Dark Carnival option! I am am also shocked at the price of the the other special editions. They are reasonable this time, how nice. But really, everything else is a meh. Also, not sure why everyone is freaking out about the freebies, like freebies never show up in other promos, ever. Like Wyrd is going to send out the armor Barbaros and then toss out the left overs. Come on guys, how long we been fans of Wyrd games? Anyone remember the "special" edition sniper from last year?
  23. There are a few encounters in which you could score more than 10VP, but the rules of Malifaux state you can't earn more than 10VP, no matter where they come from.
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