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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Then you make the order, when it comes in, everyone takes part in an Enforcer Brawl! The winner get a mini! lol
  2. If you can't get the big order yourself, team up with your community! Those Alts looks amazballs.
  3. The White Elephant in the Room league Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 n 144th St Omaha, Ne 68116 Date: November 28th through December 19th Time: Gaming starts 6:00 pm Cost: Each player must purchase and turn in one $11 M2E Malifaux plastic miniature (see below for details) The holidays are almost here! What better way to celebrate than with Malifaux and a gift exchange. Here is how the league works: In order to enter the league, one must purchase a M2E Malifaux plastic model that cost $11, no more, no less. This model must be turned in before you can join. The model must be left with myself on Monday nights. Once turned in, players will be randomly paired up each other to play a special holiday themed story encounter. A win will earn a player 3 Steal markers, a lose with 1 Steal marker, and a draw will give both players 1 Steal marker. At the end of the league on Dec 19th after the last encounter, there will be a white elephant themed gift exchange with the models that everyone bought. Starting with the lowest score of the league, players will pick a model they like and keep it or cash in Steal markers to take another player’s model. Should be a great time for all!
  4. Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 n 144th St Omaha, Ne 68116 Date: Monday, November 21st Time: Event starts 6:30pm sharp Cost: $5. All fees collected will be split up among 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place The turkeys are back! This time they are bringing along a friend and the Annual Enforcer Brawl will never be the same! Grab your favorite Enforcer and give them your best upgrade as you try and battle it out in five round of brawling excitement! Prize kit will be there and the fees collected will go toward the top 3 players as well. https://www.facebook.com/events/1071064973011098/
  5. They need some to preview before we can preview them. Kind of like how you use your special attack in a game, you have to wait for the gauge to refill before you can use it again. Wyrd smashed that button on Gen Con and now they are refilling the gauge.
  6. LordZombie

    LordZombie's Painting Efforts

    A collection of my models I have painted for many challenges, contest, and fun. Enjoy.
  7. From the album: LordZombie's Painting Efforts

    My Papa Loco cosplay.
  8. From the album: LordZombie's Painting Efforts

    It is all fun until Papa Loco shows up.
  9. Looks like the TTB event will have a special guest, Puppet Carver.
  10. From the album: LordZombie's Painting Efforts

    A little something I made for my Halloween 2016 TTB event. It is puppet Carver.
  11. That is the one I use all the time. It is a life saver. Great for making markers of any size and adding text to them.
  12. They're coming to get you! Next Monday the encounter begins.
  13. Location: Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th St Omaha, Ne 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: Halloween Oct 31 Time: The adventure starts at 6:30pm Fee: None Join the group on Halloween for a truly nightmarish event. Bring your fate deck and pick a Fated as you try and make it through the One Shot Through The Breach adventure, "Night of the Carver". There will be some candy and lots of RP fun. Open to all, but seating may be limited to get there early. Happy Halloween!
  14. Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 n 144th St Omaha, Ne 68116 Date:Monday, October 24th Time: Event starts 6:30pm sharp Cost: $5. All fees collected will be split up among 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Something bad has happened. No one knows for sure how it started, but everyone is sure the Guild will put a stop to it. All you need to do is survive the night. Now a small group of henchmen are hold up in an old house in hope of seeing the morning. Players get 13 soulstones to pick a henchmen and any legal upgrades. Players will then be teamed up together as one crew and battle a Fatemaster (that is me) and a horde of zombies. Players will be working together to survive the 5 rounds but will also trying to earn VP to place in the top 3. Players can also earn bonus VP for painting up your henchmen in a Halloween theme, so get working.
  15. I want to give out a heart felt thanks to Victoria and her hard work at Fauxmaha! It was a great time as always! Can't wait for Fauxmaha 2017. I need to get more models painted for that!
  16. Location: The Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th St Omaha, NE 68116 (402) 991-8699 Date: October 3rd until the end of the Divergent Paths Times: Mondays 6pm till 10pm and Saturdays 12pm till 4pm Cost: Nothing Come out and join in the world wide event called Divergent Paths at an official game shop. Get in your games and help shape the fate of the 3 newest people to Malifaux. We will be doing open gaming for the event. Come in and play any size game and try out all three story encounters. It is all free and will get you on the list for the free minis.
  17. My shoppe signed up day one, a few hours after it was announced and we are not on there. O.o
  18. Personally, I want to choose the lady also. The Thunder could use a comedy relief.
  19. Well this request seems out of left field. What about mini games? Is that crafty enough?
  20. It is just me, or did August get the shaft on Monday Previews? And before anyone says it, yes I know there was Gen Con. Just seems like Monday Preview have been off the "to do" list for a while. On a side note, this time last year Nythera campaign started.
  21. Those are some good questions. A proxy list of legal Wyrd minis would be nice.
  22. This time, my community and I are ready. I totally missed the last one.
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